The audio titled "Energectic Universe" opens with an atmosphere that is dark and chilling, immediately plunging the listener into an eerie abyss that is reminiscent of the horror genre. The haunting ambient sounds mimic the vast emptiness, uncertainty, and the enigmatic nature of space itself. As the audio progresses, the tone shifts to a more dynamic one. The rhythm picks up and the energy intensifies, mirroring the chaotic yet rhythmic dance of celestial bodies in the universe. The sounds echo, creating a sense of depth and amplifying the feeling of isolation and vastness in the cosmic expanse. In the background, subtle, ambient noises continue to play, giving a sense of coherence and continuity to the audio piece. These sounds, which seem to come from all directions, create an immersive experience, as if the listener is floating in the unfathomable darkness of outer space, surrounded by the echoing whispers of the universe. Despite the inherent sense of horror and fear that space