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Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 19

Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 19

Eric Coley



The story of Last Destiny is one of fantasy, science fiction, joy, love, friends, etc. it is passion and heart timeless. It is solid and unique a remnant of some child's dream that grew into so much more and now here it is for whoever will listen. . .

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The glider flies low over the sea and the company spots mysterious sea creatures called pultophytes. Lee and James discuss their knowledge of these creatures. Charlotte steers the ship while Helen comments on the romantic relationship between Lee and James. They reach a mountainous area called Tizun and discover a village hidden in the mountains. They explore the village and find a battle room with weapons. Coffee senses something and leads them to a crying child warrior named Norse. Norse reveals herself as a Valkyrie and takes them to meet other Valkyries. They are introduced to Valda, a powerful Valkyrie who questions their presence. Valda agrees to show them around the village. Chapter 18, Charlotte & Company. Off in the distance, the glider speeds over the sea before it dives toward the tide. It was so low because the company had observed pultophytes moving below the water. Pultophytes are a mysterious species of sea beasts which is in legend but has not been catalogued. A violent species, they have been known in legend to attack seafarers and one another. Lee and James were looking over the edge at the creatures as they passed along. Lee says, back there were real pultophytes in the sea, James. We're still in a ship. That a toy took pieces. She's overexcited but James is overwhelmed. James eagerly says, how on Earth do you know of such creatures, Lee? Lee says, used to read so many texts as a youth when we were hiding. My momma taught me to read. I used to sleep the master's books. Learned so much from them when I wasn't learning from my momma. Later, I used to keep a little girl. All I learned, I told her, she was a little loony though. I miss her so. And she stares overboard with worrying eyes. James says, we desire to go for your ma. Looking at her as he touches her hand, Lee looks at him and says, soon. From across the way, Charlotte rotates the ship using the steer and Helen watches James and Lee standing next to her. Coffee is resting standing up. Helen, warm smile, says, don't you used to love those twos? So romantic. Better than your books any day. Charlotte looks unimpressed and says, better than my novels? I do like them though. Hope they stay that way. As she starts smiling, Helen says, where it say we going? Charlotte says, you's a pilot too. You never look at the map. We coming up on a mountainous reach that is called Tizun. No villages are for here far as map state should be good for us to rest. As they reach Tizun, they lower from the height they were. They pass through what seems like endless mountains. They go forward until Lee says, we spot a small village in these mountains. Charlotte says, ain't supposed to be. Coffee, get the steer. While I see, Coffee's eyes glow red as he awakens and comes over to take the steer. Charlotte goes over to where James and Lee are. Charlotte is surprised to see a village wall surrounding on a mountain cliff. Charlotte says, well, you's look at that. May have we don't have to rest on ship then. They land near the edge of the cliff. There's a large field between the glider and the village. They use that as a precaution. The region is cold at the moment, but not icy because it hasn't snowed. The star which heats their world, which they call the sun, seems so distant. The wall appears ancient as if it has been renovated multiple times. They walk to an entrance, which leads in and go up a hill to get to the village. It is dead quiet the closer they get to it. Lee says, place nothing more a ghost down. May have y'all can have it. But James says, Lee now, if it is, we can have an adventure like other times. They walk closer to another. Lee says, you're probably right. Something get me if I had to stay right here alone anyway. When they reach the first place, a large hall like building, wooden building. Helen walks to knock only to check the door and it opens. She says, the door wasn't locked. They enter a place with numerous weapons of all kinds on the walls. The floor favors an arena. Charlotte says, this stuff seem new. It's a battle room. Coffee says, something light. He moves along. Everyone looks toward another, but they can't hear what Coffee can. They all walk toward