Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Olivier Brutus, an S&SD, shares recruiting tips during a pre-call segment. He emphasizes the importance of teamwork and building a strong network. He uses the example of Facebook's success through recruiting to highlight the potential of building a distribution machine within Primerica. Olivier suggests recruiting three to five individuals and encouraging them to do the same to rapidly expand the team. By doing so, the market reach and potential for income increase. He advises focusing on building a strong foundation and expanding geographically, similar to the early days of Primerica. Good morning, Adam. Good morning. Olivier and Andrea are both on. They are. Good morning, Olivier. Good morning, Adam. Glad to have you on this morning. Looking forward to your recruiting tips this morning. Yes, sir. Thank you for having us. Looking forward to it as well. And then Andrea is on as well. Good morning. Yes, you. Adam, how are you? Good. How are you? Doing great. Excited to be on. Thank you for having us. We're excited to have both y'all on this morning. Olivier, I will count us down here in just a couple minutes, but we'll let you run for about 12 minutes with your best recruiting tips, the most important thing that you guys are doing, you feel like, for getting your numbers and keeping those numbers every month and what some of these other people might be messing at on. But we're looking forward to hear what you have to say this morning. So we'll let you run for about 12 minutes. If I need to, I'll jump in with a question or two. But other than that, we'll run for 12 minutes, and then we'll keep you on with Andrea to ask some questions as she takes over the main call at 9 o'clock. Okay. All right. Well, I'll go ahead and count us down and we'll get started. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Welcome to our pre-call recruiting tips segment with S&SD Olivier Brutus. Olivier became an S&SD in May of 2022. In 2023, he went over 500,000 and has 12 RVPs in six locations. Good morning, Olivier. What recruiting tips do you have for us today? Are you on there, Olivier? I am, I am, I am. I'm so sorry. Yes. You can hear me now, Adam? Yes, sir, yes. Perfect, perfect. Right. Yes. I was saying thank you so much for having me. It's really an honor to be here representing the team. It's just an honor representing our hierarchy, get big or go home. I mean, it's been a while we've heard this call, and we've heard of the great legends that came before us. I mean, the Berks have been on this call many times, so it's an honor to be with Andrea here this morning as well. But what we've always been taught from all the greats in the company is that nothing great or significant has ever been accomplished by one person, nothing. It's always been a team. It's funny that sometimes we can have this subliminal, subtle arrogance to think that we're a rainbow, that we're going to do something better than the next person, when really it's always been a group. Whether people mention the group or not, it's always been a group. There's never, ever been anything. Even if you go back to the early days of Christianity, I was just reading something over the weekend about that as well, is that the first thing Christ wants to do is go recruit, right? He wants to recruit Simon and his brothers. So the promise is always about building a team. But the example I could give, Adam, that's funny that most of us could relate to is if you think about how Facebook got started, right? Mark Zuckerberg was in college with an idea, right? And he was telling everybody to jump on this website. And most people thought, at least I did when I was in college, I thought that it was simply for socializing. It was simply to have fun. But he had a long-term plan. And his long-term plan was to get all that network to connect it to big companies, right, that were going to pay millions and eventually billions of dollars to be able to go through those networks. So Mark Zuckerberg got eventually a billion people on Facebook by getting different people to get on. He said you have to invite seven. You know, we talk about A.L. Williams and we've heard Art say how you have to get seven to ten to get seven to ten and you get 399 RVPs and that pays you about $300,000-plus a month, right? So somewhat the same, Mark Zuckerberg got started, right, and then he multiplied and multiplied and multiplied. And a lot of companies saw what he was doing. And there are many articles that talked about how he was offered a million, $5 million, $10 million, right, $20 million, $50, a billion dollars by the Yahoos or the Viacoms. And so many different companies, Myspace, offered him that money because they saw the system that he had. Now, unfortunately, because of the average person, like an Olivia Brutus comes in Primerica, and I'm wondering why do I have to recruit? It sounds a little weird. It feels a little weird. But it all was saying where I came from. That's all it was doing. It was really talking about where I came from. I'm from Haiti. I came from Haiti in 2004. My parents wanted to offer my sister and I a better future, so I didn't come from a background of big business, of recruiting, of what it looks like. But that's what everybody that ever built a business did. Well, if you then fast forward, what Facebook has been able to do is create a 39, 40-year-old Mark Zuckerberg worth over $100 billion with this system I'm mentioning. And all of us here to a certain social media, Facebook, Instagram that he also bought, all these different tools, right, he's created a bunch of businesses because of that system. Now you think about Primerica did the exact same thing. We got built, right, in 1977 with the dream that Art Williams had was to get the average person, give them an opportunity to rescue them, really, from their day-to-day life, from the caterpillar life, like Bill Arenda mentioned in his book. Art Williams says, Dale Williams changed my whole life, right? He talks about us having the shock from going from the caterpillar, going through the cocoon and eventually becoming a butterfly, right? That mentality that Art built was to develop a bunch of recruiters that could find talent, and we have to go through those large numbers to find the talent. Again, like I said earlier, nothing good is significant, Adam. I've never been accompanied by one person. So I think that if we realize that all these major companies use the exact same opportunity that we have, the same system that we have, we could as well build something huge. Well, Facebook never paid the network, us, never paid us anything. But we didn't feel apprehensive to refer people, funny enough. We didn't feel weird referring people when Facebook did not pay any of us referring these people. But here it is. Our company last year paid a billion dollars to the sales force, right, in building a marketing agency, if you want to call it that. And that's why I say we have. We have an opportunity not just to recruit to make sales, not just to recruit to find one person and go to their market. We have an opportunity to recruit to build a company within a company. And Deion talks about building aircraft carriers, which is what Andrea has talked to us about, about the circle of champions, right, building an aircraft carrier, not just being able to have a couple of people, but be able to find our VPs that can find our VPs that can eventually become senior national sales directors, circle of champion owners, because we have the shot to build a distribution machine, because who knows long-term what things will look like. So we have to begin with the end in mind. But, again, I think that example of Facebook was very big. When you think about what they've been able to do, which when they were young kids in school, that all they had was a big dream, and then here they are now worth over $100 billion because they kept a childlike enthusiasm at them. Olivier, what do you do to make sure your recruits right out of the gate have that vision and that mentality once you get somebody in, as soon as you get them signed up? What's the next step to make sure they're on board with your vision as far as building a team like that? Right. Well, the minute they come in, Adam, I understand that just like myself, they also do not necessarily understand that recruiting is normal. So we start to make sure that we normalize the recruiting message in their mind. You know, we have the saying that we have what we call the partnership script, but we talk to them about how nothing great and significant has ever been accomplished by one person. Two heads are always better than one. Three heads are always better than two, Adam. Beyond every great man there's always a great woman. These stories were never made up. They're facts, right? