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cover of Opening and Closing of the Refrigerator Door
Opening and Closing of the Refrigerator Door

Opening and Closing of the Refrigerator Door


The audio begins with the distinct sound of a refrigerator door being opened. The low hum of the refrigerator's motor, a common household appliance, underscores the action. The sound is unmistakable, a low swoosh as the door breaks the seal, followed by a faint rustling. Perhaps it's the shift of items within the fridge, or the crisp sound of the cool air meeting the warmer room temperature. As the door stays open, there's a subtle change in the quality of the sound. The refrigerator's hum grows slightly louder, the cool air inside meeting the warmer air outside causing a slight shift in the refrigerator's normal rhythm. Then, there’s the closing of the refrigerator door. It's a satisfying thud, the seal reconnecting and the swoosh of air being pushed out. The sound of the closing door echoes briefly before everything settles back into its normal rhythm. The hum of the refrigerator returns to its usual consistency, signifying the end of the interaction with the appliance.

Sound Effectsdooropeninghouseholdappliancefridgedoor-opendoor-closedoorsclosingrefrigerator

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