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The program discusses the topic of indigenous people in Uruguay, highlighting their past and present presence in the country. They mention the importance of acknowledging and understanding the indigenous heritage and culture. The program also mentions the genetic evidence of indigenous ancestry in the population and features interviews with descendants of indigenous chiefs. It emphasizes the need for social integration and problem-solving within the indigenous community. The program also promotes audience participation and engagement through social media and phone lines. The podcast at the end features a song that honors the indigenous heritage and calls for recognition and respect. Good morning to the 89.3 FM Diversidad audience. Here we begin again a program of Social Strategy. Good morning, José Luis. Good morning, Ismael. How are you, friends of Social Strategy? A cultural program made for people. Today we are going to be sharing a very important topic within Uruguay. This is the topic about the indigenous people in Uruguay. The presence of indigenous people, vestiges, present and past. We will have notes, information about that. It is really important and very interesting that it will be of interest. But above all, it will give guidelines of the presence of indigenous people and descendants that we have here in Uruguay. Of course, Ismael. There is a great descendant. We were informed that there will be a postcard and comments and all that they did. They did, in some way, without a doubt, that the indigenous people were in our Uruguayan lands. And after all that happened, what the anecdotes tell, people linked to what has to do in Tacuadembo, to what is the indigenous part, which somehow marked a whole history in Uruguay. Yes, there is statistical data of the presence of DNA in people. And well, for me it was really a challenge to investigate this topic. They presented us information about the presence of DNA in people. You will even have the testimony, nothing less than the great-grandson of a chief, very named in history, which is the chief CP. And well, we also have the presentation of historians talking about the subject. And well, what we ask the audience to communicate with us, to give their point of view, their comments, their opinions, through the already known lines. It can be by WhatsApp, in text or audio message, no more than 40 seconds. 098283142 And also invite them to follow us on social networks, by Instagram and Facebook, with the name Estrategia Social. And one more thing, to take into account that we can listen, tune in to the radio through the Internet, www.diversidadfm.com Today we have a very nice program, because as we said at the beginning, there is a lot of information, which I think will be for two programs, with all that we have already collected from the material. Yes, because we don't have time, we have to give information, and it spreads a little, we don't want to spend an hour, and we will pass to a second part next Friday. Well, we still have the lottery of the candy boxes, and we also have the lottery of the deodorant. Also, so send the data, whoever wants to enter the lottery, sending the last four digits of the cell, the name and the place where you are tuning in. Do you want the deodorant or do you want the candy? Ah, through the message, as Dario said, and as Ismael said, Dario Fumero, our social manager, who is somehow giving the different touch in this city, we are giving the different touch, with points of view, with information. Estrategia Social is a cultural program, which is made by and for the people. It is a program that comes from below, working quietly, without bothering the neighbors. Some things have been achieved, a lot of information has been given, but one thing I want to tell you, Ismael, that people ask me, and I tell them, is that one is not going to solve the issue of all people, but to solve, obviously, problems that can be treated and can be solved. To channel problems and provide, with tools, the way to solve each problem. That is, of course, to clarify that we do not solve problems, but that we enhance in people that ability to socialize and present, or give them the capacity to solve their own problems. And we are here, receiving everything that has to do with that, of the social, of the collective, of the exchange, of the communication. Well, Ismael, we are going to present, then, the podcast. Well, we want to greet the radio station, Jacobo Mejés, Carlos González, all the colleagues, Samuel and Rodríguez, to all who do the 89.3, because this is a team, all the radio is a team that is maintaining a line, right? And be well all with themselves and with their