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cover of Placing_Metal



The audio begins with a distinct clanging sound, signaling the placement of a metallic object on a hard surface. The sound is resonant and clear, the unmistakable ring of metal hitting metal echoing in the background. The sharp, sudden noise is brief, but it carries with it the weight and solidity of the object being placed. The audio continues with the sound of the metal object being moved slightly, creating a scraping noise that's typical of metal on metal contact. The sound is sharp, almost grating, but it quickly subsides. The audio paints an image of a sturdy, solid metallic object, possibly a tool or a piece of hardware, being deliberately placed and adjusted. The audio then concludes quietly, the sounds of the metal object fading away, leaving behind the lingering echo of its presence. The audio paints a vivid picture of the interaction between human hands and the metallic object, showcasing the object's weight, solidity, and the unmistakable texture of its material.

Sound Effectsmetalicmetalobjeto

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