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, like I just mentioned, all these guys are business partners. So the first thing we do is that we tell them, okay, we need to recruit your three to five best guys, right? We need to ASAP go recruit your three to five best guys, and those guys need to go do the exact same. Because, Adam, if you think about how Franny Billerender mentions how winners go get the three recruits ASAP, right? So if the winners go get the three recruits for those new teammates ASAP, right, we go from them to their three bests to those threes bests, and then quickly we have a team of three that get three, that's nine, plus the original three, that's a team of 12. The nine that get three, that's 27, plus a team of 12, that's 39. If we have 39, 40 people, Adam, what we do, we don't have to force what we do down people's throats. And that's where a lot of times people say, but when do we make money? We're here to get paid. I understand that. But once you do, once you multiply that way, you open up your market. You open up your reach. So the minute you get that person in, you go recruit for them, you help them build an organization. Because in order to be an A.L. Williams student, in order to be a Primerica, we have to do what they did, not what they're doing right now. What they did was build something on the foundation. What they built was to be everywhere, on every corner of every street. They expanded. They went to every state. They went everywhere. That's what they did. So that's what they did. So I can't be Primerica today if I'm trying to be Primerica tomorrow. I have to be Primerica yesterday. I have to be A.L. Williams yesterday, what they did yesterday. So we have to begin with the end in mind, is that if you want to be in every corner of every street, we have to first start by recruiting. And so if I get just three levels, three like a 3.9, nine like a 3.27, we have a team of about 39, 40 people, Adam. Quickly, if I just have 39, 40 people on our team, there's no way we're not getting 10, 15 people to say, hey, you know what, I'd like to become a client. There's no way. You showed this position five, six times. How are you to get mine? We didn't get mine yet. If you're somebody, even if you're a district coming off the ground, you just got your license, nobody's forcing you to get licensed when there's 15 sales waiting, right, 20 sales waiting. Like, yeah, the upline may be training some of these people. The person may be developing some of these people, but there's so many clients waiting. Now it's like you have a gun to your head, you're forced to get licensed. So really the idea is we've got to blow up a market for them, ASAP, because they need to realize that where am I going to get the client to? Whoa, there are so many options of clientele coming on. So that's what up front we do with them, making them understand that this is a distribution machine. You have the freedom to make $500 part-time. Some people want to keep their full-time career, make some money extra part-time. But this is really meant to be a black card. You can go out and build an organization and become a new Primerica within Primerica. That's the real opportunity that we have here, not just to sell, which we can, not just to recruit some people, which we can, but an opportunity to be Primerica within Primerica. I hope that answers your question, Adam. Yes, sir. Thank you, Olivia. To download Olivia's recruiting tips and more, visit our website at Just click on the big hitter link at the top of the website and enter your username, P-R-I-U-S-E-R, and the password, go, go, go, both, all, lower case. All right. We will get ready and switch over here to the main call. Check in with Andrea. Andrea, are you down in Florida? Where are you today? Yes, Adam, right here in Boca Raton. Back in Boca Raton. How was the Winston meeting this time, good as usual? Yes, even better. So, yes, from senior leadership to Winston and back to Florida. How about you? Fantastic. Yes, I have been running all over Dallas, back to Florida. Seems like I went somewhere in between, but I'm actually back in Florida right now myself in West Palm. So I'll have to see what you're doing this week. And Larry is down here as well. Yes, there has been an unusual amount of rain down here lately. Oh, I was up in Tampa this weekend at Andy Oxtead's event with Mario. They had a big, huge event in Tampa this weekend. Their East Coast Builders, they put on was pretty quite impressive. So congratulations for them on a fantastic event. And then Larry is on the call, I believe, listening in. I just left his house a little while ago, so he is on. He's probably muted. So, Andre, we'll jump in here in just a minute. We'll do the countdown. We'll have you tell us what you're most excited about right now, kicking off the year, getting ready for the convention coming up in six months, what you guys are doing, what you're doing with your people to make sure they got their mind right, and what your vision is for the rest of the year to continue your explosive growth that you've been having. We're just excited to have you on this morning. We're getting a lot of background. Okay, perfect. Maybe that will fade out. Posey, see if you can see what all that echoing is. Maybe it's just on my line. Okay. I might have to call back in or something. But, all right, we were right here. We got about one minute till, but we'll go ahead and get going anyway. Start a minute early. If you're ready to go, Andre, does that sound good to you? Yes, sir. All right, here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Good morning, Monday morning conference call crew. Welcome to the Big Hitter Call. This is Adam Weidel. It is Monday, January 15th, 2024. Let's say hello to our speakers this morning. Good morning, Andrea. Good morning, Adam. Excited to be here. Thank you for having me. Excited to have you on. And good morning, Olivier. Good morning, Adam. Thank you for having us. Appreciate the opportunity. Yes, sir. Great job again on the recruiting tips. As of today, there are 78 RVPs and above with 30 or more in recruits and 25 RVPs and above with 30,000 or more in premium. There are over 100 below RVP with 30 or more recruits and 50 below RVP with 30,000 or more in premium. The top five base shops as of this morning are five. Deanna Macia and Maria Luna, 87 by 61. Carazon and Danielle, 68 by 70. The Edwards, 39 by 75. Miguel Elledge, 142 by 76. And number one, Jorge and Marina Fanal, 173 by 77. On today's call, we are spotlighting Circle of Champions member and million-dollar earner, Andrea Burks. Andrea was working as a graphics design student and wanted to make an extra $500 a month. She started her business and continued to build a legacy for her and her family. She has promoted over 50 RVPs and became the 107th million-dollar earner and Circle of Champions member. Let's get the call started. Good morning, Andrea Burks. Good morning, Ed. I'm excited to jump on the call today. Thank you for having me. And just as you mentioned, we have been able to accomplish, you know, historic things with this wonderful company, and I can't believe I'm already here 20 years, Adam. Wow. Yeah. You don't look like you've been here that long. You still look like you're fresh out of the oven. Still looking good after all these years. That's right. I see the childlike enthusiasm that our Williams talked about, and what I'm very excited about, you know, in this coming year, 2024, that already kicked off, you know, obviously 90 days ago, is the fact that we have the opportunity and the blessing to build a company within a company. Our ultimate goal this year is to promote 500 RVPs, and we're not thinking big, you know, and we're not doing big dreams, and we're dying. So the ultimate goal this year is to continue to open more locations in every corner, every street, you know, in our country, and I know we will become a walking business, a household name, and that's the rightful place that our company deserves. So our main focus, as I just mentioned, is promoting the RVPs and have them open outlets that they can override, Adam, and that they can own. We created an environment early on in our hierarchy and in our career where people know they're expected to be an RVP, that they're expected to go to Circular Champion, and that's not for an elite group. That's open to anybody that's willing to dream again. The art always said life will give you whatever you're willing to fight for or whatever you're willing to accept. Well, we're not going to accept, you know, just average and ordinary, just people being part-time agents and licenses. No, we want them to have the RVP title, and more than anything, because they can promote RVPs. We want them to have the mindset that they can multiply. See, that's exactly we've got to go from somebody with a job, with agents and licenses. And let me understand, I love our crusade. Our crusade got me excited, Adam. I came in part-time, wanted to make just $500, and I know so many people in the call, that's why they got started. But what kept me here was understanding that I can build a legendary business, a legacy that kids can inherit for generations to come. See, I know that there's only two ways to have a business. So as we come into 2024, we've got to understand either you buy it or you own it. The turnkey operation, you know, you buy it, McDonald's, Franchise, whatever it might be, or you build it, you own it. So I don't come from the background that I could have, you know, a couple, you know, hundred thousand laying around, put my family together and, you know, buy it. I have to own it and, you know, by building it. And so certainly here that's the place that you can build a company, you can own it, and you can start part-time. So as we start the new year, I'm looking for layers of players, and it's all about how we talk to them, and it's about getting them to a fast start, showing them how big it can happen, how fast it can happen. We've got to show them a vision early on that they only need seven to ten key people. That's what Art said, seven to ten key people, and that doesn't mean the first seven to ten people that come into your team. You