colleagues. Without further ado, we present the podcast of Ismael Darío Fumero, our social manager. Go ahead. The sea saw them arrive, my feathered brothers were the bearded men of the prophecy to wait. I am the voice of the monarch, that the God had arrived and we opened the door to them, for fear of not being ignored. They were mounted on beasts, like demons of evil, and they were with fire in their hands, and covered with metal. Only the courage of a few opposed resistance and when they saw the blood running, they were filled with shame. Because the gods do not eat, nor do they enjoy the stolen, and when we realized, everything was already finished. And in that mistake we give up the greatness of the past, and in that mistake we are left, 500 years slaves. We have the curse to offer to the foreigner our faith, our culture, our bread, our money. And we keep changing gold for accounts of living and we give our wealth for its mirrors with shine. Today, past the 20th century, we are still coming blondes and we open the house and we call them friends. But if a tired Indian arrives from walking in the mountains, we humiliate him and we see him as a stranger on his land. You hypocrite who shows yourself humbling the foreigner, but you become proud with your brothers of the people. Oh, curse of Marínchez, disease of the present, when will you leave my land? When will you make my people free? Quiesco Picapiedra offers you quinielas, 5 euros, eatables, chickens, drinks, in general, is located in Calle Ancina, in front of Plaza Artigas. Remember that we have an extended schedule from 6.30 to 22 hours. Contact us through the phone 432-7230. Quiesco Picapiedra, we are waiting for you with a pleasant and warm attention. Now in Durazno, the company Espacios Verdes arrived. Works for state companies are carried out, cleaning and maintenance of land, parks, ponds and trees pruning, house construction, ponds, cabins for flies, mosquitoes and all kinds of insects, football fields maintenance, tractor is counted. Affiliated chains of chainsaws, active barruche and rut, we are in Capurro 1040, Casi Leandro Gómez or to the phones 432-5302, 432-5660 or to the phones 094-359-737 or 098-850-232. Espacios Verdes. SEB, service of accompanying Durazno with coverage of services throughout the country. We accompany you in sanatorium or hospital with qualified and selected staff. Our assassins are Dr. Luis Alberto R. 921 or to the phone 095-630100. SEB, accompanying services in Durazno. In Durazno we talk about San Pedro pharmacy, wait for them in Herrera 874 or to the phone 432-2548, San Pedro pharmacy. We wait for you in Turbolas 775, Almacen La Escuelita. Almacen La Escuelita offers a wide range of merchandise, we wait for you in Turbolas 775, Almacen La Escuelita. Uruguay is a cosmopolitan country. The Rio de la Plata is the gateway to all civilizations and cultures of the world for 500 years, especially from the old Europe with the arrival of the first Spanish expeditionaries. Currently a number of Latin countries and other latitudes enter as immigrants for reasons of social status and other virtues of the country. The Oriental band was formed with this exchange. Indigenous, Creole and foreigners mixed, giving rise to a nation with heterogeneous features. That is what makes us a cosmopolitan society that takes the influence of different nations and cultures. But such a condition has meant paying a high price. We open the doors to foreigners from other continents and we close the windows to America. We turn our backs on them. What does this mean? Simply put, Uruguay has forgotten its indigenous tradition. This statement is based on the fact that we do not have a culture of the native origin and that we are not interested in them, that we do not recognize and accept that there were indigenous influences. Today there are still in South America and in Uruguay we have descendants of great chiefs like Cepé himself, although you do not believe it. It is a question of moral principles, an irreverence towards the race of the first natives who occupied these lands. Then ignorance covered us with its mantle of silence. They disappeared, not only for the gunpowder, the sword or the executions. Diseases such as tuberculosis or smallpox, which came from Europe in boats, had a lot to do with their extermination. Some oppose the Western way of the North and fought and died. Others joined society and, discriminated against by it, rejected the indigenous, and hid their own heritage. The process of extermination of the indigenous was not a matter of months or years. It occurred over several centuries, as in the rest of the American continent. According to historians, the thick of the indigenous, mestizos, blancos and