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Last Destiny Volume 1 Chapter 7

Last Destiny Volume 1 Chapter 7

Eric Coley



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Kahara and the group arrive in Bayou Strait and seek information about Beruguel. They meet Cap'n, who warns them about the danger in Beruguel caused by wind-sorcerers. They land in Beruguel and encounter the Druids who are afraid of the wind sources. Hayden Colvin, a Druid, reveals that the wind sources seek to release Ryu and gain power. Kahara thanks Hayden and they continue their journey. Hayden suddenly falls into possession and reveals that she has seen Kahara's dreams. They leave Hayden and head towards their next destination. They come across a ship under attack and offer help, but are frozen by Warner, who later realizes they meant no harm. Warner frees them using his magic. Chapter 7 Later on they arrive in Bayou Strait. Kahara decides they shouldn't go back by Adams for information as he doesn't want to be questioned about Morocco. They settle on asking someone new, and Saru decides to be the one to knock. They find a home located in the vicinity of Adams' place. While the others wait, he goes on the porch to knock. A lady opens the door and says, Hi, I'm Cap'n. Haven't seen you all in these parts. Is this visit in the business of yourselves or the king? Kahara speedily comes forward before Saru can answer and says, Any King Rasusi? Why would we have any business for him? Saru, who has backed out of the way, looks at Kahara puzzled. Cap'n says, I'm lost. I'm King Rasusi's personal poultry seller. The best in all the land, mind you. He tends to send various people for poaching, so I wasn't sure if you were them or not. How may I be of service? Saru says, We'll take the poachings, two of each. Kahara looks at Saru with an unimpressed expression, knowing it is he that will have to pay for the purchase. After he has paid, Kahara says, We actually came to you for information. Cap'n says, Such as? Kahara says, Kahara says, Anything you may be able to tell us about Beruguel? Cap'n says, Beruguel? It lies to the west of here. A very fascinating place of furious people. When you see an area overran with rather small round tents, you will know that is it. The strange peoples of there are a peaceful bunch, but of late it has been rendered a danger zone because the wind-sorcerers have made it a personal stop. Please, if you all are going there, be careful. Hearing Kahara nod to another as she closes the door, Saru says, You always take all the fun. Looking squarely at Kahara, he walks off to join the others. They go back to that HAB cruiser and soon are over Beruguel. They know it is far cooler there than any of the other lands they have been to. Trying to go unnoticed, they land away from the village of tents in the fielded area. As they walk over to the village, Kahara says, Beruguel, a land where even little children do not go outside to play as other places. Moyoya says, I wonder how we will get their attention. Kayan, are you exhausted from handling the ship? Kayan says, No, Mayor. Thank you for asking. Saru says, My mother traveled here before. Once we enter the village, the people will be alerted and greet us. The people have procured your customs. Everyone only comes out at certain hours. Children's play is only at certain hours. Kahara says, Oh, okay. Well, we will wait only a little bit. After only 10 minutes of waiting, once reaching the village, Kahara says, Okay, long enough. Let's go to go to be. Saru says, Wait. Kahara says, No. Mayor says, Guys, they are starting to come out. As Saru and Kahara look around, the Druids begin to come out of their tents. As they do, the group is puzzled at first. Then they try to get their attention, but the Druids ignore them. They continue trying until a female Druid walks up to them and stops. She says, No use in trying to get their attention. They can be stubborn, especially when they are afraid. Mayuri says, Hi, I'm Mayuri. Why are they afraid? Can you help us then? The Druid responds, I am Hayden Colvin. I am aware of your names, as some of us are precious. They are afraid of the four sources of the wind who hold us in thrall for knowledge and obtaining the Ryu. Mayuri says, If that is so, why would you help us then? Hayden says, As you say, because I am young and naive. Mayuri realizes she is quoting her own statement about Prince Dothan. She is speechless. Kahara then says, Can you tell us what we need to know? Hayden says, The warrior amongst them. She pauses for a moment. Yes. Yes, I can tell you anything you will have with me. The others are confused. Look