the stairs. Up the stairs is only another battle room. Coffee says, they left. So they leave the hall building and walk across a bridge. A cold breeze blows through, causing them to walk very close to another. They stop in another hall to get warm, but leave once Coffee doesn't hear anyone. Coffee points toward a taller wooden building, but they head over there. James and Lee are confused, but neither wants to say it out loud. Once inside, Coffee says, he moved in crying. Charlotte says, crying? Take us to it, Coffee. Coffee leads them upstairs. Then he leads them through a large hallway, which from outside leads to another building. There are a set of rooms and steps downstairs. Coffee points to the only half-open room and says, there. They all look at him to move there first. Once he moves, they do behind him. They walk as quiet as they can. When they go inside the room, they all stop and get very quiet. Charlotte whispers, no one is here, but I do hear a little girl crying. The room is just an average room with a wooden bed and a chest, nothing out of the ordinary. Lee whispers, and here too, we should. She appears frightened. As she gets ready to leave, James pulls her back by the arm. He holds her so she doesn't go. Helen loudly says, wait, what is that? Pointing at the bed. It's then they notice the bed has a shape on it, as if a body were laying on it. Everyone gasps, but Coffee says, you can almost see what I do. They all back away from him, but his eyes glow brighter than usual. Then out of nowhere on the bed, a female child warrior appears. She is fully armored. A tear falls from her eye. It seems to take forever until it splashes on the ground. Helen and Lee scream out. The child appears saddened and modest. She looks at them just as they look at her. Charlotte says, a real ghost? As she tries to pull at Coffee. Coffee says, why were you crying? The child warrior seems to get offended as she says, how could you have seen me? Should know be possible. She pulls her sword on Coffee. The others look toward another, not ready to draw their weapons on a child. But Coffee says, ill, why were you crying so harsh? First, the child warrior says, I can see it. Ye a mixture of souls. Charlotte and Helen look toward another as she continues. Finally welded together, ye be pure magic. That why you saw me. Someone has a fine craft. Ye are a beautiful work of art. As she puts up the sword, the others all look at Coffee in amazement. The child warrior continues after a pause. No one of mortal blood posts to be able to be here. So how and why? Charlotte says, we are Skyfarers, but everybody needs rest at one time or another. And when we in the skies, everybody can't. But when we on ground, people always bother us because of the glider. The child warrior says, the glider, Skyfarers, looks confused. Charlotte says, we have a flight ship. The child warrior says, I have never heard of the thing. Charlotte says, I'm Charlotte. This is Helen, Coffee, Lee, James, pointing to all, who are you? The child warrior says, Norse, the Valkyrie. She says it was such pride and passion, the company has no idea what it means. Charlotte says, Valkyrie? Norse says, a Valkyrie is warrior of light or dark. We have been since the dawn. We are of the world of the unseen. It is we who interweave in war and battles, ultimately deciding outcome. Charlotte walks in front of Coffee and says, I don't know what any of that means, but yous never did say why you was crying. Norse looks away out the window and says, I just have a lot on me mind. Show me your ship thing. As they head toward the glider, Helen thinks, Charlotte, none of this seems strange to yous. Child appear from nowhere. Say all she say. We just act like nothing. May have too much of even wearing on you. Norse takes them through where they have already been. When they reach the battle room, though, they are startled. Two female warriors appear out of nowhere fighting one another. One a Eureka, the other a Fawn. There is no sound, and they carry on as if they do not see them. Everyone but Coffee is startled. Norse says, they started after we all came through. We can hide our emotions. It feels so. Doesn't stop. They stare, but Charlotte and Coffee follow her, at which point the fight is finished. Charlotte says, what is motion? Norse says, hard to explain. It everywhere on Iowa, though. Back walking toward Norse and them, Helen says, we just saw a pair fighting like death appeared and disappeared. Too strange. She has a bewildered expression. Lee says, how anyone ever going to explain this all? Looking at James, who is clueless. They walk toward the wall, and from a high