negros, thus defined their culture, trait and traditions. The last indigenous who were known were Aymaca Peru, Tacuabe, and two others who went down in history as the last charruas that were sold to a Frenchman who took them to Europe to be exhumed. I am a descendant of the indigenous people of the Arapey Batobi, the indigenous people of the Ilikwi, the Guavishu, the Kwarem, the Iman, the Shakare, the Tewai, the Aedo, the Merin, the Uruguay, the Iberapita, the Kunyapiru, the Guaron, the Xatai, the Xhi, the Chapiqui, the Guajabo, the Baigorria, the Xawaron, the Asewan, the Karaguata, the Burukuya, the Apache, the Xapereyu, are all terms that come from the Guarani language. It is the Guarani influence in our country. With these terms we name places, towns, rivers, streams, animals and plants that are close to our country. And although we are strongly rooted in phonetics, we are attached to the mystical charrua. These are more popular. But it is known that there is less evidence of this than of its presence. It only counts having settled barely on the shores of the Rio de la Plata and the Uruguay. The books of historical texts of other generations refer to the remarkable event of the death of the first explorer in the area of the Rio de la Plata, there, near the mouth of the Uruguay River. I am referring to Juan Díaz de Solís, in the hands of the charruas, in the year 1516. However, the spirit of the charrua is stronger in our memory and in the claim born of the fervor and enthusiasm of belonging and identity with them. We recognize and accept them as the native ancestors of this nation. For example, there is an organization, a group of people who care for this nostalgia and remember the culture of the Indian. Thus, as a launch of a YouTube channel, the Council of the Charrua Nation, as it is designated with an ax, offers us the song Oyendau, ancestral memory, with the lyrics of Ignacio, the Indian Martínez, the music of Enrique, Este Tampo. And so they made an audiovisual in charge of Mel Libé. In the framework of the campaign for the change of the name on October 12, N'chalá from the Charrua Vascoidé community and N'chalá from Montevideo meet to carry out a ceremony and play the song Oyendau, ancestral memory in Chana. Asking through this act that we return the gaze to our roots, reaffirming that October 12 should be called the day of the Afro and indigenous resistance as a figure in the bill appropriately presented before the Parliament of the Republic of Uruguay. They ask for the definitive approval of this project. Vasco Adé, N'chalá, get up brother, Oyendau, Kuntahí, memory of the ancestral struggle. We go down to the audio. Here Oyendau. We go down to the audio. Here Oyendau. I want to come to you always memory. I can not. Come you friend, you who know how to look at the image of the soul. You as the father spirit, memory. I want to come to you always memory. I can not. Come you friend, you who know how to look at the image of the soul. You as the father spirit, memory. 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Durante casi dos años tuve el honor de ser la presidenta del Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe, un organismo multilateral que nació de una cumbre de presidentes iberoamericanos en el año 1992, cuando se intentaba conmemorar los 500 años de la llegada de los colonizadores. Se crea este fondo como un organismo internacional que atienda las emergencias de los pueblos indígenas, que son casi la mayoría de la población del continente y que están todavía en un estado de indigencia y de pobreza, de exclusión social. Entonces, bueno, se integra, se forma el Fondo Indígena donde hay una representación gubernamental, o sea, de todos los gobiernos de los 22 países y de los pueblos indígenas. Uruguay estuvo en ese arranque, firmó la Carta Constitutiva del Fondo Indígena, pero recién en el año 2005 firma el Convenio Constitutivo del Fondo, que compromete un poco más la participación. Entonces ahí es que empezamos nosotros, como representantes indígenas de Uruguay, a participar. Y bueno, como recién llegado y novedad, porque lamentablemente hacia afuera, todo el mundo piensa que en el Uruguay no existen indígenas y que no hay ningún vestigio de pueblos indígenas. Y en realidad sí, nosotros sabemos que aquí en Tacuarembó, según los últimos estudios científicos que hay, más del 60% de la población tiene ascendencia indígena. Entonces, bueno, es un espacio donde uno puede llevar estos temas, tratar de buscar el apoyo del resto del continente para una investigación seria sobre los pueblos originarios del Uruguay. Más información www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org www.isgur.org

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