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Ultraprocessed foods, like soft drinks and packaged meals, have artificial additives that can harm our health. Studies show they can cause obesity, heart disease, and depression. They lack essential nutrients and can lead to nutritional deficiencies. They also increase the risk of serious heart and circulatory events. To reduce consumption, keep these foods out of your home. Instead, choose whole fruits and nuts as healthier alternatives. Awareness and choice are key to making a positive change in our diets. Welcome to Real Food Real Talk where we explore the profound effects of our dietary choices on health and well-being. I'm Don and coming up we'll have a chat with health expert Evan about the hidden realities of ultraprocessed foods and how they impact our health. I'm going to give you a brief explanation of exactly what ultraprocessed foods are. These are foods that go beyond basic preservation and cooking to include artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives that fundamentally alter the food. Think soft drinks, packaged foods, and ready-to-eat meals. They're designed for convenience and long shelf life. But what cost does this come to at our health? Studies show that diets high in these foods can lead to obesity, heart disease, and even depression. In a series of 43 studies, 37 found dietary ultraprocessed foods exposure associated with at least one adverse health outcome. Among adults, these included obesity, cardiometabolic, risk, cancer, type 2 diabetes, depression, and much more. Now we'll move on to the health impacts. The evidence is mounting that consistent consumption of ultraprocessed foods can have dire health consequences. According to recent research by Lucia Bouchat, many of these ultraprocessed foods are high in fat, refined carbs, and They lead to chronic inflammation, a root cause of many serious diseases. They are often low in essential nutrients that are crucial for our body's optimal function. Furthermore, they often lack fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of which are vital for maintaining health and preventing diseases. Instead of nourishing our bodies, these foods can contribute to nutritional deficiencies that may impair immune function, reduce bone strength, and impact mental health. A moment you have all been waiting for. Joining us now is Evan, a diet professional who's been studying the effects of ultraprocessed foods on our health. The first question for you today, Evan, is could you please explain why ultraprocessed foods are so appealing yet potentially harmful? Yeah, of course. So ultraprocessed foods appeal to many due to their affordability, widespread availability, and appealing taste. So whether you're at a gas station or passing a vending machine, you're likely to encounter these types of foods. They're not only easily available, but also crafted to taste delicious, making them a tempted choice for many consumers. What are the most alarming health risks associated with a diet high in these foods? There's an array of alarming health risks that are caused by consuming these foods, like anxiety, obesity, depression, and more. But the most surprising one that I found was that those who ate mostly ultraprocessed foods were 24% more likely to experience serious heart and circulatory events, including heart attacks and strokes. And this is according to the British Heart Foundation. What steps can individuals take to minimize their consumption of ultraprocessed foods? Personally, I have found that keeping these foods out of your house is the best option. This way, when it's late at night and you're craving some ice cream or a bag of chips, you cannot have it because you do not have access to it. Thank you. Can you share some simple whole food alternatives that families can start incorporating into their diets today? Yeah, of course. So if you have a sweet tooth, I suggest getting some whole fruit like pineapple, oranges, or strawberries. If you're just looking for something savory to snack on, I suggest almonds, peanuts, or anything in that category is pretty healthy. Evan, thank you so much for shedding light on this crucial topic. Also, thank you to our listeners for tuning in. Remember, real change starts with awareness and choice. Until next time, eat great and live life to the fullest. Have a good one.

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