portion of the hill can step across onto the wall. It is big enough for an adult to stand on without falling. Only Charlotte and Coffee go across with Norse. Norse says, I can see it from here. Charlotte says, you can? Yes. What a strange thing. Mayhap. I, we, I mean, see another flying through the skies. They all look confused. Such a strange thing with the wings and stuff connected. Wish I could fly it. Charlotte just looks at her in amazement. Charlotte says, who lives here with you? Norse says, my sisters, cousins, and Archeons. As she looks up to Charlotte. Charlotte says, what are the Ark? But before she can finish, a powerful voice speaks from behind, calling Norse, asking who are the company. Norse looks toward the direction of the voice and becomes frightened. She says, Valda, and takes off running on top of the wall until she disappears. The company turns to see what startled her so, as a tall warrior clad female carrying an unusually strange design sword, a black and gold design stands. She has a look of conviction toward them. Valda says, who are ye? Why would Norse reveal us to the likes of you? Her voice is as still. There is none of the Norse compassion. Charlotte says, we are skyfarers, just travelers. She promised us shelter. We'd be gone by morrow. Valda says, that one is pure magic, pointing a coffee with her sword. As she continues, how you saw past the Vell, look like no other. I suppose a promise is a promise. They are tight after I show ye round. They are not. By nightfall, they are being shown around and introduced to other Valkyries. Valda says, this is Zona, a blonde and red-haired brownie. Jean, a tattooed Ionian. And Sama, a redhead. We are Valkyries. Helen says, no male Valkyrie? As she continues, no. The outcome of many war and battle has been ours from time immemorial. They all are in the battle hall sitting on the arena. Charlotte says, but who gave you these tasks? And why is it up to you to decide something which is so questionable? Valda says, it is our nature, as ye like have your common nature. Ours just happen to decide yours. If ye wouldn't have had your flying thing and your pure magic friend, ye have never found us. None of this would be known, so why question it? Charlotte, unimpressed, says, too many things on my mind. If I not question it, it will spoil over. Helen, James, and Lee partially laugh. Valda says, fair enough, child. Charlotte looks ambiguous. As she continues, we can speak in their minds. When it comes to struggles, dark be on one side, light be on the other. Each side fairly help toward the outcome. We may even observe a conflict instead of taking sides. We were raised being taught all eye only in nature to understand it. No language is hidden from us. From our perspectives, our systems tend to create dramatic outcomes, feeding minds with deadly thoughts and agendas. Nor be a dark thought. James, confused, says, so it's four light Valkyrie, four dark Valkyrie? How ye all sisters? I mean, it only name only? Valda says, we all have different mothers, same father. Though we each have different set of past, we all split together long ago, and we had a fallen away, been at war since. James says, I know it's ran from me. Charlotte, confused, says, well, why Norris has suffered if she's so younger than even us? Valda says, Norris is no child. We all mothers was impregnated same day, just different time. You look how she desire. Helen grows fresh and says, that sound nasty. Why fight another though? The company looks toward her. Valda says, it is our nature, same as on battlefield, so conflict can start among us anytime, from argument, bumping, no matter. It is who we are, not avoidable. James whispers, Lee, why you no ask questions? Lee whispers, I still think they walk in spirits. Valda says, did ye not mention Norris was crying? I shall have to see to that. Charlotte, confused, says, but won't that make problem between yous and dark ones? Valda says, no, Norris no like other dark valkyries, and dark not mean what ye think. Charlotte says, well, why entertain us, considering yous don't talk to outside or just influence it? Valda says, cause ye came here, and Norris show you her for a truth, like her, I always desire to actually meet one of you. She smiles toward Charlotte, who is startled by it. Valda and the other valkyries leave the room. Alone, Charlotte says, this is too much weird. I mean, they claim to be basically God, but seem all too Ionian, and everything she say sounds myth, don't know what to believe. Lee says, I mean, are we even alone now? They can hide everything from us. If no coffee here, we never would have found, even if we came to