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cover of Bullet Audio Recorded on August 8, 1985
Bullet Audio Recorded on August 8, 1985

Bullet Audio Recorded on August 8, 1985


This audio recording, titled "Bullet Audio Recorded on August 8, 1985" is a captivating sound effects piece. As the title suggests, the prominent sound throughout the recording is that of a bullet. The audio begins with a distinct, sharp sound of a bullet being loaded into a gun, followed by a pause that builds tension, encapsulating the listener in the moment. Then, the bullet is discharged, producing a loud, echoing bang that reverberates, providing a realistic experience of a gunshot. The aftermath of the shot includes the faint whizzing sound of the bullet speeding through the air, and finally, the impact. The expertly captured and preserved audio from 1985 provides an invigorating sensory experience for the listeners.

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