at Kahara. Hayden says, My people, the Druids, they cannot be trusted. They, like Hagashi, have always known the legends of Ryu. Some of them help, not out of fear, but in pure interest of seeing it unleashed. Though they know such a thing will mean the end of all we know. Kahara, on hearing this, angers and clenches his sword and will tightly. Hayden goes on, The wind sources seek to pause the world and possess the power of Retalashu and Ereshu, as that is the only equivalent which can release Ryu from Ryogu, the power of God. In return, Ryu being released will be at their command and grant each of them the power of Retalashu. They need five things in order to have such a power. The fifth, I do not know. Four are the Imps of Freya. Her host was said to have produced all the Imps which are in our world. Some say, Freya, she is a summoning spirit. And where is this Ryu you speak of? Hayden says, Yes. Summoner of Nirvana. She once lived, too, before being sacrificed into a summoning spirit, as they all once did. Her slaves on her world were those Imps. They were released when she was originally summoned. Ryogu is an undersea prison located in an unknown spot. Claimed to be a product of Retalashu and Ereshu, they forced and imprisoned Ryu in it in prehistory in order to end its chaos and so that the world would have order to start anew. It was in prehistory that doors were opened for Jaka. Hagashi, the only known being who knows its location. Kahira says, How so? Hayden goes on, Because he is part of the door. And actually, no but a small child then witnessed those events of its imprisonment. It is he who caused the joining. It is he who leads the other sorcerers. Kahira, touching her own shoulder, says, Thank you, little one. You have earned the name of friend for me. It is all too obvious she is overwhelmed by this and smiles receding under her mask. Her people who had come out of their tents stand around like statues staring at them. She walks them to their ship. Ceru says, Are you sure you will be all right here with your people? Maybe you should come with us. Hayden says, Of that, I cannot. I will be all right, as I know I did the good thing. As they board the ship, she is amazed by the structure and touches it. And as the others look overboard, she suddenly seems to go into shock and falls down. Ceru runs back down to her with the others walking behind speedily. Ceru says, Hey, are you all right? As he holds her, she aesthetically replies, I was possessed. That was my first time. She looks toward Kahira. Kahira says, Is everything okay? But Hayden instead says, The answer to your thought. I called you the warrior because I have seen you as she did. Kahira says, She? Hayden says, In dreams, I have not seen what becomes of this thing you all do. No, you have. But I have seen you, says Kahira, so brave and bold. I have also seen it, your dream, and she, and I are sorry. Know that it gets better. Kahira looks at the others ashamed. Before Godepi says, Hayden, stop Inishi. The third shrine is there in all its glory. Along the coast, you will see it. It's grand. Rest before you go, please. You'll understand. She soon departs and they lift off. Everyone is startled by this. Founded by Kahira. Kahira himself, though, feels a sense of peace for once. He's grateful for the encounter. They flow through the air, speeding toward their next destination. They are over the clouds in the cold, dark sea and the night sky. Cayenne takes the cruiser low enough that as it speeds along, the cool water splashes as they drift over. Mayuri is lost in wonder, gripping on the back of his chair as this occurs. Soon, Cayenne has to ask Mayuri to awaken Kahira as they see a ship below them under siege. Kahira looks as they pass over again, but from higher than before. Three young fellows aboard the ship are being attacked by dust devils. Kahira says, they're in need of our help. Saru wakes. Saru, noticing what is transpiring as they have lowered near the ship on the sea, says, this can't help yourselves, eh? They board the ship as everyone has gathered their weapons. Cayenne asks, you all need a hand? Speaking to a young fellow with a cape wrapped around his top half. He is behind the others who are surrounded by the dust devils. The fellow upon looking back responds, Warner, now we also have intruders. The fellow next to him turns. No doubt this is Warner. He reacts by casting an ice spell. The spell travels directly to the front guys of Kahira and Cayenne. They are frozen in place. Mayuri screams. Cayenne, the other fellow says, Warner, don't you think that was a little much? I think they genuinely wanted to help. Warner