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Siriq Chapter 10 3rd times a Charm RE-EDIT

Siriq Chapter 10 3rd times a Charm RE-EDIT

Erik Craig



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Sarik unlocked his phone and messaged Ari, asking her why she hadn't blocked him yet. Confused, he realized Ari thought he was engaged to someone else. Sarik tried messaging her on different platforms, but she didn't respond. He then discovered a message request from a guy named Troy who had a picture of him and Ari together. Troy warned Sarik to leave Ari alone, but Sarik challenged him and they agreed to meet at a cigar bar. Sarik arrived and noticed the atmosphere, and then confronted Troy, who expressed his love for Ari and showed Sarik an engagement ring. Sarik was impressed by the ring but didn't seem worried. Chapter 10 Sarik I Unlocked my phone and navigated to my messages where Ari's new number appeared at the top After a deep breath, I quickly composed a message hoping it would reach her me Ari Ari what Greek didn't I tell you to leave me the fuck alone? Chuckled me I see you ain't make good on your promise and blocked me yet Ari Not yet at least but I will soon if you don't stop Besides, I'm pretty sure your fiancee would hate to know that you're still dick riding your ex Perplexed I subconsciously tried to think why she assumed me and Bria were engaged me Ari the fuck you talking about I ain't engaged to no one but you the fuck I look like being attached to anyone, but you Three dots danced on my screen briefly, but nothing came from her in Confused I typed a response, but immediately saw the words not delivered at the corner damn This time she really blocked me in Disbelief I punched in her number and was hit with two bitch-ass long rings and the voicemail Informing me that she had indeed blocked me. I Tied my eyes feeling the heat of anger flashing through my body What the fuck kind of shit was Ari on she had me out here looking crazy and shit damn They're like a little bitch running behind her without a second thought I scrolled through her Facebook profile on my phone At least I'm not blocked here I said as I glanced at her profile picture her little boyfriend's picture wasn't there which gave me the impression He was not making waves like she claimed I went on her wall and left a few messages to get her attention. I wrote Ari stop playing and call me. This is not the end for me, and I know it is not for you Copying the message. I messaged her on Snapchat Instagram and even that bullshit-ass tik-tok She liked so much. I gave her ass a few minutes to either respond or block me again a Pregnant Paul's feel the air and my phone vibrated against the palm of my hand with an unknown message in my Facebook inbox Who the fuck is this I? Clicked the messenger icon and a message request appeared the name Troy Mackins Appeared in bold under people you may know and I became confused while trying to figure out who the fuck Troy was I? Eagerly clicked on the message request and the icon instantly caught my attention It was a picture of this fuck nigga Troy and my baby my girl Ari hugged up and shit I was sickened by the picture Seeing how this clown ass nigga had his hands tightly wrapped around Ari's waist and the size of his big-ass goofy smile made me feel sick Fuck that nigga. I rolled my eyes and opened his message reading his quick annoying ass introduction Troy I see you took my girl's words with a grain of salt Sarik Nonetheless, I cannot allow you to think it's cool to write her and tag her in social media posts the entire day Since I know you've been asked a number of times to stop and leave her alone I'm gonna have to ask you one more time to leave her alone. I Sucked my teeth and responded Me and what if I don't the fuck your stiff laced up ass finna do about it Seeing his name bouncing up and down on my screen I prepared myself to read his reply knowing damn. Well, it would piss me off to the max before I even read it Troy Let's get this clear Really clear despite you going to the big house and all I am NOT afraid of you nigga far from it If you want us to go to another level and take it there we can My guy I pay people to take out the trash and you're no different This nigga was hilarious to me had already not told him about me I eliminated niggas for less me You're talking a hell of a lot of shit for a nigga who holds no weight. I was daring him to try me with a response Troy Bruh having street status and money is no different You contribute what they call work by selling your community poison and hugging the block every day while I've earned several degrees Got a well-paying job and did things the right fucking way So this so-called weight you hold is no different than the weight. I hold The only difference is that mine is legal and I won't go to jail behind it My blood pumped hard in my head as I felt my anger pulsing in my chest This nigga had the nerve to put my profession down as if I was a pussy nigga that held no power in the streets My eyes narrowed to the screen trying to generate a response that will let this nigga know what was going on Me well nigga if you feel so strongly about the way I was taking care of mine Why are you so pressed to try to do what I did for Ari now? Why are you in competition with me it's because you know The only thing you can do for her is help her financially ain't shit You can do for her mentally or spiritually. I got her in that department hell, I'm pretty sure you ain't hitting the pussy the way I did a Facebook call from Troy flashed across my screen and I wondered why he was calling me My guess was he was tired of me heating him through text and he