Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Changing Lives Podcast (CLP) is starting in 2024 with hosts Letitia and Marlon Wells. They reflect on the weirdness and ups and downs of 2023, expressing their goal to share their experiences and knowledge to impact lives. The podcast will cover various topics such as marriage, family, mental health, business, finance, and nutrition. The format will include weekly episodes with both hosts or individual shows with guests. The Wells' aim to push their culture forward and support mental health, given Marlon's veteran background. They share their personal journey, including their military life and experiences living in different places. They also discuss their views on California, highlighting its beauty but also its drawbacks. Overall, they want to inspire listeners to believe in their own success and make a positive impact in the world. all right we're live hi changing lives podcast episode one clp in the house right finally did it finally did it yeah we're here we're here full of facts happy new year everybody happy new year happy new year 2024 it's gonna be a great year yes i i totally believe that i totally feel it totally manifest in it and i'm hoping everyone has a better year nice yeah 23 was was a crazy one was a crazy one for us crazy in a good way like not like crazy bad but crazy good you know yeah it was a lot of i think i would call it weird it was weird and a lot of times a lot of points i mean like weird shit weird weird things happening like oh my god like this is totally happening weird uncomfortable yep what were some of the weird things that that happened that you're referring to i would say watching a lot of lives change around me you know um just in general just people just lives just changing it was weird for me i've never seen anything like it yeah you know it it just was weird yeah yeah and the way the world is going you know a lot of unhappiness a lot of sadness a lot of hurt um just it was just a different year it was a lot of ups downs yeah um i know for us we were pretty much unorganized yeah which is weird for us because we're always organized with life and you know family businesses whatever we're doing we're kind of like structured but this year 2023 was very weird yeah unorganized and just crazy but it's ending it's ending great 24 it's ending great for us we'll be sure to share you know a lot more of uh you know the weirdness that transpired in in 2023 you know um and how you know our lives will change the lives of many within our circles were changed yeah and uh you know just just a lot of a lot of a lot of craziness so but that's the whole intent of this this this podcast changing podcast cop 2024 you know our goal is to uh you know express expressed you know what how we impact lives how our lives have been impacted past present what we expect in the future and uh just kind of lay it all out for you guys yes just um we have a lot we we want to um put out on our podcast um if you're looking for just one specific topic that's not happening here so what type of topic we will we're going to be hitting all topics anything from marriage and family uh children mental health business finance health all right you name it nutrition yeah yes yeah we have to offer here and a lot on the not on the docket not on the docket for us a lot of different topics we're going to cover you know you know a lot of different areas we want to we want to talk about and we want to hear from you guys too uh so there's you know well our format like what is our format going to look like so right now what we're planning is to do a weekly a weekly episode right so you guys will hear from us at least once a week in this fashion um sometimes you'll get there'll be times where you'll get both of us there'll be times where you may just get me uh there may be times where you get Letitia there may be times where you know we have guests you know as a group her and I Letitia and I or you know we may have individual shows where we have guests um you know so the format is going to be vast it's going to be broad so we're not going to we're not boxing ourselves um it's going to be really really vibrant electric a lot of energy you know what I mean so yeah pretty much CLP is here to support the mission um with other podcasters of pushing our culture forward I mean we want all visitors all guests all colors wherever you're from it does not matter we want you here but our main mission is helping push our culture forward with our knowledge expertise on life where we have been what we have gone through how we got to where we are where we're going and we just want to help you guys understand that you can do it too you know you can be successful in marriage there is no perfect marriage you can be successful you can grow together you can love and you know it's not easy but it's doable we're sitting here 20 years right 20. Has it been 20? You always ask me right? He always keeps up I'm sorry but yeah that shows you we're not perfect right also just mental health my husband is a veteran some of you guys may know that some of you may not um yes and we support our veterans we're here to help with mental health issues definitely I have a um master's in psychology if you know me I'm all about the brain kids I'm Mrs. Wells Mrs. Letitia Wells and this is my husband Marlon Wells yes yeah yeah