The audio begins, immersing you in the unique sound of a kalimba. This is the second part of a composition titled "Kina", which is characterized by an ambient feel, creating a serene and calming atmosphere. As the tones of the kalimba reverberate, a gentle delay effect is perceptible, adding depth and richness to the sound. The kalimba instrument used in this track is home-made, allowing for a distinct and personalized sound that sets it apart. Each pluck of the kalimba's keys resonates, producing a soothing melody that seems to echo around you, making it feel as if you are in the very room where it is being played. The homemade aspect of the instrument further adds a charming novelty to the audio, making it more engaging and intimate. As the track progresses, the ambient theme is maintained, with the kalimba's notes ebbing and flowing in a rhythm that is as hypnotic as it is soothing. The