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Hypnotherapy for Increasing Wealth

Hypnotherapy for Increasing Wealth


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Breathe in and breathe out. As you breathe in and breathe out, go ahead and close the eyes down as you breathe in and breathe out. Pay attention to your breath. You don't need to speed up or slow down. Simply pay attention to it with awareness. Scan your body and notice anywhere that you're carrying any tension or tightness and simply let that tension release. Drop the shoulders, unclench the jaw. You can even drop your chin toward your chest a little bit and although this can help you relax, at no time are you going to be asleep. Instead, you will simply be deeply relaxed while learning new skills and strategies. You'll probably notice that your breathing has already become more smooth and rhythmic without any effort on your part at all. Your heart rate has probably even slowed a little bit, becoming calm and regular. As you continue to breathe in, relax the muscles of the brow, the muscles of the jaw, the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Continue to breathe in and breathe out. Pause and open your eyes for a moment. Open your eyes just for a moment and check in with yourself. Ask yourself if you are a little more relaxed and calm now than you were a moment ago. It's pretty amazing how easily we can create a new state so rapidly just by closing the eyes, releasing the tension and letting some of our muscles relax. Open your head and once again close the eyes down. Breathing in and breathing out, bringing yourself to that point of relaxation where you were just a moment ago. Maybe even noticing yourself doubling that sensation of relaxation with each and every breath. Notice the arms becoming relaxed and heavy, the loosening muscles like loose rubber bands in the back and the belly and even the muscles in the buttocks and thighs. As you breathe in and breathe out, bring your attention for a moment to your hands. Notice how you can even relax the tiny muscles of the hands, even the tiny muscles of the fingers. Just let those hands relax and be completely supported. And when they're completely relaxed, you will find that the relaxation causes you to become aware of a sense of heaviness. Think of the word heavy for a moment. Think of your hands and say to yourself, my hands are heavy. My hands are heavy. Really noticing how heavy your hands are. They are so heavy in fact that if you try to lift your hands, you'll notice they become locked down, heavy from relaxation. And even if you tried to move your hands, because they're so heavy and deeply relaxed, you would have no desire to do so. So breathing in again and breathing out, thinking the word warmth. Think warmth like that which might come from the sun or warmth like that which might come from inside the body. And as you focus on your heavy hands, continue thinking the word warmth. As you focus on your hands, thinking of that word, allow yourself to notice the sensation of warmth in your hands. You can notice both a sense of warmth and heaviness. Saying to yourself, my hands are warm. My hands are warm. My hands are warm. Notice that feeling of warmth that comes from inside or that can be felt on the back of the hands as they rest. As your body relaxes, your legs, your thighs, your calves, your shins and even your feet can relax. Even the little tiny muscles of the toes can relax. You can notice a sense of heaviness in your feet and the muscles relaxing. In fact, think of the word heavy again and say to yourself, my feet are heavy. My feet are heavy. Think of that word warmth. And as you think of the word, notice the sensation of warmth in those feet. Just let those feet be warm and heavy. My feet are warm and heavy. My feet are warm and heavy. It's amazing how we can actually create a sensation of warmth and heaviness even though we haven't touched the thermostat. And as you breathe in and breathe out, notice the heart rate is calm and regular, smooth and rhythmic. Bring your attention to your forehead across your brow. And as you pay attention to your forehead, think of the word cool, allowing your forehead to experience a sense of coolness. Saying to yourself, my forehead is cool. My forehead is cool. My forehead is cool. You're doing perfect. You have created both an awareness of warmth in one part of the body and coolness in another part of the body, as well as creating a feeling of heaviness in the hands and feet. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Deep relaxation. And the lesson here is that you can create any sensation, thought or experience. You can achieve by thinking thoughts such as relaxed, cool, heavy or warm. You're able to notice those things and create those experiences in your body. So I have a question for you. What else would you like to create? So right now, where you are, just close the eyes down for a minute. And breathe in. And breathe out. And as you continue to breathe in, and breathe out. Notice that the breath is a great thing to focus on. Because no matter where we go, we can always take it with us. The art of cultivating awareness of what we have can begin by simply noticing as you breathe. I've heard it said that as long as you are breathing, you are actually okay. So you have your breath right now. It's something that you do have already. Become aware of what it's like to breathe in and for that air to travel deep into the body. And what it's like for that breath to turn into an exhale. Notice that point where it switches from in and turns around to become out. When we pay attention to anything, we are practicing the skill of paying attention to everything. And this is really important. Right now, as you are paying attention to your breath, you can also pay attention to your wealth. And maybe it's not measured in dollars, or gold, or stocks. Although it might not be measured in those definitions of wealth. Notice the wealth that is within you, like the breath. Is it potential? Creativity? Ideas? What wealth do you already possess within you? What are your strengths? Are you trustworthy? Loyal? Courteous? Cheerful? Thrifty? Clean? Brave? What strengths do you have? What is fairly awesome about being you? What resources do you have? Maybe you don't have a high dollar European import to drive around in. But you do, perhaps, have access to a vehicle or public transportation. Maybe you're not eating at luxurious restaurants each and every night. But, do you have your most basic needs met? By measuring these things against the standard, I guarantee that you are most likely in at least the top half of the world's wealth. So how do you move from that top half to the top 1%? One key is being mindful of what we have. By practicing this type of mindfulness meditation, your awareness of all the strengths, resources, and ideas that you have will increase. As you focus your attention on those things, and your awareness of them begins to grow, expand. You begin to demonstrate them in your life. And that is what we call a universal truth. That which we focus on expands and takes up space. Now that you are focusing on what you have, those things will continue to increase in your life. Very good. You will find that by using daily affirmations, the financial success you experience will be like opening a treasure chest. As wisdom is just as, if not more so, wealth. Each and every day, ask yourself, in what new way can I create, act, and achieve? The law of action underlies the law of attraction. And so each and every day, as you take each and every action, ask yourself, Does this bring me closer to, or farther from, my goal? Choosing to increase the actions which generate money, and decrease the actions of procrastination. Does this bring me closer to, or farther from, my goal? In every way, I'll begin creating new wealth, by gratitude for the wealth that I already possess. Not looking at what I lack, but finding instead what I have. In every way, I'll begin creating new wealth, by gratitude for the wealth that I already possess. Not looking at what I lack, but finding instead what I have. Now becoming aware of the spot directly in front of your vision. The place you looked at right before you closed your eyes. Even right now, with your eyes closed, move your attention back to that mental place. All the way to the spot in front of you. Even though the eyes are closed. And now when I count to three, you can open your eyes, focusing on a spot on that far wall. You'll find that when you open your eyes, you are alert, awake, oriented, and ready for the rest of the day. One, paying attention to your breath. Two, being aware of the muscles in your body. Three, just open the eyes, paying attention to that spot on the far wall, feeling aware of something new. Watching the spot on the wall, letting it become clear and crisp and in focus. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. One, two, three, four, five, awake and alert. www.mooji.org

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