place, and in no glider. James says, also, when Toa get up and running, they won't be able to hide this place. Ellen says, probably move to sky, but I don't believe nothing they said either, all just too much. I say we get some rest, and room they gave us, and go. They all agree, and head toward the area they were given. In the rest area, they are in together, coffee stands, and rest. Everyone else lies on a bed, and to another. Charlotte says, I wonder what Whelan and Lydia up to, as she lays staring up at the ceiling of the wooden fashioned room. Ellen says, so you do care about them, as she looks at Charlotte intently from her bed. Charlotte blessing swings her pillow toward her. A walkway across, James and Lee lie across from another. Lee says, Char is right, this place is like nothing imagined. Preachers decide things no one should, and they don't seem to desire love, wealth, or anything but conflict. They lock in here, if not out there. This the impression Whelan gave me of himself and his land. James, looking at her, says, but then who would decide? Somebody has to decide these things, whether we see them or not, just the actual way of things. Funny how people get once the curtain falls, and we see what's behind it. But what about Whelan, you say? Lee lifts up to look at him and says, he was born and raised to be a warrior, way he taught, no different from how they claim to be. I think he could help these people. He left his home, seen so his sister grow up different. He have a lot of insight, can share with people like self, all I mean. James says, difference is Whelan just an ioint, that what they claim through, they always live. Not much he can do for that, like sleep time, as he and she lie back. Across the way, Helen whispers, yous heard that, Char? Whelan helped him. Looking over at Charlotte, Charlotte turns over and whispers, yous a meddler, yous know that, with a smirk on her face. Helen's smirking, whispers, because I desire to see my friend happy like them twos. Charlotte blushes and pulls the cover over her head. Outside on the other side of the village, a gray haired youth with a gem in his forehead sits. His eyes are gray, his attire is a gray suit with splashes of gold feathers on. He's alone on a bench of a building. He stares at the stars, smiling. The next day in the same spot sits Norris. The morning sees the sun in all its glory, but the cold air is there as always. Norris thinks, Niko, as strong as you are, you ain't been no same since Taelgen died so many centuries ago. Went right over deep in. Everybody's scared to confront you about it. Belder thinks you really came to Luzhin with all this. Why was Taelgen's death so bad for you? Now you be at the center of every altercation, so strange, trying to make us dark Valkyries live up to our name. We all supposed to resolve conflict among our own, no matter how we been seen to meddle, make it worse. I say, if we continue on such path, nothing will correct itself. We supposed to bring about the end of the conflict, whichever side we on. So if we make things worse as though feeding off it, we not completing our task. When nature have enough of it, we will be erased from existence by ourselves. Iona will be none the wiser, but with us gone, life on all will destroy itself because we not balancing as we supposed to. She then turns to look toward her left to see the youth from the night before sitting next to her, smiling. Norse eyes widening, she says, she runs off into the building. He looks up toward a neighboring star. Belder gathers her Valkyries. They make sure Charlotte and company have a meal. Then they depart to find out what is wrong with Norse. As they eat inside, Charlotte says, I think things may come heated. James says, yes, you may have to leave is what you mean. Charlotte nods. As the Valkyries walk, looking for Norse, Iona thinks, Belder is protective of Norse. She knows Miko is protective of her too. Miko has been making so much anguish to play with us. We should just let this be. Across the bridge, on top of a roof, the chocolate infection-separated Miko sits with her cousin, Lokison. Lokison is green-skinned, black-eyed, with long flowing jet black hair. Miko brushes his hair. Miko says, Lokison, you've always been dear to me, but you haven't said a word in centuries. No, not a peep. Same day Teojin died, you died as well. Belder killed her, and we all act as if it's just part of the task. For long, I think I have to do the same to her. But Lokison grabs her hand. As she continues, oh, Lokison, I wouldn't hurt her, so it just makes me so angry to think about her passing. I'm sorry. He lets her go. As she continues, when