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The student's English assignment includes three topics: recognizing the contribution of social workers and healthcare workers during COVID-19, painting murals to celebrate their contribution, and promoting prevention and understanding in schools. The teacher finds the ideas coherent and suggests providing more concrete examples and statistics. They also note some hesitations and pronunciation errors, but overall, the language is understandable and encouraging. Copie de Clément Noemi, devoir d'anglais n°6, niveau 1ère, partie expression morale en continu. So one of your productions is about recognizing the contribution of, I think, social workers and workers in the health services in the UK, especially during the COVID-19 period, so from 2020, 2021. You say that they worked so hard and they took risks because their health was in danger. They could become sick and also get the coronavirus. So, yes, we should highlight their role even more. I'm not stopping after the COVID-19 period, but still today, focusing and putting forward their role in society, which is very important. Then another one of your productions is about painting murals of BAM figures. It would be a good idea for you to celebrate them and their major contribution during the pandemic. It would be a good idea to show everyone, so adults and children, everyone in society, their major contribution to the health care services in the UK and their major contribution during that period, which was very, very extreme and very difficult for them. They took much risk for their health, for their private life, personal life and their jobs. So, yes, it would be a good idea and we should all be grateful to them. It would also be a great project to show how much we care about them and we support them. Maybe it could also develop other projects like postures on the walls of the cities or buses or to promote them through ads a little everywhere, even maybe on social media. I don't know. So, yes, you could develop other actions, but it's quite coherent too. Your last production is about something to do with prevention in schools and education of young children, about how to behave with other children, I think, in school and how to learn about their emotional background, how to take care of others, not to be too much violent and try to understand them, which should be done, yes, as soon as possible. And also, it would be a way to eradicate all the stereotypes, inequalities and also maybe discrimination that children can face at school, especially those of the minorities. Okay, so you mentioned some ideas and you think it would be quite interesting to develop them, especially at school. So, I'm going to move on to the more linguistic part of your oral. So, your proposals are coherent overall, even if we could develop them more with concrete facts, varied examples, maybe numbers, percentages that would come from other arguments, but everything remains quite correct. In terms of language, the lexicon is quite simple but understandable. We note a few small hesitations sometimes, but it's normal, you can look for your words. On the other hand, some words remain incomprehensible, maybe because of the lack of articulation, so try to work on that. And also a few pronunciation errors, in particular, I could note stereotype, but also diversity, which are words that come up a lot. Otherwise, everything remains quite understandable overall. The language is simple but correct. And so, your words can be argued more, but it remains encouraging.