The audio begins with the distinct, rhythmic hum of a CBC machine - a vital piece of equipment in the field of science, known for its role in analyzing blood samples. This resonating sound is familiar to those who frequent laboratories and medical clinics. Suddenly, the noise level escalates, symbolizing the machine's transition from standby to a fully operational state. In the backdrop, there's an undercurrent of a noisy fan, whirring relentlessly, providing a cooling mechanism to the hard-working machine. The fan's noise is a testament to its constant efforts in maintaining the optimal temperature for the CBC machine and adds a unique layer to the soundscape. As the audio progresses, subtle, high-frequency sounds, reminiscent of the UPF - Universal Protein Factors, can be heard. These sounds are symbolic, representing the complex cognitive processes that occur within our brains, much like the intricate workings of these machines. The audio is indeed a symphony of science, a harmon