The audio titled "Distant Low Frequency Oscillator" is an immersive sonic experience that transports you to a seemingly far-off universe. It begins with a low, pulsating hum, a sound that is not just heard but felt, resonating deep within the listener. This is the low-frequency oscillator, or LFO, that the title refers to, its vibrations reverberating throughout the track. As you delve deeper into the audio journey, the LFO's rhythmic drone is joined by the ethereal echoes of a synthesizer, adding layers of complexity to the audio landscape. The synth notes waver and fluctuate, creating an otherworldly melody that intertwines with the LFO's steady pulse. Intermittently, waves of distortion cut through the soundscape, their rough texture contrasting with the smooth hum of the LFO and the shimmering synth notes. These distorted waves add a sense of unpredictability and tension to the audio, making the listener feel as if they're exploring an