know, we've got to, you know, they've got to get their feet wet. Like they've got to, you know, get, you know, to overcome obstacles. That's when you get to see their seven to ten key people, and I really think it's when they become our VP. They're time-tested. You know, they truly see, you know, what they can have as an impact in this company. Then they can have seven to ten. That can promote seven to ten RVPs, and then you can do legendary status like Andy Young, O-Rand, or Larry, right, to have over 400 RVPs, and that, teammates, is when you build the company within a company. So we heard always as we grew up in our hierarchy in our business that the farther away you are from the client, the more money you make, right? So better than looking for 100 clients this year, Adam, and for anybody that's getting started, right, is to have 100 agents that can have 100 clients. But even better than having 100 licensed agents that can have 100 clients is having 100 RVPs up and down the East Coast, then going to the West Coast. And better than 100 RVPs, have about 100 SNSDs that can help you run a multi-multi-million dollar company for you and start creating a dynasty. So we know, Adam, that the closest thing to where it's American business, it's not going to be easy, but it's going to be heck of worth it. I mean, in this next year, what we need to understand is as we go through finding the layers of players, yeah, people are going to say no, and I love it when people say no to our brand new rep and see if they're going to get back up one more time, you know, then they get knocked down. And so this year, we will continue to build an aircraft carrier. That's what Andy Young always talked to me about, and it's about launching a mission. And the only way we're going to be able to do that to make America great again is getting people in place through replacement. You know, that's the best secret kept in America. The only reason, you know, the greats became that great in addition of their big vision, their big effort, is through replacement. You know, and that's how we were able to promote those 50 RVPs on the way to 500, because you've got to put things in place. And the only way we know to do it, we battle the law of large numbers, where we will find, obviously, quality through quantity. So we are very, very, very focused on every brand new teammate coming in, double-digit recruiting. You know, Andy's the godfather of double-digit recruiting. And that just makes sense to me, Adam, because I don't know about you, but I just was glad that it was a numbers business, that it doesn't have to be that great, but it could be that great and stay focused and knowing the numbers, working the numbers, and accepting the numbers. And so we just strive even more this year as people come on board to go become a double-digit recruiter in their first week. I mean, come on, like, it's not like it used to be that, you know, it took so crazy to get in touch with people. You can do this trick in a day. So what we used to do in a month, we've got to do in a week. What we do in a week, we've got to do in a day. And so our goal is every brand new, you know, up-and-comer to get to 50, 50 recruits a month, right, as a byproduct of getting three separate legs, double-digit legs, and eventually every leg is going to be a separate business. So we're thrilled to see, you know, the many, many new legs that are coming up, you know, in our business that will eventually get promoted to SDPs. We promoted three just last year. And I know it's always been as a byproduct of buying off large recruiting teams, finding the double-digit players so we can promote the most districts. Andy always told me 95% of RDPs will stick around. Well, I like those thoughts, Adam. I want to find the people that will stay focused to build something here, to own something here that they can, you know, eventually leave for their families. So ultimate goal, we have to get into that triple-digit base shop once again, you know, so that we can find the right players faster because everybody comes into this biz, oh, I want to win. But we always talk about layers of players. There's people that want to win, so we're looking for people that want to win right now and that they want to do a big, huge in this business. And so it's very important when people come into this business that they understand what they're being, you know, what they're a part of. Why are they going to be a part of? And it's not going to be a part-time team. Yes, they might get started like that, but it can be spare time. You know, people miss this opportunity, Adam, because they treat it like a hobby. They try to fit Prime America into their life. If they have free time, they check it out. They're not consistent, setting up appointments week to week. They might have some, you know, fun with us, meet some good people. They might even get licensed, but making money is a waste. So we need to get people through the steps of, oh, yeah, I even started part-time, like I said, but very quickly they told me, okay, you need to be a part-timer, you know, eight to 10 hours a week. Set a schedule, and you better stick to it. You know, we were committed to doing certain things, but they always told me, they were honest with me about the opportunity was for a full-time, that they can go become strong six-figure income. I didn't even know what six-figure meant, but it just meant more money, obviously. But that's only for the right person, and we've got to say that to the people right away. It's a full-time, strong six-figure income. You can build a business, but it's for the right person, meaning will you be the right person. You know, we've got to question people. We just can't commit to anybody that just walks into our business. I want to see, are they going to give me half-hearted commitment, the leftover of their time, they're going to give me, you know, their full heart and effort, right? And so you tell them at that point, they have to work it like a job, so you pay them like a business. And then ownership is significant. Just like you, a professional athlete, Adam, I mean, you're so impressed with everything you do, time and time again, give back one more time, and then you get knocked down. And that's the kind of people we're looking for, people that have high-level commitment, professional athlete type of commitment. And at that point, we know it's a multi-million dollar business, but it's only going to happen as a byproduct of REPs promoting REPs. Andy always tells me REP is the best position you can ever have. You can actually promote REPs, right, so you can build that business. So it's all about, you know, your mindset. It's all about what you talk about, what you emphasize, and that's something, you know, that we talk about all the time. What is the biggest difference between the wealthy and the poor is ownership. So unless you're going to promote REPs that promote REPs, you're not going to have that financial services. And the day that we're no longer here, we're going to give our heirs, right, because they're not just our children, our heirs, a client list. Well, my kids are not going to be excited to get a client list. They want to have an REP list that they can write, they can go visit, they can go, you know, inspired to greatness. But how do we talk to the people about it? Well, we tell them that the biggest difference between the wealthy and the poor is ownership. Rich people own things and poor people don't. And we've got to talk about this. We've got to disturb people. We've got to wake them up. We've got to be the voice of reason, the voice of leadership in our communities. I say all the time, Adam, that bigger than Amazon is us. You know, we don't just leave a box at the door. We come inside those doors. We give hope. We give freedom. We just have time and opportunity for every one of those families, but we need to wake them up. We need to let them know that middle class understands about ownership when it comes to buying a house. You don't want to go out and buy a house and pick a fence, right? But at the end of the day, we know that it's better than renting, because unless you're relocating, maybe you're figuring things out, you know you better own your home, because ultimately, right, after 30 years, you get to own it. You get to inherit it. You get to maybe even do an Airbnb, you know, get a second home, get some equity. I don't know. But when you're renting, you know good and well, you pay, you stay, you pay, you stay. The day that you stop paying, you can no longer stay, and what do you have to show for it? Nothing. You have nothing, right? So we need to understand that most people don't understand that the biggest asset is not that home. We've been taught to own that home, because we believe that's the biggest asset. No, our biggest asset is our ability to earn income, and we've got to sell it out to middle class America. But guess what? They're renting that ability to earn income every time they go show up to a job for 40 hours, get a paycheck, 40 hours, get a paycheck. What happens when they stop showing up? Do they still get a paycheck? No, they don't have no paycheck, right? They have nothing to show for it. But when they come with us, we've seen it, right? Now they have an asset that will help them create passive income, and that's the biggest difference, having an asset or renting it to somebody else. And so those are the conversations we have. We're starting the new year in 2024. We're looking