figured him calling and adding some extra bass to his voice Would move me. Yeah, okay Initially, I refused the call opting the type of response but something told me to listen a Second call came in and I answered. Hello. I Answered my response dripping with annoyance Sarik this is Troy. Yeah, nigga. I know the fuck you are What's good the fuck you want nigga? I Think this back and forth is for the birds I was thinking we could meet up to talk man-to-man cuz I can't allow you to keep reaching out to my girl Your girl nigga. I'll let you hold her down for a minute. But Ari is far from yoga He cut me off Sarik We could play this song and dance trying to prove who has the biggest set of balls in their boxers But we know that will never go in your favor Instead of going back and forth. Let's talk this out like real men Meet me at the high rollers cigar bar on 125th at 8 With that he hung up the phone leaving me stuck on stupid debating if he was ready for the type of smoke I was bringing his way When I entered the cigar bar the damn lights were the first thing I noticed It was a pleasant surprise to see scantily clad women wearing one-piece bodysuits fishneck stockings and fancy tall heels Their trays were filled with fancy cigars from different countries and several short glasses of bourbon My hand reached out to tap on the shoulder of a cute brown skin shorty carrying a half-empty tray The small frame she was toting around did not match the massive ass she carried behind her See in that ass I wondered if she was all natural or if she had taken a cheap Spirit Airlines flight to the DR and I laid down on Somebody's table to fill it. I Shook my head and lightly tap shorty on the shoulder again as she turned on her heels and parted her lips Hey sugar, what can I get you? She asked while balancing the tray on one hand? Yeah, little mama. Can I get an arturo fuente cigar a glass of gentleman Jack and some ice? as a matter of fact Let me get two ice cubes I'm also meeting someone here. Did a stuffy suit nigga happen to come in here recently. I Asked scanning for any sign of this bitch-ass nigga Grinning she took a mental note of my order before speaking sure Give me a minute to put this together in the meantime head on over there to the high roller section It looks like your party might be over there She pointed slightly to the left where I could see a lame nigga in a stuffy gray suit He was sipping from a glass and looking nervous as hell Puss-ass nigga. I thought as I headed toward Troy's bitch-ass. I Settled into the chair across from Troy in the section. He was occupying Instead of acknowledging him I waved shorty over who took my order The waitress placed a cocktail napkin my drink and a cigar tray on the table for me When I put the cigar in my mouth, she waited a few seconds before cutting the ends and lighting it Thanks, ma. I handed her a 50 and she thanked me by winking before walking away. I Took a few pools from the Cuban and looked at Troy who awaited me to acknowledge him Despite this I didn't as a result. He began an already awkward and annoying ass conversation Thank you for taking the time to meet with me sir rake The circumstances aren't ideal, but I must protect my girl and stand up for her My eyes were fixed on him, but I still didn't say a word as a result He continued. I know you may think what Ari and I have is a fly-by-night affair But it isn't my love for Ari is unconditional But I can't make her my wife if you keep stalking her trying to sway her decision to really end things with you Clearly she is not interested in whatever you two had so I'm asking one last time Before I have to go and get a restraining order for you to leave her the fuck alone Let this be the last time we speak about this. He finished his drink waiting for my response It wasn't until I finished my own drink that I finally spoke up My mouth dropped open in disgust at this niggas stupid speech I placed my glass down laughing at his ass Nigga are you done with that long-winded bullshit speech? Oh? Yeah, you are Let me rap to you real quick homeboy My love for Ari or lord Dyson will never fade She will always be mine, and I will always be hers This dick this tongue and the fact that I'm the only nigga who knows her the real her Will keep her coming back to me even if she tries to convince herself She could move on with the powderpuff nigga like you keep on believing. She's gonna take your little relationship seriously Hell if you were dead-ass serious you would have popped the question already His eyebrows twisted up, and he reached inside his suit jacket pocket Confusion poured out of me as I wondered if this nigga was trying to reach for the strap or not Fuck I left my shit in the whip When he pulled his hand out he held a single velvet box, and I knew exactly what was housed inside it Did you mean this he snapped the box open for me to view? I didn't want to seem pressed, but the ring was bad as fuck a Considerably large pear-shaped diamond surrounded in a platinum setting with small diamond baguettes Fuck that nigga shit blew my ring out of the water I was at a loss for words and Troy quickly noticed breaking into a devilish smirk like he finally had one up on me I Guess it finally registered with you how serious I am about Ori with that being said For the last time stay the fuck away from my girl before I have to get in contact With my powerful clients who know how to drag your ass back into jail where you fucking belong for parole violation nigga With that he gathered his things Took a last sip from his drink and exited the bar leaving me wondering what had just happened

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