Teojin died, I told you so many times, it's as if I can't quite put my finger on it. Seeing up then, we was untouchable, not like the Ionians that changed. It showed we was able to die like all the rest. You went silent. Belder and I no longer stand another, and I started doing things I could no control, as if I were a puppet. Wish you could help me. Lokison thanks. Wish I could too, Miko, but he bounded me. I can do no more than thank and walk, no expression of how I feel. I can't warn you of all this work, my dear brother. He won, and no one knows, but me, his silent victim, who he puppets. Hatsai and Archeons desire me to see y'all perish. I can't even kill myself as he weaves, as Miko continues brushing his hair. Across the way, where Norris' room is, the light valkyries reach her room. Belder does not knock. She opens the door. Norris, who was lying down, becomes frightened as she rises. Norris, frightened, says, please, for Velda, I don't want no trouble. Had they not seen me, I wouldn't have showed myself, I promise. Velda says, we don't desire trouble either. We're not here to fight. Our friends say he was crying. Did Miko hurt you? Norris sits back on her bed and says, the outside is told. And Miko, why did you hurt me? As she shakes her head, Velda says, sorry, we are here for you, sister. We will listen. Norris says, you really want to listen to what hurt me? Or is this get back at Miko? Turn one of her dark valkyries to the light side. If you're really here, listen to me. You have to be who you were before she passed, when I and y'all were so close. We only carried on fighting when out playing on the battlefield doing us tasks. Can you do that for me? Velda has completely lost her composure and looks down. The others look at Velda's fallen composure. Norris says, didn't think so. As a tear falls down her cheek, Velda looks up with tears in her eyes. Norris is startled as she has never seen Velda in such a way. Velda says, I, I'm sorry. That was what I came to do. Norris' eyes widen. She says, nothing I would give you the right. Velda says, but it was supposed to be mine. Only one I can confide in. Only one who, she looks down once more. Norris says, been so long you're acting headstrong. You forgot what it's like to do like us others, huh? And coming to me as if I were a cub and you was my mammy, instead of as my best friend, as you always had been. Velda starts to cry with her head still down. Norris says, so I, when she passed, I drew closer to Nicole, who all of a sudden decided we was dark doctories and more than name. She, she. Norris starts to cry more as she continues shattered in pieces. I don't know who she is, but she not our Nicole. Ain't been since she passed. I wanted, so wanted to tell you all, but where you've been begun treating me as if I had nowhere to go. But inside myself, everything seemed happened so fast since then. And here we are now. Velda goes to her and hugs her. Norris hugs her back. As far off, Nicole sits with Locuston. Her eyes filled with darkness. Drops the brush she has in her hand and rises. She leaves Locuston without saying bye. Locuston knows she's being possessed. He reaches for her, but his body shuts down. He's reminded he's being possessed as well. Velda says, is this what hurt me so? As she embraces her. Norris, who has stood up to embrace her more says, no, it's just what I missed. What hurt me is I can see me be upsetting the balance of nature and not long for nature going to correct itself and remove us. The others were moving in to hug them. Velda pulls back, says, huh? As she continues, I can no be the only notice. We no longer do our tasks. We've seen more Ionian now since she passed. We've seen feet off Ionian conflict like somebody been pulling our string. Knowing if we go Ionians, no longer have that unseen balance. As they all start to think about her words, they back from another. Then Nicole walks into the room with her sword drawn. Charlotte and company were outside looking for the valkyries before they leave. When they see Nicole walk with her sword drawn, they pause, watching her enter the building. Nicole, frustrated, says, Velda, you wouldn't be trying to take Norris from me now, would you? Outside, lightning has started running down. Charlotte and company realize they can't leave nor even reach the glider. A bolt of lightning tears through Norris' room, severing a hole in between Nicole and the other valkyries. Norris begins to cry. Nicole says, get the hell away from her. This will be the end of all of this. Across the way, Locuston thinks, I think Nicole had a nervous breakdown until Jyn died, and that was enough for