As the audio titled "Cosmic Headgear" begins, the resonating depth of heavy, pulsating beats introduces a universe that's mysterious yet inviting. The rhythm is steady, evoking a sense of traversing through the cosmos with an imaginary headgear, mapping uncharted territories of the infinite expanse. With each beat, there's an undercurrent of cymbals that strike a balance between the silence of space and the noise of cosmic bodies. These cymbals are not jarring, but rather create a rhythmic pattern that's soothing, crafting an atmosphere of tranquil exploration. The audio is processed with meticulous attention to detail, with every beat, every cymbal, and every pause perfectly timed. The processing adds layers of complexity to the audio, making the experience multidimensional, just like the cosmos. It's as if the listener is put in the center of a space odyssey, surrounded by celestial music. "Cosmic Headgear" is a symphony of