The audio titled "Buzzing Timer" begins with the distinct sound of a clock ticking, subtly yet steadily in the background. The rhythmic pulsations form the backdrop of the audio, fostering a sense of anticipation and urgency. As time progresses, the sound of a timer comes into play, a repetitive and mechanical ticking that echoes the passage of seconds. The ticking intensifies, growing louder, faster, and more insistent as if counting down to something. Suddenly, the tranquil rhythm of the ticking is shattered by the sharp, jarring noise of a buzzer. The buzzer's blaring alert resonates throughout the audio, insistent and demanding immediate attention. The sound is reminiscent of a quiz show buzzer, a loud and clear indication that time's up. The buzzer continues to blare, a stark contrast to the once calm ticking of the clock, serving as a powerful reminder of the relentless passage of time. The audio ends leaving behind a lingering sense of urgency and an awareness