Catseye to take her mind. He worked her entire personality so the affairs of them would go as he said, all because he trusted in Archeon as he shakes his head. Charlotte and company go inside the battle room. Helen says, we aren't just going to let them destroy themselves, are we? Charlotte says, not sure that what's happening. May have this just one of their conflicts. Say they always happen for the littlest thing. We just happen to be here for one. But how could we if they were? James says, where would we go from here? Charlotte says, Sazee, I have to find. Lee says, we understand. Locuston has silenced his mind as he looks up to his brother Catseye, who is looking down at him smiling. Catseye says, the taste? Wish you could taste it, brother. When you plan something out, centuries even, and it finally starts to all come due, that taste is victory, you see. Come on, let's watch. Locuston's head at his brother's words turns, even though he doesn't want to. Back in North's room, Miko's lightning spells have formed the roof off of the building. They all but North have pulled their weapons. Or finally says, to me, my Aragon, as she leaps up, a winged flying horse catches her. Velda and Zona call their Aragons, which they leap onto and go to meet her in the sky. North repeatedly moans, not like this. Her expression is frantic. Alma holds her as they look up at their sisters. Looking through a window of the battle hall, Charlotte says that they have flying winged creatures unlike any I've seen. Lee says, North could have flew by us in the glider and we'd have never known. Miko pulls both her swords and charges. She clashes with her swords into both and on either side. She strikes again at Zonia and shatters her sword. Then Miko kicks her off her Aragon. Zona's Aragon swings down and eventually catches her. Then Miko and Velda begin crossing swords. Miko strikes with both her blades, but it is obvious Velda has an enchanted sword stronger than any of the others. She breaks through Miko's left sword. The dark Valkyries begin to arrive on Aragon. Jean goes over to them. Before Jean can utter what she was about to, the Eureka Valkyrie says, Miko called us and it is as she said, die sister, as she keeps fleeing away. Lightning is still pouring down, damaging the ground and all of the property. They begin to cross swords. The Eureka cuts into Jean's wrist, causing her to drop her blade. She then stabs her. Jean frantically heals herself and says, Veloine, why? Why would you do such a thing? The Veloine charges her with her horn. Jean screams in agony. Zona is attacked by the Fawn Valkyrie. They begin crossing blades. George runs to leave the room. Velda leaps from her Aragon, tackling Miko off hers. They fight sword to sword until they crash into the ground. With bodies so dense, they aren't even faded. They just rise and go back into clashing. It has started to rain. Cat's Eye says, among them, I can sense your yearning. Might as well be there at their destruction. Locuston walks with a fast pace, leaving his brother. The Fawn leaps up and boots Zona out of the building. Just as Zona is trying to get up, the Fawn leaps down and guts her. Then she slams her shield into her face. Norse stumbles as she sees this. Zona burns the Fawn with a fire spell. Norse comes over to heal her. Charlotte comes over to Norse. Charlotte frantically says, this isn't just one of you all's fights, huh? As the Fawn burns in the background, her screams are heard. Norse tearfully looks up to her and says, no, no, it isn't. I think Cat's Eye and Archeon have been pulling us along. Charlotte says, Cat's Eye and Arc? I can't say those names. Norse says, you all should go. There's none place for you kind. Charlotte says, there's too much going on. Only reason I came out because I saw youse. They both turn as they hear a loud noise. Meeko and Velda have crushed through the wall while steel striking blade to blade. Norse rises and says, he can stop this as she looks over toward a walking Locuston. Charlotte, though, stumbles backwards and frantically says, what is that thing? Norse says, my, our cousin. He may have to keep solving this, but he ain't spoke a word in centuries. Charlotte looks toward her confused and rush over to him. He stops but is unable to do or say anything. The Fawn heals itself. Cat's Eye flies over and casts more lightning spells and it becomes apparent the lightning was a product of him. Charlotte says, who is that flying? Norse turns and looks up. Norse says, Cat's Eye. Cat's Eye looks toward her instantly and smiles. An enormous lightning bolt comes down which Norse shoves Charlotte out of the way of. But Locuston