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cover of Minkie's 6th Laugh
Minkie's 6th Laugh

Minkie's 6th Laugh


The audio clip titled "Minkie's 6th Laugh" begins with the sound of a manically infectious laughter, presumably Minkie's. The laughter is deep, boisterous, and robust, resonating with a quality that could only be described as obsidian - dark yet sparkling with an uncontainable vibrancy. Suddenly, there’s a pause, followed by the sound of a pie being squished. The humor in the situation heightens, and the laughter resumes, this time even louder and more unrestrained than before. The manic laughter takes on a life of its own, echoing through the audio and creating an atmosphere of infectious joy and amusement. The audio clip continues in this manner, with the deep, obsidian laughter of Minkie punctuated by the occasional sound of pies being squished. The manic laughter is so contagious that it's impossible not to get swept up in the joyous ambiance. Despite the humor, there's an undercurrent of

Sound Effectsmanicobsidianpielaughminkie

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