for people that are willing to dream again, that are willing to fight again, that are willing to have impact in this country again, and it's not going to be with part-time commitment, getting licensed, making a couple of sales. Yes, maybe they can, you know, maybe buy better suits for their kids, maybe have some little extracurricular activities here and there, but the big impact, the wildlife that Larry always talks about for you, you know, and your family, Adam, is because he committed, right, to build a massive hierarchy in this company and finding players upon players like Andy Young, you know, that will think bigger, right, than what was possible. So that's the mindset right now, and we tell them, you know, the only way it's going to happen is they start finding quality through quantity. So triple-digit recruiting is a must in the base shop as a byproduct of six double-digit legs. That's all we talked about. That's what we emphasize. That's all we recognize. So whatever we focus on grows, right? We focus on the wrong things, that's what's going to export. We focus on the right things, which is recruiting, attendance, and promoting our VPs. We know great things will happen, Adam. All right, Andrea, fantastic. Talk a little bit. It always seems like you hear everybody saying now is the greatest time in Primerica for recruiting. Year after year it seems like everybody says, well, this year's the best time, this year's the best. And the truth of it is the way everything's been going, how crazy the world is, every year it gets a little crazier. Every year it is the best time for recruiting with Primerica, with the way the inflation's going, with the way the job market's going, with the way people get laid off, with the low pay and high price of everything. But talk a little bit about that because this is a time, and I think everybody is probably in agreement with an election year, that things are probably going to get crazier and crazier. But the importance of getting a situation that you can control by the amount of work you put in, the effort you put in, is so important and not risk having a situation where you're going to get fired or laid off or something happen with a company you're working for that goes under. So talk a little bit about why this is such a great time for this opportunity and recruiting people out there. Well, Adam, certainly not to be insensitive in any way, but after pandemic people are more aware of what they have, what they don't have, what they want, and, you know, where they're headed. I really think, you know, that two-year timeframe allows for people to, I don't know, like start thinking what possibilities are out there other than paycheck to paycheck, that when something crazy happens in our country, to humanity, there we are in lockdown, are you essential? I mean, that was one of the conversations, are you an essential worker, I mean, right? And so I know for us, imagine, even in this opportunity, there we were. I mean, day one, our company, as amazing as already is, sending us letters out on the list, thanks to work. I don't know for you, but I felt like I had a badge of honor, just like I could walk, you know, and talk to anybody, because that's exactly what it is. What we do matters. What we do have impact for our families, for our society, and it doesn't matter if it's a recession, a depression, you know, a pandemic, an epidemic. We are there day in, day out. And so I think we need to be outspoken about it. Like I said, I don't want to be insensitive anyway. You know, people have lost us. It was a tragic time for our country, for the world. Yet we need to start awaking people and make them realize that could happen again. And to be in a position, even just to be an essential worker, that you can go out of your house and still do the job and still have the opportunity to do more if you want more. And then when it comes to, like I just spoke, I mean, if they really know now, okay, this is the time I've got to go, you know, and build my business. Well, in any business, distribution is the key to success in American business. So if you understand distribution, it gives you power, not just in our industry, but any industry. So the one stuff that makes the most money, if anybody's looking at Instagram, it's the people that have the most outlets, right? And it doesn't matter if you talk about gas stations. Exxon has better gas. They just have more locations. And so with our company, if they're really having a 360 mindset after pandemic, well, not only our industry is essential, it doesn't matter what happens here. Now they have the opportunity to have not just financial services, have the distribution. So if you're talking about Starbucks, McDonald's, distribution is powerful. Once they come in here and they start thinking, okay, not only is it going to be the best time, you know, after pandemic people are more aware, you know, that they need to earn extra income and have a couple sources of income to just be able to be okay in case of something happening, even more like all the debt that they got on just able to survive and even thrive in those two years. So there's people out there looking for opportunities. I don't know if you've seen it, but like the Instacart, the Uber Eats. I mean, when you see these people coming into your homes, it's like sharp people that somehow, someway they're just looking for more. And so if we're thinking not just as somebody that wants to be an agency, just recruiting a couple people to make some money, right, but we're thinking like real estate, getting brokers in place. We're thinking like Ray Kroc putting McDonald's franchises in place. We're looking for people that want to do bigger things. And so we need to understand that distribution will give you power. Distribution eventually will give you more money and more passive income than any other opportunity out there. And just the fact that we're in finance, as you just mentioned, I mean, we just got rocked as a country. But guess what? In this great company, we couldn't tell. I mean, we grew. We promoted our VPs. We got things in place, and you can build a solid foundation. But it's all about the mindset, because growing up in Prime America, I think that was the Earl Williams message now with Andy, always keeping that consistent for us. We knew there was Super America. There's the financial services. There's the distribution. So we've got to be careful what we're talking about, depending on the outcome we want. I didn't come here for income. And don't misunderstand. I want to get so-and-so wealthy, but I came here for outlets. I want to have up and down the East Coast and the West Coast, and it's all about the message to that brand-new person. What do we want to get out of it with them? Is it just field selling or field training them so they can truly become an RVP that promotes RVPs? So that's why that one thing that they do is so important, and we talk about the Four Point Game Fund a lot, that Larry obviously always talks about and is in the YouTube channels and everything, is that as somebody comes in, the best thing for them is they've got to get somebody in and they've got to do it fast. They've got to attend all meetings. They've got to do their own game plan because they need to know where they're headed, and they've got to fast-track to districts. So somebody coming in that understands that distribution is power, not just for the fast-food industry, for gas stations, all of that. It is even for them in this company, having distribution will give them power and position them that no matter what's going on in the world, in this country they'll be set for life, right, if we do the right thing by that message. Yeah, and I think so many people in the general public, it's hard for them to wrap their head around the fact that they can actually get paid what they're worth, get paid for the effort they put in. You know, so many of these, almost every job you're out there, no matter how much harder you work and how much better you do at your job and how much more effort you put in and how much better you get at it, most of the time they're not going to pay you any more. As a matter of fact, most of the time, if you get real, real good at it, where they feel like they've got to pay you more, they just end up firing you and bringing somebody else in. So it's about changing people's mindset to let them know that this is an opportunity they can come into and actually get paid what they're worth. The concept of getting paid what you're worth is so foreign to so many people. They just don't, it's hard for a lot of people to understand that they've actually put in extra effort and get extra money by getting better at their craft, which is exactly what Primerica pays you to do here. So it's bringing people in and just letting them know there's a different way of living, a different way of experiencing life by your efforts actually paying off. Olivier, you want to jump in with a question here for Andrea? Yes, thank you again, Adam. I guess more of an observation because it's funny hearing the call so far, obviously with what Andrea's sharing as far as the fact that we have an opportunity to build outcome inside of this company. I guess, Andrea, if you could share a little bit about how we get lost because it's funny, we have an opportunity to build a company within a company, but at the same time, we could have gone in any other financial company and then sell and then maybe they have better gimmicks, better