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cover of Performing on a Damp Wine Glass
Performing on a Damp Wine Glass

Performing on a Damp Wine Glass




This audio recording, titled "Performing on a Damp Wine Glass", captures the unique, mesmerizing sounds created by a performer interacting with a damp wine glass. The performer's skilled manipulation of the glass, combined with the specific acoustics of the space, results in a haunting melody that is at once ethereal and profound. The audio begins with the soft, resonant hum of the wine glass, produced by the performer gently rubbing the rim with a dampened finger. This creates a continuous, singing sound, which is amplified by the sensitive Rode NTG3 microphone used to record the performance. The microphone's superior sound capturing capabilities ensures that even the subtlest nuances of the performance are not lost. As the performance progresses, the performer experiments with varying the pressure and speed of their movements, resulting in a dynamic range of sounds. At times, the glass produces a high, clear note, reminiscent of a flute. At other times, the sound deepens, taking on

Sound Effectsntg3wine-glasssinging-glassroderode-ntg3glass

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