we are the Wells's uh where are you from Letitia and we are changing lives podcast CLP we're from Chicago we're both from Chicago born and raised downtown dirt yep south side outside yep what do they call it we we don't we don't support violence but I mean they call it Illinois for for obvious reasons there's been a lot of craziness going on in the city for for a very long time and uh for for various reasons too and that's those are things that we want to cover kind of give our feedback on what we you know what we feel um the causes are you know obviously these are the repercussions what is what has manifested itself in the city over the last you know 30 40 50 years um and then things that you know we'd like to also share like what what can be done to you know help improve the circumstances out there so yeah but getting back to where we're from so Chicago south side oh wait sorry to cut you off but I have to mention this since we're talking my husband mentioned Chirac Chirac the sitcom is nothing like actual Chicago but it's nothing like where I'm from so just for all you people that always ask me about it because you know I'm from Chicago no I've never seen anything like that happen I probably seen worse but I haven't seen those type of actions there in Chicago okay so back to CLP and who we are 20 years married right Chicago south side um military you know I'm a military veteran air force so spent I'm currently in the military I'm coming up on 20 years in May I've been in 19 and a half years I did nine years active duty and I'm currently in the National Guard here in California and then like we lived where do we live while in active duty so we were in Japan for three years Germany for two years Arkansas for two years and then we we transitioned out of active duty and and came here to California in 2012 um education wise Letitia mentioned she has a master's in psychology yeah telling me to yeah off the break so I'll let you tell your story yeah um basically I'm in the field of human services helping people to kind of sum it up yeah follow our um Instagram page which will be up here in the next week our website all that good stuff and it'll kind of give you an idea of who we are but like my husband said we are a current um active military family um we have a foundation Wells Family Foundation WFF follow that website the Wells Family Foundation we're also in the logistics world um LNM logistics group so just to give you we're just trying to give you guys a little bit of idea of who we are and what we bring to the table to the podcast world we wear many different hats we have a lot of knowledge in different um things I want to say we've been all over the world we come from pretty much nothing and built something spectacular so yeah just follow us um tune in every week this way you kind of get familiar with what our podcast will be about who we are mm-hmm yeah but we want you here we do we do yeah for sure so yeah California we're out here in California beautiful California sunny side um it's been good we've been out here for as long tell us how you really feel you think it's beautiful it's not that beautiful I think yeah I do think it's okay it's all right there's a lot there's a lot of there's a lot of beauty in California there's a lot of things that um I don't like you know it's expensive taxes are expensive um you know tough tough uh labor market to operate in from a business standpoint um yeah I mean yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of pros I mean there's pros and cons to everywhere you know what I'm saying but the weather is nice pretty much all year round there's always stuff to do you got to drive to get to get everywhere um but I mean there's a lot to do out here a lot to see the state has a lot of personality um yeah so yeah that's my opinion we all have our own opinions yeah I just always believe um I guess living here after 11 years I just feel like California should have been a country it's it's different here for me because I like I said I come from Chicago I come from different I look at California as a greedy state um I just think people here are really really some people I got some good people in my circle our circle yeah but for the most part we are we we just how could I say it without being rude well I don't care about being rude I just feel like it's it's just a greedy state like I'm just glad that I'm not from here I was raised differently I was raised to be a giver I was raised to care for people help people you know just just a genuine person you get it like that's what I don't like about California there's some things that I do like um what are some of the things I don't know you tell me um I think it's good for raising kids but you have to keep your kids grounded here you have to teach them that it's uh um it's it's a bigger world around them um because most people here they grow their kids up in the California life and then when they get out into the real world yeah they're eaten alive by sharks they expect the same treatment yeah same lifestyle yeah they they received in California yeah you know and that's not reality yeah so we work really really hard to keep our grandkids and kids grounded like hey this is not the real world here you know it's it's you you can be a good human being outside of uh here California I want to say but I do like the sunshine yeah I like