This audio recording, titled "August 28, 2016, Recording 01," is a captivating piece composed in FL Studio, a digital audio workstation renowned for its superior audio editing capabilities. The piece has been meticulously assembled at a steady pace of 130 beats per minute, providing a rhythm that is both consistent and engaging. The audio begins with a distinctive loop pattern that serves as the backbone of the track. This loop is crafted from unconventional sounds, drawing heavily from the thematic tag of 'garbage.' The composer brilliantly utilises what may be discarded or overlooked sounds, perhaps rustling, clanging or crunching, transforming them into an intriguing auditory experience. Despite the use of seemingly discordant elements, the track maintains a harmonious balance throughout, a testament to the creator's skilful manipulation and application of FL Studio's tools. The piece continuously evolves, with the 'garbage' sounds looped and layered in various ways to create a dy