toys, better tools or better whatever. But our company, what it always got better at is giving us the opportunity to own and operate locations all around the country and not even different countries in Canada as we get that big. So, Andrea, if you could maybe talk a little bit about that, how the real opportunity that we have is not that we can sell better things. It's not that we can maybe be the better doctors of finance, but we can be the owner of the hospital. We can own hospitals. We can have owners that own hospitals that have owners that own hospitals. Andrea, if you could talk about that a bit. Well, truly, and you mentioned that I think most people get confused early on in their career and I think for those that have built it the biggest, our legends and the A.L. Williams legacy continue, our founders, is they were able to build it the biggest in this company because they were able to shuffle through everything and keep the main thing the main thing and I think in the early years, I mean, the fact that they didn't know they would have tomorrow and I think we get confused and maybe apathetic and maybe lack the vision of what's possible that we're not just one person in this world, but to one person we could be the world just with this message and the impact and so the biggest thing is we can't not see how big this is because we can't lack the reverence of how R. Williams changed not only my life, your life, and so imagine the impact and so the biggest thing, the biggest takeaway, let's not forget what we came here to do is to build companies within companies so we can impact our communities, but you've got to keep the main thing the main thing and the main thing here is everyone do your job. Nick Saban says it, that in his environment the reason they thrive is they ask everybody to do their job. My job even, oh, I'm going to be an SNS DC co-champion, no, no, my job is to find RBPs that can promote RBPs. That has never changed and so over time I think the folks that can do better and do bigger, we've been doing different things. Now we're looking for efficiency rather than volume and that's one of the things that McDonald's did so well that now they even have the Ronald McDonald as you were saying, the hospitals to help the kids. They never lost their real vision and their mission which was to be in every corner of every street and to have a system in place and why did the McDonald's brothers lose it to Red Cross? Because they couldn't think bigger. They thought it has to be them running it and at some point we've got to let others come into our environment and see that they can win too and have that big mentality just like McDonald's did. We saw it in the movie The Founder that we're looking for people average and ordinary just like them and they said McDonald's is family but they were recruiting people to sell for them. They were recruiting people to come alongside with them. Just recently I think the Casper family sold but in Tampa where Adam was just at, they had 60 locations. Talk about generational wealth. 60 locations that the Casper family had because they borrowed from Red Cross in the beginning and yeah, it was just burgers and milkshakes. It was simple. Sometimes because it's simple, people complicate it and they just can't believe it. I'm just glad that they told me, yes, you, Andrea, literally Andy, you can go circle a champion. All you have to do is go promote 18 first on your way to 50 direct RVPs and you will get the income. You will get the accolades. You'll do all that but never miss the reason why you were born into this company to be an RVP that promotes RVPs. I know we continue to say this but that's how we're focused on that. We might not be where we want to be right now but I know we will be because we have never lost the message that high numbers, large numbers will get us the players that we need. Look at American Idol, proven system. The Voice, proven system. They audition millions of people and we're not here to find who we can help train. No, no, who has the desire, who has the grit but obviously as they go through the millions, they're going to find talent and I think very quickly we want to say, oh yeah, I still train and help this person because then if you start doing that, you not only have to be taking credit for their success but then also for their lack of success and I'm just glad I'm in an environment where I dictate my success based on my vision and my effort and then after that, the community is going to be impacted. I know my church is that much better, my community is that much better because I went and won big with this opportunity. All right, I'm going to jump in here real quick with the mid-call announcements and then we will get back to it. There's a fine line between mediocrity and greatness. Here are three tools to give you that extra boost this week. First, check out Larry's latest blog, Goal Setting Unlocks Your Power. Two, check out Larry's podcast, this week's episode feature Peabody award-winning author who is the co-founder and co-host of the number one podcast in business, Planet Money. Third, listen to this week's call on our replay line or download the call on Just click on the big hitter link at the top of the website and enter username E-R-I-U-S-E-R and the password GOGOGO, both all lowercase. The replay number for this call is 667-771-7907 and the PIN is 982-755-POUND. To stay in touch with Larry Wydell, follow on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and be sure to follow at Big Hitter Club on Twitter for all your big hitter updates and be sure to leave your thoughts and comments on this week's call. Andrea, talk a little bit about what you and your team are doing heading into 2024, getting ready for the convention, the mindset that you are infusing there into your team, assuring that you have a great kickoff to the year, again, heading into the convention. You always bring a huge and excited team up to Winston from Florida, which is a long haul, but, man, they come up there roaring to go, excited every time. So talk a little bit about what your vision is and what you're instilling your vision in your team for this coming year and what you're most excited about. Well, the biggest thing, as I mentioned earlier, is that, I mean, we're here to promote the 500 RVPs in the next year, and like I said, you know, that might seem like, oh, they're crazy, but if you're not thinking crazy, you're not going to do crazy. But more than anything, I tell the team, as we're going into 2024, they better have somebody accountable to tell them that they're not good enough. I really think people miss this opportunity because when they, you know, get a little bit of success, you know, they think they're right, and I think we've got to stay in an environment where we're around players that are doing bigger things. And so coming into convention, I mean, we're talking about walking on that stage, making it our fast-forward school, but, you know, I think people need to not be discouraged. They need to be fired up about where they're headed, and ultimately, they're in control. They're in control, so I would like Olivia to talk about it because I know for them, in the last two years, I mean, they went from making 10 grand a month to now a certain 50 a month, and it went as a byproduct. Truly, anything great happens because you unite as a team on a common goal, and you go fight for something bigger than themselves, and then they got into a position where we started talking about, I mean, if we're going to do these big things as we're doing these big things, it has to be a recruiting goal. So we always go right now, our immediate goal for the hierarchy is 2,000 recruits. The 500 to 1,000 got us this far, but we didn't come this far to get this far, so we're certainly in a position to get to 2,000 recruits, and that's only going to happen as a byproduct of having over 120 to 200 double-digit separate legs. That's only just under Olivia to get us where we need to be. We always heard that a district's not a district until they have a district. A division's not a division until they have a division. An RL's not an RL until they have an RL. You get it. So an SVP is not an SVP until they have one, so certainly with Olivia, our whole goal is that he promotes an SVP. He already has an SVP with Harry and Adam. They're doing an amazing job keeping it, running it 50-50 on 100-100 and on their way, and it's only going to happen as a recruiting goal, as a team, within the team, and so we're going for the 2,000. I know a big part of that is Olivia and Janina's team going for gusto, going for their, you know, and we call it, yes, SVP, but it's really them getting those three RVPs and not so much into titles. We don't want title promotions. We want a business promotion, something that can be a legacy for their families and at the beginning of our emerging hierarchy. So I know with Olivia, that's our mindset right now. How fast in this first quarter of 2024 can we hit the 2,000 recruits as a byproduct of RVPs going to 50 to 100 in the base shop? So for us, it has always been that, and then you mentioned we build it event to event, so just last night, we had a call with the hierarchy, and that's exactly what we're talking about, because everybody gets excited about somebody calling their name, you know, in headlights, even if it's a brand-new district. We never were recognized anywhere, Adam, so coming into this company, even if they give you a ribbon, a pen, a pencil, a