protesting the insanity of endless wars
protesting the insanity of endless wars
The speaker reflects on the different times in life: times of contemplation and times of sadness. They express the desire for their prayers to be heard when they feel desperate. The speaker mentions the chaos of war and the feeling of helplessness. However, they find solace in the quiet moments of the night and the hope that comes with the first ray of morning light. Even in difficult times, there is still hope to hold onto. There is a time to muse and a time to cry, When we light the fuse to desperate prayers That a pilgrim airs to an indifferent sky. When wars rage on an insane stage, When the horsemen ride grinning wide when bombs rain, And the pen seems slain. I find the restless churning night Turns breathless into morning light, When the first ray creeps my way, A silent song lifts me along and the demons cease To bombard my peace. Even on the slippery slope, When you bury a face to spare of this place, May be hard to believe when there's so much to grieve, Even at the end of the rope, There dangles hope.