This audio recording, titled "Vacum Recording from February 27, 2013," captures the familiar yet satisfying hum of a vacuum cleaner in action within an apartment setting. The audio begins with the distinctive click of the vacuum power button followed by the immediate, steady drone of its motor. Throughout the recording, you can discern the slight alterations in the vacuum's tone as it maneuvers over different surfaces. The plush carpeting in the living room, the rougher texture of a hallway runner, and the slick linoleum in the kitchen each produce a unique sound, creating an audible map of the apartment's layout. Punctuating the monotony of the vacuum's drone, you can occasionally hear the clink and clatter of kitty litter being sucked up, an audible testament to a cat owner's never-ending battle against mess. Throughout the recording, the vacuum's noise is rhythmic and almost meditative, underscoring the therapeutic aspect of cleaning. The audio ends with the click