shoves her out of the way and takes the strike head on. All of the fighting, Valkyrie stop and look over. Norse screams out. Cat's Eye says, pest. He floats in the air at a standstill. Norse moves in to heal Locuston amongst the smoke which remains. Velda utters Locuston's name as she stares over. Her and Meeko stop once they saw the strike occur. And Meeko stabs Velda from behind with her sword. As Velda screams in pain, Meeko says, you never loved him. She kicked Velda down and heads over in Locuston's direction. Cat's Eye walks away in the sky. Locuston though speaks and says, Norse delights. Do not heal me. Norse's mouth drops. Locuston says, I have been under a spell of binding for centuries. That was enough to break it seems. Locuston is badly wounded bleeding all over. The other Valkyries arrive. Cat's Eye sits on a stone and ponders. Locuston says, all this is Cat's Eye and Archeon doing. Their plot all along. Archeon realized he overlooked my ability to know everything but didn't desire too much suspicion. He knew Cat's Eye's jealousy of me so he manipulated him into casting a binding spell on me. They desired I should watch as they dismantled you all. Sona says, but why? As he continues, Loki always loved me as the firstborn. Cat's Eye grits his teeth at this. He continues, that was enough for Cat's Eye. Archeon was never more than one who wanted to see us burn. Cat's Eye orchestrated everything. He ill-tailed them. All of the Valkyries but Meeko begin crying. As he continues, crafted an illusion to seem as if Velda did. Then made her believe it too. Worst of all, he took my Meeko amongst her breakdown and erased her. She no more than his vessel. They all look to her wielding her blood-stained sword. Locuston goes quiet, seemingly dying. Meeko slashes Xy'leon in half. The other Valkyries in shock pull their blades, even Norse. Meeko rushes them and fights both light and dark Valkyries at once. The rest of the company has slowly come out in a rage and eased toward near the Valkyries. As Meeko seems more than enough for the other Valkyries, she knocks Mox them away. Just as she does, she is stabbed through the heart from behind. Cat's Eye appears repulsed. The blade is snatched out. Velda stands revealed. Velda crying says, that was no longer our sister. She then looks toward Cat's Eye and rises her blade toward him. She has already healed her stab wound. Then they notice rocks and boulders rising and from behind Cat's Eye an immense armored figure emerges out the ground. Cat's Eye does not even move. It is obvious this is Archeon who points his immense blade back toward Velda. Velda says, sisters, this is it. No time like the present to die. They all nod, the six who remain. Velda, Norse, Zona, Jean, Salma, and Sanya rise and rush over. Charlotte says, this isn't what I desired to happen. Helen says, there's nothing we can do though, unless they need help against those who want to see this through. Charlotte says, yes, then we have to find Weavlin. James kneels down to Coffee and says, how are you? Coffee says, hope they can pull through. As he looks toward Norse and the others, Helen looks at him and smiles. When they reach them, Cat's Eye does not rise. Cat's Eye just says, fill them in where their pathetic brother couldn't. As he looks at them in disgust, Velda twitching says, you feel us and why family would do such a thing to another? Archeon, whose voice is loud and multiples of one voice begins to speak and makes his cousins tremble as he does. He says, it has been an honor, truly, but here goes. My family had died long ago, and I was raised by Loki and Odin. They infused me to be similar to y'all, but not one. Your father, Odin, killed Loki. Cat's Eye always desired to be the fruit of his father, Loki's eye, but that was reserved for the firstborn, Lokison, whom, as we all know, was so cherished by him because they looked exactly alike. I never could stand that monstrosity because he was born with the inactivity of a black-o-mantra. Well, Odin established you all's task as it came to be, making you believe the world revolved around you. Cat's Eye, for revenge, used his mind ability to manipulate y'all's mothers into killing Odin. They all appear shocked as he continues. He found he liked that ability a little too much. Even so, he loved y'all but despised you at the same time, so he began manipulating people across the world, lost himself, as you say, in it. It wasn't until y'all began unnettling wars he caused he realized y'all was a true threat to him, and he realized because I told him. Odin used to follow Loki's plots, same as his daughters do me. He knew who he was then. He knew I