T-shirt, they get excited, so that's something that we use a lot, not only in our local events. We do away games with Andy. Clearly, you know, we do our hierarchy trips, so all is part of finding new players. If you talk about new players, not trying to get more milk out of the same cows. It's always getting new cows, like it's always talked about, so we need new players that want to play and do something big, and I know Olivier is going to be one of the biggest catalysts for us to go and do that 2,000, our way to the Sapphire Run, but bigger than that, as I mentioned earlier in the call, is the RDPs promoting RDPs, so Olivier, how about you share, you know, about that mindset? As we talk about, you know, getting 2,000 recruits, we have the breakfast club on Wednesday, and all we talk about, you want to get in and be in that environment, you either do your three to five directs or obviously 10 teams, because that's when it kicks off this mission, so Olivier, take it away. Yes, I mean, Andrea, absolutely. I mean, you've reiterated to us that obviously if we were going to get up to the SNSD status and accelerate the process from where we were, I mean, that was back in September 2017 when we decided to change gears. We started plugging up in Winston-Salem in North Carolina, and at that point we realized that the district level was like the new RDP level. In other words, hearing the stories that people getting promoted, and then Art would tell them, okay, so you haven't done anything yet, let's get going, and talking about how, well, it's funny, people were doing their, the best dress, the best outfit, the best, the most beautiful video as they go RDP, and then to realize that now people are getting promoted to RDP with a two, three-minute spot to be able to talk about their story, and then to realize, oh, okay, so RDP is a new beginning. It's a new district level, right? And so now we have the shot to accelerate, and so it's always been about accelerating ourselves, so we went from RDPs at that point. We were at $130,000 in income. Our team was recruiting anywhere from 50 or better months to 75, 80, and then we put it on second, third year, and then eventually we started getting ourselves to now we're recruiting about 200, 300 people because we have other leaders that wanted to get to the next level, so over that time period, we promoted to our regional vice president 9th, 1st, 3rd, 2nd, right, with Harry Nottling Thomas now our senior vice president, right, getting ready to go NSD. They have a couple people in their base getting ready to get cracking as well, so, but locally, speaking of, you were talking about the breakfast club, Andrea, well, the breakfast club was about three people. If you have three directors, you're invited because it's a builder's meeting. I would always talk to the leaders about how let's not be confused. This is a builder's meeting. If you want to get a different kind of training, I remember years ago hearing Larry Weindell in the four-point game plan talk about it's not that we don't want to train you, but we're moving so fast that what we have time right now for are the people that I want to build. Now, if you want to take us to appointments, let's go. We know that we're recruiting. Now, you can see how the process works for the sales or whatever, but ultimately we're going there for the purpose of recruiting them because we're here to build an army. We're here to build a mission. We want to build something great, so we need talent. We're in a search for talent, and we cannot do that by any other way but recruiting. And so now, not only do we need to start being intent about recruiting, we need to then find other people, other soldiers, other people that want to also build an army, that want to also do the same thing. So now that's where the double-digit recruiting legs come in because these people know that if they want to have talent, just like their leader went through large numbers to find them, and they now seem to be motivated, right, because there's a lot that has to be proven over the years. But the thing is, if now you want to find a lot of talent, you need to go double-digit as well. Why is it 10? I don't know. Why is it that an airplane takes off at 180 miles per hour? I don't know. Why is it that the water boils at 212? I don't know. What is water at 210? Well, it's hot water. It's just not boiling water yet, right? So why is it 10? I don't know. So what I know is this. If you don't get 10 recruits in a month, enjoy the misery. You will not find the right amount of people. Now, again, this message here, you have to understand, it built the most powerful company. We went public in April 2010, right, and we've been around since 1977, but we went public in 2010 at $15 a share, not where 212, 18, whatever it is, it fluctuates. My point is this company has done huge over what we're hearing here, like what Andrea has taught us over the years, what the Berks have taught us over the years, what Andy has taught us over the years, what the whole environment has been teaching us. It's not something they invented. That's what they came through, and they saw. Like Andy mentioned so well, it's like people say, well, we might have been drinking the Kool-Aid. It's like, no, no, no, it's like Mark Williams that told all of us to have a shot, right, we have a shot, we have a chance to beat somebody. But the beautiful thing is that he left the other company, right, because he couldn't promote people like he wanted. They put a stop on it. And now here we are in a company today where everybody has a shot at being an RVP. Everybody has a chance at becoming the next legendary person, the next Leroy Dale, the next great ape of this company, the next Diller Renger, the next Bobby Buisson, the next Marshall. Everybody has that shot at being that person. So to find those talent, Andrea, you always told us that we have to go to the large numbers. And now the goal for our immediate goal for our team is to get to 700 recruits, right, because we have to pop out those new senior vice presidents, and we got to have as many people with three under them. And as you're talking about 2,000, in Shilton Island we have about 50 regional vice presidents. If we're pushing about promoting SVPs who promote SVPs, right, 40 people that have three each, that's 120 GDR teams. The 120 GDR teams is what will get us to 2,000 on the way to the convention as we get the road to Atlanta filled with buses to that convention as we're going to be doing that to get Bill to go home the whole year as we get to the convention. We're super excited about the convention because it has to be a whole family reunion. Last time it was a bunch of us on stage who got their RVP promotions, who got their rings, and we got our NSDs and our SNSDs at that stage. But what we talked to our team about is imagine every one of them coming back with their SNSD plaques, with their NSD plaques, with their SVP plaques, with their downlines, with their $100,000 plaques, because it's not about you winning, but it's about how many people on your team can be winning, right? It's about how great we can grow the team cash. Last year we were small, nothing great, compared to the big apes of the $100 million, right? Well, we had $1.4 million in team cash, and I was telling our team as we would pay $1.4 million in team cash and we got paid $500,000, Jimena and I, right? Ultimately, we need to get that to $5 million in team cash so that everybody in the community can realize, man, this opportunity is great, as it's already been great for the last 40-plus years, Andrea. So absolutely, definitely looking forward to that $2,000 recruiting the hierarchy, and we are gunning for $1,000 ourselves so we can get to the Circular Champion level and beyond. Olivia, I found that to be hilarious. You said, if you're not going to recruit 10 in a month, enjoy the misery. Yes, yes, sir. That needs to be on a T-shirt. If you're not going to recruit at least 10 in a month, enjoy the misery. I don't know. We're in a race for talent. We're looking for talent, and I heard a corny example one time, is that grass makes cows grow, but grass kills dogs. The problem is not that the four, five, six people that quit when we recruit them are bad people. They just don't want that message. We're looking for builders, and you're going to have to go through large numbers to find the cows that want to eat this grass. We're going to have to go through the large numbers to find the great apes that want this message to help us build a great company. But absolutely, we've got to double-digit, or we will enjoy the misery, unfortunately. Yes, that's fantastic. I love that quote. I'm going to have to make sure and use that. Andrea, and I'll have to leave you, too, after you, but what do you see as the biggest mistake people make right out of the gate with their new people where they're not getting what they want out of them? Well, I think, first of all, I mean, they don't even have a philosophy of where they see their business in the first three, five years in their career themselves, so they're lost. There's the blind, you know, leading the blind, and so that's why when you come into this business, you've got to make a decision once again. Are you going to be in financial services, or are you going to be in the distribution of financial services? And then there's no confusion. I mean, it's either you're going to go get big or you're going to die. If you're not growing, you're dying, and so at the end of the