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cover of Pottery Bursting Apart
Pottery Bursting Apart

Pottery Bursting Apart


The audio begins with the unmistakable sound of pottery being positioned, you can hear the ceramic material scraping lightly against a surface, indicating movement. Suddenly, there's an escalating tension in the audio as you discern a faint hissing sound, like a fuse being lit. This sound rapidly grows in intensity, invoking an image of a firecracker or a petard about to explode. Suddenly, there's a loud, resounding 'pop' - a sound that echoes the burst of fireworks. The noise is startling, a clear and sharp bang that reverberates, suggesting a small, contained explosion. The aftermath is immediate - the distinct clatter of what was once a single piece of pottery, now shattered into countless pieces. The sound of ceramic shards hitting the ground is reminiscent of shattered glass, creating a chilling symphony of breakage. The audio slowly fades, leaving behind an eerie silence, the echo of the explosion still ringing, a testament to the now destroyed piece of pottery.

Sound Effectsexplosionpopbangglasspotteryceramicpetardfirecrackerfireworks

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