The audio starts with the faint echo of footsteps resonating down a narrow stairwell. The footsteps gradually grow louder, accompanied by the soft rustling of clothing and an occasional jingle of metal. As the listener, you are drawn into the anticipation of the approaching journey's end. Suddenly, there is a pause, followed by the distinct sound of a key chain clinking against a metal object. The rattle of a small, metallic object intensifies as the protagonist fumbles, searching for the right key. Then, the familiar sound of a key sliding into a lock breaks the silence. The tension builds as the key turns, with each audible click and scrape magnifying the sense of anticipation. Finally, the satisfying noise of a door unlocking fills the air. The door creaks open, releasing a long-held breath of anticipation. The footsteps resume, this time softer and more relaxed, as if the destination has been reached. The door closes with a final, decisive click, sign