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cover of "Opening and Closing of the Sliding Screen Door in the Backyard, NOTL, Recorded on 191224"
"Opening and Closing of the Sliding Screen Door in the Backyard, NOTL, Recorded on 191224"

"Opening and Closing of the Sliding Screen Door in the Backyard, NOTL, Recorded on 191224"


This audio recording captures the sounds of a sliding screen door opening and closing in a backyard. The track begins with the distinct screech of the door being slid open, followed by a brief silence that is punctuated by the ambient sounds of the backyard. You can hear the faint rustling of leaves and occasional chirping of birds in the background. After a brief pause, the sliding screen door is then closed, its metallic scrape echoing as it settles into its frame. The recording ends with the soft thud of the door fully closing, leaving behind the peaceful sounds of the backyard. This audio was recorded in a serene evening setting, allowing listeners to not only hear the door's interactions but also to get a sense of the peaceful atmosphere.

Sound Effectsscreen-doordoorsliding

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