The audio titled "Car from March 23, 2010" begins with the distinct sound of a car door being unlocked and opened. The rustling of fabric can be heard as the driver settles in. The familiar jingling of keys is followed by the ignition being turned on, the engine roaring to life with a low, powerful rumble. The sound of switches being toggled and buttons being pressed paints a picture of adjustments being made - perhaps the driver setting the air conditioning or radio station. Then, the car pulls out, the smooth hum of the engine increasing in volume as the vehicle gains speed. The soft whirring of the tires against the asphalt road and the intermittent clicking of the indicator signal the driver's careful navigation through traffic. The rhythmic sweep of windshield wipers and the muted patter of raindrops suggest a light drizzle outside. As the journey continues, the sound effects masterfully create an immersive experience of a car ride, evoking a sense of movement