the sunshine and I like the mountains those that type of thing but after 11 years I still feel the same way I did when I first got here yeah and we don't see ourselves here either forever you know so we have plans we have goals in mind for where we want to retire quote-unquote retire um if that's even still a thing you know considering the state of the economy and the the future you know of things in that regard but yeah we got we got plans and they're not here in California business business can you know continue to thrive here you know we got a lot of things cooking up here that business is good now but from a from a living standpoint from a settling down standpoint we have some other plans um but yeah like point being though here is like you know we spoke on the different uh countries we lived in you know the things we've experienced a little bit we kind of you know skim the surface of it yeah and that's the whole point you know we've traveled we are traveled we have a lot of experience a lot of education a lot of life you know we've lived um and that's what we want to share with you guys you know our lives have changed drastically from those experiences and and who we've come in contact with and we're hoping that this you know our podcast strange life podcast cop can can do the same for for our listeners you know what I mean yep so stay tuned and grow with us um that's what we're hoping you guys tune in every week grow with us you know call in sometime too yeah so yeah we will likely do like a weekly or bi-weekly call in um on a Friday fun Fridays you know where we can do some Q&A yeah wrap it up with you guys see what's on your minds yeah did you have have some cocktails and talk about life and what's going on what's trending we we both of us Marlon I guess I could speak for Marlon but myself I get a lot of inboxes from people from um um different uh parts eras of my life like people I knew 10 years ago hit me up in my inbox hey girl how can how can I do this how can I start this how can I get to this place what did you do to get here so this is your chance to call in and ask me call into the podcast we're going to have all the information up you guys can you know just hang out with us so it'll be off on Friday cocktail night Q&A calling in and talking and just you know talking about life that's gonna be dope yeah I can't wait I can't wait for that part that's so me that's really really me yeah so maybe you'll lead the lead the charge on that that's right I got you yeah I got you I tell you that all the time I got you cool yep so I what I would say is if you're if you're down start you can some of you have my private um Instagram which is Letitia Marie you can start hitting me up now hey let me know when you want to be on what Friday and we can we can make it happen yeah and then I'm on insta at marlon underscore the brand so you can hit me up there directly if you have questions for me or feedback anything you want to hear from from me so yeah it's going to be fun I think so too so let's talk a little bit about our foundation like what are we are the Wells Family Foundation like what our mission is what we've been involved in what our plans are there I think that's a pretty pretty cool topic to touch on because it's you know it's definitely affecting lives in our local communities well our foundation is basically um a non-profit foundation that assists at-risk families like I mentioned earlier about the podcast we're just not in a box we tackle every situation any crisis whether it's battered women homeless children mental health issues um cons yes supporting ex-cons especially the young single mothers um nothing far as rape or uh bad things like that murder it has to be small petty type um what you want to call it uh offenses uh just helping people get on their feet giving basically what the foundation is in a nutshell is us lending a hand everybody needs somebody and what WFF does is lend a helping hand whether you just need a ear you know you want to talk you need help whatever it is that's what we do and we're worldwide yep yeah we just had our second annual toy drive as well we usually hold it uh in December every year uh this year it was we had a really good turnout a lot of a lot of great a lot of great things happen um we partner with um the L.A. county sheriffs they they sponsored us uh Pericleet High School here in Quartz Hill yes uh California so they came out to support it yeah um we had a really good turnout a lot of families single parent home single parent families um you know dual parent families um you know every every you know from all walks of life uh we had um you know a really nice spread of food snacks we had crafts for the kids the crafts are always a hit last year we had similar setup and the crafts were like a like a super hit so um we love to spoil the kids we love the kids yeah so it was a really good event uh so that's the second the second um year in a row that we've held that and we'll continue to do so uh moving forward um we also did our first annual uh first generation scholarship yes right so that was super dope and thank you to all of our uh donators donors our supporters um I'm telling you I have some good supporters I mean even if they just showing up helping pass out food I mean uh my donors every year sending whatever they can just to buy a doll or football you guys