day, we need to know that you've got to put the apes in your favor, and we say that they want to a brand-new rep. This is not a business of probability, not possibility. See, it's a business of probability, not possibility, so not everybody wins here. People need to know this. But if you don't hire in bunches, you might as well play the lotteries. So one of the biggest things, we've got to go for deep. We've got to go for deep so we can actually multiply. You know, it's like if I recruit you, then I recruit Larry, then I recruit Olivia, then I recruit Andy, I have better odds of you sticking around because you're friends recruiting friends. This whole thing about, yes, and I got recruited out of the cold market. I've got to say that. So cold activity is better than no activity, Adam, but at the end of the day, I'm going to stick around because if I'm friends with you, that is friends with Olivia, not only we're hitting the gym, we're doing this thing, so we'll already be excited to be around each other. So it's recruiting in bunches, going for deep, 10 deep in the leg, it creates the explosion, and so for so many people, they don't understand that the house always wins. See, in the casino, which Olivia tells me all the time, you know, the house always wins. Well, we here will always win if we do the right things long enough with the right intensity. So for us, you know, you've got to have a coaching philosophy, day one, in your business, and people are like, I'm not a good speaker, but you're the foundation of a multimillion dollar business hierarchy. When you're getting that shot day one, just because you paid $199 or $25 or $45, whatever it is for the month, they need to know it's an invaluable opportunity. So bottom line, people get lost because they don't have a philosophy or where they're headed. Therefore, they can't teach nothing to that brand-new person. So get a system. Clearly, that system, you surrender to that system. Then you go become the system. You succeed in it, and then it's so crazy that people are like, what did they do? I don't have to create a pipeline of, like, oh, they're selling systems. No, no, I've got to tell you what I did. I did it very quickly, early on, triple-digit based shop, you know, to get the double-digit legs. I promoted as the RVP through first, so you can be a grandpa once you're ready. You have kids first. And then at every level, they need to start separating. Right? Once people go district, that's what, oh, yeah, good luck. You know, you're one in 100 million here, right? You're going to be the top district. So what are you teaching? You know, competition is everything. People got to enjoy the reputation. They got to enjoy the process. They got to understand there's no in vain. But if you know where you're headed, you know that you're working the numbers, and it's not just in vain, okay, no, no, you will find players if you do it long enough with the right intent. If you've seen it at the gym, you know, I'm sure, Adam, so many people show up at the beginning of the year, by February, it's empty, because they're already lost out. But if they were consistent 90 days in, in the right environment, and a coach like you, you know, letting them to do one more, they're going to succeed. They're going to see everything they wanted just yet with their teaching, but they're on their way. So we got to be that coach that helps people do that one more, to believe that much more. And so it all lies on them having that philosophy themselves, you know, and so that's why environment is so important, you know. Plugging in with Andy Young, even more with Earl Williams Massachusetts, that we're here to promote those RBPs. Day one, a brand new rep is hearing about that. I can't say that after coming to this company, that was the day one conversation. Thank God they put an Earl Williams video, part of Believing in You. They talked about the multiples, and I'm like, okay, because I was headed to the financial service industry. And there's nothing wrong with that, but at the beginning, when you're just figuring things out, but, you know, making some money, but then you realize, you know, at the end of the day, unless I'm creating those RBPs, you know, I'm definitely not going to leave something that's going to be for generations to come. So, yeah, people get lost. People don't get what they want out of their people because we're not saying the right things, we're not communicating, and even more, Adam, we're not consistent. You heard through this whole quote, we're consistent. Yeah, we're looking for RBPs. Like, we're going to wear you down with that because you look at an RBP, you're going to quit. You know, I haven't seen somebody go, oh, I'm 15 years part time. No, no, no. That just doesn't happen. You know, so for those that want to do it big, you've got to be big on having that philosophy, be consistent with the message, and not deviating based on, oh, I have a good month? Okay, it must be working. You know, so don't be up for sale because a lot of people are up for sale in their message, in their environment, based on how they did that month. So we have not deviated from the game plan. We have not deviated from the message. It doesn't matter if we didn't have a good day, a good month, America works, we will promote more RBPs. It's just a matter of when we're going to promote them. It's not because, oh, somebody quit now. It just doesn't work. No, so first get that philosophy, be committed to that system, surrender to the system, and it doesn't matter what's going on in your business, continue to run the same place. We were blessed enough, Adam, I'm sure you were there, with Art just recently, and Angela Williams said the one quality, I'm sure of so many he has, is that he never got tired of saying the same thing or doing the same thing, right? But in this environment where we have so much information thrown at us, no wonder people are confused, you know? So sometimes, I'll be honest, I don't plug into a lot of things because I just don't want you for me to be confused, like that would be hard to do, but I want our team to be confused. We have one message and one message only, and it's help us. Our brand-new team can go get 7 to 10, they can get 7 to 10, they can get 7 to 10, and then eventually they'll have 399 RVPs that will pay you over $3.5 million. Well, that's a massive business. That's massive passive income because we're here for unlimited income, unlimited growth, unlimited territory. So it starts with that. Even as a brand-new district, what are you talking about, what are you believing, and where are you heading, Adam? All right, Andrea, fantastic. Andrea, talk to us, tell us a little bit about your story, how you got recruited, what you were doing before, and then now the things that you're able to do in your life with your family and the income you're making that you, you know, probably never even thought was a possibility before you got started. But tell us the dream a little bit about that, and talk about your before Prime America. You said you recruited out in the cold market, and then what your lifestyle is now as opposed to what it was before. All right, Adam. Well, that's a point in time, a long, long time ago, like my son said. So I, you know, came from Colombia over 33 years ago when I was one. Just kidding. But, you know, they came with a dream, you know. Two moms in Bogota, Colombia, as you can only imagine, there they were, my mom and dad, in the mid-40s, who really wanted to be changing, you know, environment at that time, changing language, culture, but there they were, you know, with an opportunity to decide, okay, are we going to stay here or are we going to do something bigger, better? And so they jumped on a plane, sold almost everything they had, not much other than to be with us for the 48 hours, and we came to America. And at the beginning, you know, the kids were like, oh, we're going to Disney. That's what they told us, and the only reason I say that is, you know, you've got to tell the dream to that brand-new person, where you're headed, where you're going, don't be talking about all this, you know, tragedy and obstacles that you're overcoming. They didn't say that. Imagine, we would be crying all the way in the plane. But there we were now here in America, the land of the free because of the brave, and I just saw them working two, three jobs, and I just didn't understand much, but then very quickly I'm like, this can't be the land of the free because of the brave. If we're doing this, it seemed like we were better off in our country because at least we see them every day, and they were not like, you know, 24 hours of other hustle and construction, painting houses. I say that to set it up because we come from humble beginnings, and I think they had to decide either fear wins or freedom wins, and I think they decided that freedom was going to win. It was not going to be fear, and then validated their career. Long story short, they taught me go to school, get good grades, get a good job, which is the story for so many of us. But very quickly I knew I wanted to be in real estate. I never really attempted to get the license, but it just felt that I wanted to be commissioned where I could have, you know, no glass ceiling in my income. Long story short, somebody was doing the right things, I guess, to get their business off the ground. I don't know how they got to my resume, but they got to my resume, Adam, and they sent me an email, and I got, you got