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Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 17

Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 17

Eric Coley



The story of Last Destiny is one of fantasy, science fiction, joy, love, friends, etc. it is passion and heart timeless. It is solid and unique a remnant of some child's dream that grew into so much more and now here it is for whoever will listen. .

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Chapter 17. Charlotte and Company. In an endless sea of clouds, those who once rode the waves glide along. They have not grown accustomed to flying so high. They're desperately in need of food and are near Pablo. On board, Helen navigates. Helen says, I'm tired of being the pilot, as she stands next to Charlotte while steering. Charlotte, unamused, says, Helen, you just started. Helen carefully says, you're thinking about wheeling, huh? Charlotte says, yes, I just know he was heading to danger with that little girl, and Helen says, he'll be fine, and he'll be back. Below, in Pablo, is a quiet village. Most people go on in fairly early. It barely is a nightlife. The authorities rarely have to deal with crime, therefore they do light duty. Pablo is home to the two vigilantes, William and Shea, young lovers who had dreams of fighting the good fight. Being literal champions of justice, they settle so far with cleaning up their neighborhood. Right now, they stand on the porch of their home. Usually, they observe the general area and walk the blocks. Shea says, my darling, nobody have been robbing or murdering in a long ways. William says, yes, my darling, means we have been doing our part fairly well. Shea says, mayhap we should call it and get us some rest. What do you say? William says, now, now, those that love your supper cooking, I no more trust these roads than a little bit to not walk them every evening. William does not even look at his lover as he says this. He stares in the distance. Shea nods her head already knowing what he was going to say. She thinks, William, will this obsession never end? At first, the danger was fun. Now, we've been took care of so much, the authorities are expecting me to get you to fire, but you can no seem to understand. Right at that moment, the glider passes along the sky at high speeds and William spots it. William, in excitement, says, well, my darling, will you look at that there? I say, we got us a problem if I ever did see one. William's eyes widen, a big smile graces his face, and he takes off running in the direction of the glider. Shea, who only saw the glider whisk by, is scared and knows whatever that was. William is in over his head. She jogs behind him, so scared whatever she may be running toward could spell death for him and her both. William runs so fast he can't hear Shea asking him to wait up or doesn't entirely care. The glider heads for a hilly area among trees. Its occupants, hopeful, have drawn no attention. Shea, on the other hand, is sweating, nervous, fearful. He continues to call out to her lover until he looks back at her and smiles. A part of her remembers that boy she had a crush on and smiles back. When William reaches the glider, he quickly pulls his sword, but due to his height, he has no way aboard. Shea, exhausted, is far back walking at a fast pace. On deck, James says, I told you some crazed fellow came running our way. He swings his sword on the side. I could take him, with a smirk. Lee says, James, this is his village. We can't hurt him for looking to see what's going on. With her arms folded, looking directly at James, who has turned to her, Helen thinks she draws herself into confrontation with him, no matter the reason. The tension between them is getting so strong. Davies, for long, I foretell. Then she says, now, now, Lee, that fellow on the side swinging his sword signals the crazy to me, too. James might have to take him. James smiles as he reaches for his sword, but Lee looks at Helen, mortified. Coffee is near them by Helen, but Charlotte is at the commands, looking at all of them, shaking her head. James, with his sword drawn, walks and looks down overboard at William. James says, what's the problem? We've landed away, so it's not to cause no trouble. Are you this here land protector or something? He stares down to him with the most confused expression. William says, protector of Pablo, yes, that is I, emulating. We have enough trouble as is, so I had to see if you were a dangerous bunch. Slowly, Shea approaches. William looks back toward her. He reaches out his hand. She comes and breaks it in half. William says, this is my darling, Shea. I'm William. Who might y'all be? James, now accompanied by Helen, Lee, and Coffee, he replies, travelers from all over, just looking for a bite to eat. Then we need to go. William says, but what, pray tell, is this thing? I'd have thought it was from another new world, seeing it. William, still holding Shea's hand, squeezes it as he speaks, no longer looking up, but looking at the glider. Shea says, it, I say, it is a rather strange thing. She appears puzzled. James says, believe it not, these things one day gonna be gliding through all skies, we just lucked up on one. Lee and Helen give James a very impressed expression. William says, I suppose y'all a good bunch, so how about this, what you desire, food supplies? Most nod. I emulate him as he continued. Oh, go get them and bring them back to you, hear? Just pay us a cost once we come, then you can go on your way, no disturb. The crew nod once more as he continues. See ya in just a bit. He and her walk off. Shea thinks, they have my darlings growing, and I not notice it, as she smiles and gets with him. On board, Helen says, you should think they had all the precious metals on Iowa tucked away, he was acting as she looked at them in the distance. James says, funny still, he don't bring himself back, or when he do, he come with all the town folk to see the glider. As he wags his finger, everyone but Coffey laughs. Soon though, William and Shea return with cloth bags of food supplies. The company throws down ropes, and James, Lee, and Helen receive them. They pay them. The company grateful departs, and William and Shea wave as they leave.

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