Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker wanted to do a live summoning but was too tired and decided to save crystals instead. They won the lottery and got a lot of alch. They did gem summons but didn't get anything good. They did alch summons and got duplicates of characters they didn't care about. They were stressed about using up all their alch. Finally, they got Star God Lisa but lost a lot of alch in the process. They are happy because Lisa is a good addition to their team. Alright, so I actually wanted to do my summons live, like a live summoning, like everybody else, like the cool kids, but I was too lazy, no I wasn't too lazy, I was too tired, I was like 12, I was so tired already, I just wanted to go to sleep man, I'm not going to really spoil what happened, because I'm pretty sure you could guess what happened, but it was more like, it was more nerve wrecking than anything else, I swear I was like, I was drinking water, my hands shaking, like it was that bad, I thought I was cooked, like dead ass cooked. So before I actually start showing my summons, I'm going to tell you guys what happened before these Star God Lisa summons, because I had won the lottery, which is really fucking cool, I don't know, like I don't know what the chances are for winning the lottery, but I know they're really low, and I won, so I just got a huge increase in crystals, which is really good for my future, I could probably pay the War God Fan, and probably that new Roy, or the BFM, which is pretty damn cool. So let me get into these live summonings already, so at first I got my large potions, ok, not that interesting, so I didn't even think I was going to get anything off my gem summons, like I already like, was bracing myself for that, because that's kind of like a dream come true, that was like best case scenario right there, where I don't have to use any alch, so I ended up getting like nothing off of this summon, which, eh it's ok, at least I got alch, for like later, even though that's like a huge cove, 1 5 star, like really dude? So let me get into these alchs, look at the amount I have right now, and then you're going to see how much I got left with, it's actually like really funny, I don't even know how long this took, I think I started saving during Kirisame, I'm pretty sure, yeah, Kirisame, so first I got Volti, and I thought, oh my god, no fucking way, I'm like, alright, start god Lisa next, and like, ah this shit's funny as fuck, watch, just watch this, ok, here's another one, uh, I don't think I need anymore, please GS, like, alright, star god Lisa, please, please, please, I was like down on my knees begging for this star god Lisa, ok, uh, Elizabeth, ok, I don't really give a shit about her, so I'm already down, what, 20, 20,000, 30,000, alch, fuck man, that's like, I don't know how many months of saving already, ok, Mars X, I don't really give a shit about you anyway, but Cashew, get the fuck out of my way bro, what the fuck man, alright, next alch summon, I'm already running low on alch, I'm, this is where I start getting stressed, like, even though it's like only like, what, 4 summons in, ok, another Elizabeth, bro, what the fuck, like, I, there's 15 units in this motherfucking banner, why am I getting dupes, that's a second dupe of a character already, alright, alright, maybe, maybe something else, oh my god, I'm already 100,000, 90,000, oh my, I was stressed already, I didn't, I didn't wanna lose more than like 50k alch on this, and then there's another fucking Volte, like, are you serious dude, alright, 80, 80k left, was that 8 summons, fuck yeah, I got this in the bag, this one's Star God Lisa, 100% right, yeah, what the fuck, I don't give a shit about this guy bro, like, alright, Star God Lisa, Star God Lisa, please, this is when I started drinking my water, and I was already shaking, like, this is where it got, shit got intense, even though like, you have so many alch summons, bitch I want alch bro, like, I'm trying to save as much as possible, and then like, I just gave that up, completely, like after this summon I'm pretty sure I'm just like, oh shit, I gotta lock in, now these GS summons gotta lock in, not me, this is, oh, alright next summon, come on, Star God Lisa, 100%, right here, right here, another Volte, is this number 4, this is Volte number 4 I'm pretty sure, this is where I'm like, what the fuck, did I ask for all these Volte's, I did want Volte, I did want Volte at the start, like, 100%, but I didn't want fucking 4 of them, ok, maybe, what about this one, this one has to be it, right, like, there's no way this one's not it, like, be it is, I should've sold this guy, if I'm being honest, like, right when I got him, I should've just sold him, like, he's that fucking, like, I don't want his ass, his true weapon's cool, not really, but, it's pretty cool, another Volte, bro, this is the 5th fucking Volte, like, alright, alright, alright, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, lock in, lock in, what is this, what is this, please, there it is, I was freaking out by then, I was like, holy, I didn't know what to feel, either happy or sad, because I lost all my fucking alch, you could see me cropping the alch, cause I was just down horrible, I went from 150,000 alch to 13k, that is actually insane, so that's my Stargod Lisa summons, I actually, if I didn't get her from alch, I wasn't going to pity her, I'd rather just go for Wargod Fen, because I have, like, a mainly physical team anyway, the Stargod Lisa is a really good add for me, for the future, cause I have Light Sistina, so, maybe if I get Hazuki in the future, that'd be pretty cool, with BFM, that's pretty cool, so, yeah, I think that's it, I think I'm going to hit the slammer, cause this video is, I think the recording is like 6 minutes already, holy shit, alright, I'm going to go, later!