This audio, titled "POT BANGING", truly captures the essence of a large-scale demonstration. The sound begins with a steady, rhythmic clanging, which quickly crescendos into a cacophony of noises. The prominent sound is of numerous pots and pans being banged together. The audio hints that this is not a singular action but rather a mass group activity, indicative of a widespread protest. The intensity of the sound ebbs and flows, reflecting the dynamic nature of crowd movements. The pitch and volume suggest that the demonstration is taking place in an open area, perhaps a street or a public square. Amid the clanging, there are intermittent sounds of people shouting, their voices filled with resolve and fervor. As the audio progresses, the pot banging becomes more rhythmic and unified, a clear sign of a coordinated demonstration. The energy is palpable, the determination of the mass group is evident in their persistent banging. The audio paints a vivid picture of a street riot where