The audio titled "Forest" is a mesmerizing blend of natural and urban symphony. It begins with the captivating noise often associated with a bustling city, with undertones of field-recording that provide an almost tangible sense of being in the middle of a bustling metropolis. The number 22 subtly represents the time of day, perhaps hinting at a late evening setting. As the audio progresses, the ambiance shifts, moving from the city to a factory setting. The mechanical rhythm of the factory gives a stark contrast to the earlier urban sounds, providing listeners with an intriguing variation. This transition is seamlessly done, maintaining the overall harmony of the audio. The audio then takes a surprising turn, transporting listeners to a serene forest - a 'waldes'. The sounds of rustling leaves, chirping birds, and a gentle breeze evoke a sense of tranquility and solitude, a complete departure from the earlier urban and industrial settings. The audio cleverly incorporates the use of