The audio titled "Hygiene Maintenance" unfolds in a bustling urban soundscape. It begins with the intermittent beep of a large vehicle backing up, hinting at a garbage truck performing its daily rounds. The rhythmic whooshing of the brakes punctuates the audio as the truck halts at different locations. The squeak of the truck's mechanical arm echoes as it reaches out to grab the bins full of rubbish. There's a dull thunk as the bins are lifted and emptied into the truck. The squeaky arm retracts, and the truck pulls away, leaving behind the faint but distinctive sound of its brakes releasing. The scene shifts to the inside of the truck, where the sounds of sanitation can be heard. The hum of the machinery, the crumpling and crunching of garbage being compacted, all contribute to the sense of cleanliness being restored. Throughout the audio, there's an underlying buzz of city life - distant honks, the faint murmur of crowds,