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The speaker provides feedback on the listener's production. They mention that it is too short and lacks detail. They encourage the listener to be more precise in their arguments and provide more information about their ideas. The speaker also comments on the listener's language, suggesting they avoid using overly familiar terms. They point out that the listener asks questions and engages the audience, which is positive, but they should develop their arguments further. In terms of pronunciation and language skills, the speaker compliments the listener but suggests working on fluency and reducing reliance on reading from a screen. The main areas for improvement are developing arguments and providing more detail. So, let's start with the first question. Your production is really short, not even 20 seconds, and I remind you that you are required to make a novel presentation for at least 1 minute, 1 minute 30, so it's really, really way too short, so you should work on it. What you did is quite encouraging, too. Concerning your idea, we quite understand what you mean, but it stays a little obscure, but we can understand what you mean. Be careful with your language, because cool is quite cool, okay, it's a little familiar. In addition, you talk about interesting messages, and so you should develop on it what message, who could address this message, and to whom, for which population, where exactly, you really should give more details about what you mean, your arguments should be more precise, more detailed for us to understand better. So, let's move on to question 2. So, the same, it's really, really a short production, in the 20, 20 seconds, so you should really, really work on it to develop more your arguments, so that it could last longer, at least 1 minute would be good. You don't mention the question or what you are arguing about, so it's difficult to understand what is a statement and what is a point. You talk about a brilliant idea, that's interesting, but which idea do you talk about? And then you talk about informative, so okay, the same, you can develop, it gives information about what, and to whom, who is concerned, what is the subject, really be more precise on it. But the good point is that you answer back, and you react, and you also ask questions to the audience, so that's an interesting point, but you should really be more precise and develop arguments. Finally, concerning the last question, it's much better, isn't it, even if it's not quite longer, a little longer, 36 seconds, but at least you mention what you're talking about, so recording the police officers 24, 24, and you said it could be interesting, but without, but, sorry, taking into consideration that it poses technical aspects problem, indeed such high privacy as you mentioned. So you said that's what you think, but you just stop there. You don't argument more, so you don't say why you think like that, what could be interesting, what could be also the challenges or risk and danger. You mentioned data, OK, but who is concerned, again, well, that's it, OK. Je vais maintenant vous parler de l'aspect un peu plus linguistique de vos productions, donc vous avez une très bonne prononciation, qui se rapproche de l'anglais, l'accent est soigné, on voit que vous êtes à l'aise à l'oral, et que vous maîtrisez plutôt bien la langue, il n'y a pas d'erreur importante de grammaire ou de lexique, juste faites attention à « it's how I think », peut-être sans doute « what I think », des fois c'est un petit peu ambigu entre « how » et « what », on ne sait pas trop. Oui, « new generation » aussi, qui a posé un peu de soucis, mais c'est un peu compliqué à prononcer parfois, quelques petites hésitations qu'on peut dénoter également, mais si l'ensemble est plutôt fluide et maîtrisé, mais voilà, les gros points à travailler sont vraiment l'argumentation à développer davantage, réduisez un petit peu le débit et ne lisez pas trop aussi sur votre écran parce qu'on voit que vous lisez un peu votre écran. Donc le tout est quand même correct, mais vraiment l'argumentation est à développer bien davantage.

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