despised you, that my fear of y'all drove me, and that I wanted it, points with the black sword. He came up with a way to have both bests of all the world. We did. We influenced the world by taking over you, and when y'all had overstayed that welcome, well, what y'all have here and now. Cat's Eye rises, clapping his hands from the stone he sat on. He says, and that pest of a brother finally got what he deserved. He discovered our plot through his psychomantra, just as I planned, and the sooner I binded him and lived in his mind from that day forward, Archeon's. Archeon leaps toward them, striking at the middle of them, scattering them as his blade digs into the floor. Velda and Archeon begin clashing swords. Cat's Eye causes the rocks and boulders near him to rise. He shoots them at the others. They begin scattering. Cat's Eye pulls his blade. Then he casts a fire spell, causes his blade to blaze. Norris rushes him, and they strike blades with another. Velda shatters Archeon's blade, but he continues to fight with it. Velda says, What could you desire with a mere sword? As they clash, Archeon says, Mere sword? Child! Enchanted sword crafted of metals not of this world. No idea the likes of what it's capable. Sama and Jean start to help Velda, Sanya, and Zona go to help Norris. This gives Velda enough of an opening to stab Archeon in the torso. He then slams Velda into Sama and crushes Jean into the ground. Velda strikes him with the lightning spell. Sama casts a poison spell. Archeon immediately begins healing himself. He then snatches Sama's arm out of socket and stumps her unconscious. Jean jumps on his back and stabs repeatedly. He tosses her away, only to have Velda slice off his hand. She then charges her sword with the lightning spell. Archeon backs from her, only for Velda to be attacked by Norris, Sanya, and Zona. Velda looks toward Catseye who smirks and begins pounding on Sama's unconscious body. Velda knocks away her three siblings. Then she aims her blade toward Catseye, releasing some lightning his way. Unable to escape, he is fried. He angrily grunts as Norris, still under his control, guts Velda. Sanya keeps her down. Then they all begin stomping on her. Archeon has slain Sama and already has grabbed Jean. He strikes her with a blow of lightning while he holds her. Unable to free herself, she casts the Combination spell. The poison spell sickens them. The earth spell formulates the ground on them. The ice spell freezes their insides. The fire spell burns them. Then the lightning spell fries them both. Catseye says, I've had enough of this. As he leaps forward, cuts them both in half. Velda sees, but there is nothing she can do. Catseye says, didn't really think I would allow him to go on, did you? He then makes Sanya and Zona break their own neck. Catseye says, died by your favorite foul, as Norris gets ready to come down on Velda with her blade. Lightning strikes Catseye. Norris awakens and tosses her sword. Her and Velda look across the way to see Charlotte wave. Then they hear a loud roar. Norris and Velda's eyes go black. Go black. Charlotte asks the others to join in as Catseye emerges barely fazed, but more than slightly angered. Then their eyes go black. Catseye says, now everything's mine. All of a sudden, Lokison says, not so dear brother. Catseye loses his composure as a battered and bruised Lokison leaps forward to lock on with his brother and shoots up. The others' eyes slowly unfill with darkness as they look around. Catseye struggles to break loose, but Lokison won't let go. When they reach the clouds, lightning comes from all directions. Catseye and Lokison's screams can be heard in every direction, and then dead silence. Individuals of high authority have been under his mind control for decades are finally free. Norris and Velda, whom were also on a level they could not sense for centuries, are released. They are the only ones of their people left. Later, they bury their fallen in the battle hall. Then they set it on fire. This is a custom among people. By nightfall, they walk the company to the glider. Charlotte says, we're truly sorry all of this happened, but what will used toons do? Norris says, we're grateful we met used, though don't think this is the first time we have. As she tries to form a smile, the company looks at another. Velda says, we will try to live life as anyone else. We already learned today our way of life was obsolete and fashioned for us. We'll venture into the world and eventually move on. She hugs her sister and touches Charlotte's arm. Charlotte and the others leave in tears as they head for

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