As the audio titled "First Ocarina" begins, the peaceful sound of the wind rustles in the background, evoking an open-air setting. Almost immediately, a distinctive, mellifluous melody starts to flow, produced by a ceramic ocarina. Its sweet, flute-like notes echo through the air, clear and bright, providing an enchanting contrast to the natural ambient sounds. The ocarina's music is reminiscent of a bird's song, the notes soaring and dipping with the grace and fluidity of a bird in flight. There's an undeniable charm to the composition, a harmony that seems to resonate on a deep, primal level. The sound is both ethereal and earthy, reflecting the ceramic material of the ocarina and its origins in nature. As the piece progresses, the notes of the ocarina become more complex, weaving a beautiful, intricate song that fills the air and leaves an indelible print on the listener's mind. The