just don't know that that helps out a lot those kids I mean you if you see the faces the pictures are going to go up also because we just had our toy drive on the 16th of this month as Marlon mentioned so the tour December 16th I'm sorry the the pictures are going to go up you guys will get to see but I wish you guys could come and witness the kids I mean it it doesn't take a lot one dollar two that helps that adds up with with 10 more people that's a football that's a baseball and you're changing a child's life so come out support us follow the website follow Instagram you'll you know stay in tune with what we're doing and what we're trying to do and with the foundation that's just us we're not in a box with anything we do we color outside the lines and that's the way we get to help you know different populations different people who are in need or in crisis and we just don't help people that that's a need with like food and and all those type of things we help people that need therapy you know marriage counseling advice we have a huge network so we always point people into the right direction you know just helping however we can yeah so follow us we would love to have you yeah if we don't have the answers we we can point you in the right direction and you know to somebody who who can who can assist or may have the answers you know what I mean so it takes a village you know we don't no one has all of the answers you know but but we all have a lot to contribute you know and this is this is our small contribution to this this grand this grand universe that we're living in yes and we all need help sometime people a lot of people that I run into they're so used to being the strong person they don't like to ask for help they don't know how to receive help but need help and you know we we help those kind too we we try to do what we can you know amongst helping ourselves you know to help you yeah yeah then like for me I'm big into business and finance and you know real estate entrepreneurship generational wealth yeah real estate that's a that's a huge piece those are yeah those are some of the topics that um that I'm definitely going to be honing in on and kind of sharing with you some of the knowledge I've gained over the years and you know some experiences that I've went through and some things that I have in motion and and plans you know that I have for the future you know um you'd be surprised that how many how many of us aren't in tune with you know the basic principles of finance like how to balance a balance sheet or um or or a checkbook how to balance a checkbook or you know uh credit scores where to find your credit score what goes into you know um what goes into creating a credit score like what are the different inputs like what do you have to have to have a good credit score you know what I mean inquiries and um credit usage and credit cards and how many credit cards you have and how you know I mean so those are some of the things that I've learned over the years through my research and through my my studies my experiences and those are you know that's definitely something I'm going to be like tapping into uh real estate and um you know the different uh lending sources out there for us um you know what things you have to have in order to be prepared to purchase property either as a primary residence or um you know as a as an investment so you know those are some of the things that I'll be touching on I don't know if you guys here in the background are dog Callie uh-huh so that's Callie so yeah he's Callie he's good to know him yeah he's five he's a little miniature poodle he's a part of the podcast so you'll hear him barking oh that's Callie that's who he is yeah he's uh he's our security so anytime he hears something he's on it especially when I'm not in the house you know he just kicks in the gear but um I'm so excited we're finally here and we you guys don't know but we've been trying to put this podcast together forever like my husband he just mentioned everything that he does what you know where he's been through through life and right now we think this is the perfect time for us to start giving back like spreading the knowledge you know uh that's that's how I mentioned our mission like I mentioned earlier we want to we're we're supporting the mission because it's a it's a lot of podcasts out here that do a lot of things but for the ones that I follow they are pushing the culture forward and that's what we're excited about just to sit and talk with you guys and you know answer your questions also answering questions and and and helping as we mentioned but my husband I'm so happy for him because he's been on the move since he was 17 18 years old and he's here now and yeah he has grind his whole life and now he has time to just sit and you know take some time out to give back in in a different way just by talking to you guys you know taking your calls and helping you through whatever um he can just you know talking I'm I'm very happy for him I appreciate that I'm happy for you appreciate that babe yeah and the feeling is mutual you know likewise like we have we have a lot to contribute to the diaspora you know what I mean like you are one of the and I'll tell you this all the time if not the strongest person I know like the things I know that you've been through and you know we'll share what we want to