mail. I'm already dating myself, but I'm glad that was the case because now I might be in a spam folder and I would have missed this opportunity. So I said, you got mail. I'm at work looking at my mail. You know how it is. You're at a job, but you're looking for something else, and so all I thought is an open house for Citigroup. I'm like, Citigroup? I'm like, I have nothing to do with finances. But, see, are you always that person that's doubting yourself or believing in yourself? And, well, I'm glad I was that person because I have no idea about finance, but I would love to learn if somebody is willing to teach me. So they invited me to this open house through my resume, cold market. That's why cold activity is better than no activity. Whoever is on the phone, do what's required, moral, legal, and ethical, to get your business off the ground because it's worth it. And I get to an open house in Miami on a Saturday. Funny story, Adam. So I see the rule of 72. I'm like, oh, my God, that's why we're here. This is the secret. That's why my parents came here. I can compound money. But then I'm thinking, what money? I have no money. So I was praying that somehow somebody was going to teach me how to make more money, and they did. They said, okay, if you're interested, from a scale from one to ten, send me the highest. How excited are you to jump on board, work with us, part-time, full-time, or business opportunity? I'm like, I'm game. Let's do this. And then they put me in a separate room. I'm supposed to fill out the IBA 199, and I legit did not have my purse, Adam. And I begged to this guy. He was like, oh, it's just about nothing. And I truly did not bring my credit card. You know, girls, we're taking purses every day. They left my wallet. I was driving to Miami excited. But this guy said the key thing, and he said, listen, you've got to sign up today because I don't know if by Monday we'll have any positions available. And I'm like, what? So, see, talk about pushing the envelope. And so I'm like, wow, I guess there's limited positions. No, we have unlimited positions, folks. Like, that's what he said. And it triggered for me, Adam, to call my dad. I'm like, dad, you don't understand. I have this opportunity. You know, we work with this amazing company. But can you grab my credit card? It's like a credit card? I thought you went for an interview. What are you paying for? And then, you know, the guy is, you know, savvy about licenses and all that. So that's how I got started. But better yet, they pushed me to meet within 24 to 48 hours to get me, you know, in the company. And so so many of us, you know, you just let people do what they want. See, we've been told what to do our whole life by our parents, our teachers, our coaches, our bosses. And we're here all hesitant to push the envelope with people. He did it for the credit card. He did it to meet with me 24 to 48 hours. And I wasn't supposed to go to school that night. But see, because I understood what I had my hands on. Because I'm like, oh, my God, are you kidding me? I'll be the first person in my family to make six figures without having to go to school. Because, yeah, I'm great at many things. But, you know, I don't want to be the person in school. And so I came in and they told me what to do, you know. And so that's what we need to tell the people, what to do, what to do. Move them to the next step. And I went to that orientation. And they literally did my four-point game plan. And literally, they got my financial game plan, got moving on my way to district that same week. And that's what we need. We need to push people from point one to point two and move them to show them success fast so that they can see it'd be worth it to sacrifice their old life for their new life. Because, you know, not that I had an amazing life, but, you know, I had my school, I had my things. But I had to sacrifice, you know, trade-offs for bigger and better. So now, you fast forward, yes, came in maybe making $30,000 a year, right, as a graphic designer. So now, in less than three years, we went SDP, started making $30,000, you know, a month in a bonus, nevertheless, to then eventually $30,000 a week. So now, Adam, I was telling the team, now I get to have $30,000 worth of vacations in less than 10 days. And not only I took my family to Keystone, and, you know, Keystone, I mean, not only you've got to get there first class, I mean, those long trips, eight hours or whatever with kids. And then, obviously, the people that have hobbies, I mean, they better have money because these hobbies, like, anything that has to do with snow, skiing, snowboarding, I mean, that's not a joke. It's $1,000 per person a day. And so I only say that because you will get your family in a position just to do great things, you know, have great experiences. Just took my family to Columbia. We haven't been back for 30 years for the holidays. 15 of us hosted and catered for my whole family back home. And it just feels great that you can be that go-to person, that you can create memories, you know, with my father. My mom passed away, but, you know, she's in heaven now. But I know she's kind of proud that what they did to come to America was so worth it for now the next generations to come. So, yeah, we're in the midst of living that wild life that your dad always talks about, and it's just worth it. It's just worth it to taking the notes and going into the appointments, finding the people. We just got to make sure that we're talking the right message early on so that we're not wasting time because when you go get overpaid, you get your time back, right? We all have time, but, you know, I no longer have to be anywhere for anything at any time. I get to be anywhere for anything at any time that I choose to. And so it's just a totally different mindset, and I know for those of you that are on the call, that's what we want. We came in here with active income, but eventually the ultimate goal is passive income as a byproduct of putting outlets in place that you can override and you can own in a short period of time. Wow, all right, Andrea, fantastic. What a great story. What a great success story for people. What a great call it's been this morning. I'm going to let Olivier give his final word, and then let you give your final word, and we'll put a wrap on this. But this has been a fantastic call this morning. We really appreciate you all getting on and giving your time because, like you said, you don't have to be anywhere. You don't want to be at this stage of the game. And so we appreciate your time this morning. Olivier, you want to give us your final word? Yes, sir. Well, again, thank you so much, again, for having us on the call this morning. It was a great experience. But the biggest thing, again, is to always remember that we have an opportunity to get stone-cold wealthy. We have an opportunity to come here, and there's nothing to invent. I'm from Haiti. My dad told me a couple of years ago that there was a KFC down in Haiti, and they shut it down, he mentioned, because they were selling fried plantains and rice, because we assumed that it would fit our situation better. But KFC quickly shut it down, saying, we're not open for your new ideas, follow the system or else. Well, KFC wasn't wondering what was going to work. And it's the same thing. This company became what it became. They already know what works. Now, in America, coming here, America gave us a chance to choose what we want. Do you want to work a job? Do you want to do this? Or do you want to own a business? Do you want to be an entertainer, an actor? But you don't know better, so you pick and choose. But I think if you were told that in America, America was built by business owners for the benefit of business owners, if we were ever asked, what are the pros and cons of capitalism? How are you going to position yourself to benefit that system? We wouldn't know. Well, it's the same thing inside of our company, right? We feel like we have the opportunity to choose what we want, to sell this and sell that, and do this and do that. Well, the reality is this was built to be a distribution machine. I heard Bill one time say this is a change-the-world type of company, and if we want to change the world, we're at the right place at the right time. Thank you so much, Adam. I appreciate the opportunity. Thank you, Andrea. Thank you, Olivier. All right, Andrea, you want to leave us with your final words this morning? Well, as we go into obviously recruiting search for everybody on the call, I mean, the biggest thing is that you've got to understand that recruiting is the only way for us to have unlimited growth, unlimited income, and we're here to inspire greatness. We've got to understand that when people start to perish, it's for apathy, it's for indifference or lack of vision, and you've got to be that voice of leadership for people to rise. So don't be that person that's not waking up others to greatness, because we are here because others did it, because others believe big, and so let's go dream big, team. Let's do it big. All right. Thank you so much, Olivia, and thank you so much, Andrea. Great call this morning. Thanks for being on. Fantastic. Hope everybody is excited about the new year. We're already two weeks in. The convention is coming up fast, so keep that activity going. Thank you for being on the call this morning. We'll talk to you soon. Have a great rest of your day. Thank you. Thank you. Have a good one. Bye-bye, guys. Have a good one.