In the audio titled "Playgrounds' Pendulums," the listeners are introduced to an environment of a playground, specifically focusing on the metal swing-set. The audio begins with the soft, rhythmic creaking of the swings, creating an almost hypnotic soundscape. Each squeak and groan of the metal chains as they sway back and forth in the air echoes the simplicity of childhood memories. The sounds paint a vivid picture of a playground, teeming with energy, the central point being the swing set. The metal swings, much like pendulums, move back and forth, creating a soothing rhythm that is punctuated by their squeaky nature. The audio beautifully encapsulates the essence of a playground, highlighting the symphony of sounds that are often overlooked, yet are integral parts of such spaces. The audio ends with the fading sounds of the squeaky swings, leaving the listeners with a sense of nostalgia. The "Playgrounds' Pendulums" is not just an audio clip