says, Spurry, they would only have gotten our way. Spurry splashes a few dust devils with his sword. Causing them to scatter. Warner casts an ice spell freezing the dust devils. Spurry is scattered. Then, with the swing of his sword, he shatters the creatures. More charge him. Saru and Mayuri stand before the frozen Kahira and Cayenne. They are examining them. A dust devil slams into Warner, knocking him to the edge of the ship. Warner calls out to their third crew member, Hector, help me. Just as Hector turns, the same creature slams into him. Hector responds by casting a fire spell which finishes off the creature. Only one dust devil remains. As the three fellows head over to it, the creature says, we'll have to do this again sometimes. The creature shoots off at blinding speed into the distance. Spurry says, Warner, if you will, free me. Spurry says, Warner, if you will, free your friends. Mayuri, standing with her daggers in her hands, stands in front of her husband and Kahira. Saru, on the side of her, says, Mayuri, they mean us no harm. Mayuri, nervous, says, why did you attack them? Warner says, I was unsure of them, and we were under attack. I couldn't take the chance. As you know, stand aside. I will free them. Mayuri frantically says, you are capable of freeing them with your magic? Even I don't possess such control. Ben moves out of his way. Warner walks all the way up to them. He holds up his hand in between them. Flame formulates from his hand what rises. Kahira and Kayin give hollers as they thaw from the inside out. They fall from being as still as statues down to the ground, shaking uncontrollably. They mumble about being so cold. Hecker heals both of them at once by touching his outstretched hands. For a moment, they are silent. Then Kahira rises with his sword drawn, uttering, where are the dust devils? Kayin says, Kahira, something doesn't seem right. My head, having not yet gotten up, reaches toward Kahira, who is touching his own head. Kahira says, yes, it does stir. Hey, everything is over. Mayuri leans down and hugs Kayin. Saru helps Kahira up. Spurry says, you both were froze by my shipmate, your Warner. We are very sorry. Here, out on the high seas, dust devils tend to affect. We thought you all's appearance meant you fit them. He says this while looking over to Warner with a plain smile of sarcasm. Warner says, I really am sorry for that. You seem to be warriors of some kind. Hacker says, what in retaliation's name is that? As he points toward the 8th AD cruiser, Spurry says, whoa, what is that thing? And how did you all come across it? Kahira says, first, who are you bunch? Then he looks at Spurry once more and says, I am the captain. Captain Spurry, that is. Warner and Hacker gesturing toward him. I can tell you all aren't bounty hunters, so we are the infamous Lee Peters Bandits of the high seas. You are aboard the Ma-Ma-Wu. Mayorio says, oh, okay, we have heard tales of you, but I thought there were only two of you. Hacker says, I, Hacker Donner, was the only one able to be recruited in a bunch. Spurry says, so what of you all in that thing out there? Kahira tells of their long and unfortunate journey so far. It tells us enough for Spurry to offer them shelter where they are so great while they take them to Nishi. This is needed so everyone can rest at once and they can gather more fuel. They had allowed the fuel to get too low, but the group only agrees because they recall Hacker's last words. They connect the ships to one another and sail peacefully for two days. After the days are finished and they arrive at their destination, the group thanks the crew. But Spurry has something else in mind as he says, you all can thank us more if you allow Hacker here to travel along with you all until your course ends. Hacker startled says, but Captain, what do you mean? I'm fine with you all. Spurry smiling says, yes, you are fine with us, but in the training department, you are rather lacking. You need more adventure, and our slump has been so since you came. With them, you will gain experience and be a far greater need. They can use your white magic dearly. We'll be fine. To this, Hacker smiles and hugs him. Tahira says, but last night you could have been killed without them. Warner says, could we? Nah, not really. Tahira says, this is more than we could have asked for. Thank you. Tahira looks off in the direction of Hacker and realizes the depth of her words. After getting some fuel, the bunch lifts off. Spurry and Warner are taken aback by it, but we're referring to luck. They fell off in the direction they came.

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