share as time goes on but the things that you've been through as you know as a person as a woman as a mother as a wife um and to be you know in the position you are with a level head you know with a with still a big open heart you know and the willingness to give um it says a lot about you know you as a person so you know I appreciate you I'm glad we we are sharing this space together because I think it's going to be therapeutic for us also yes yes that's what I was going to say like they will be helping us as well yeah and and and I just another thing I want to say is that it's not easy doing a podcast with your spouse but this is another way not easy doing nothing with your spouse this is another way but we make it work we we we fight the big fight baby we fight the big fight honey yeah we ain't no quitters over here we get through it no matter what it is but what I was we are bringing this to you guys so you see that this is another way we found to connect with each other on a marriage level like this is another connection a new journey for us because I just like this is another connection a new journey for us because I just feel like in marriage you can't be the same you were five years ago yeah not that you have to change yourself not that you have to reinvent yourself anything of that nature but you gotta find other things to connect in yeah you got to you got to you know you shouldn't be the same as five years ago somebody's going to get bored somebody's going to get tired it gets whack I'll use that word that's my husband's favorite word whack it gets whack so this podcast because this initially this was my husband's podcast he asked me to join and I was surprised like what like listen you want me to come on your podcast yeah no I want you to do it with me and this is this is this is something this is going to be some good some good feedback for us uh and some validation or not either way but you know just listen to my voice listen to my tone am I am I putting you to sleep I'm talking a little bit louder now because the energy is rubbing off on me but this is my normal tone on the mic and it sounds good I appreciate it but and then and then you listen over to Letitia like listen to her like isn't she like lively isn't she vibrant isn't she electric and don't we compliment each other from a vocal standpoint we do as a as a couple we I mean we've been in the game for 20 plus years so something's working but on this mic you know my tone my energy my personality and then you listen to her I just felt like although I have a lot like we just said we each individually have a lot to contribute um and my plan initially starting this podcast was to contribute you know what I have to the to the diaspora but I felt like it would it would be it would get a little dry after a while listening to me in this tone for an hour every week I felt like it would be more beneficial for us for me personally because I'm not a big talker everybody knows that yeah because she's Letitia what I would say is that I think you would have attract your own audience you would have attract your own people your own tribe for the podcast you know I have faith in you I'm ready I'm willing to help though I'm here look at that's what we want to show you guys for our married couples out there that been married over you know 13 14 15 years you 20 years 25 years just even if it's going to take a tennis class together swim class together walks together talking you know just try to find something to keep the connection keep the fire because if you don't you know avoiding you're gonna crash yeah and I I'm really really proud of us you know that we're here today to do this 20 years later we we just launched a podcast together so yeah appreciate that big shout out to both of us yeah you know what I'm saying I also want to touch on that too because like who we are as a person who we are as individuals in this world you know it plays it's based on a lot of it is based on our experiences you know as individuals but it's also based on our upbringing you know and our family coming up you know the different experiences that we've been through and Letitia she just made mention of you know avoiding and you know she didn't use the word confronting but obviously the opposite so you can't avoid you have to address things as they are and me coming up and my family no no you know no disrespect it just is what it is my family is even still to this day you know they're not big communicators they're not big talkers and I am she is the communicator she's gonna let you know my family communicates and it's stressful it's just you know it's uncomfortable at times for me very uncomfortable but you have to have I'm all for uncomfortable conversations I love them because I just I don't do well with um non-communicated expectations I just think it's not fair to the other person if they don't know what they're doing wrong you have to communicate to save your family you have to communicate to save your love you know and this is the love of my life and I'm doing whatever I have to do to you know save us not just me but save us save the marriage save the union so have those talks have have those conversations that's hard you know it might it might save you it may save your children your family it's okay yeah and if you need help that's what we're here for we can and I've talked to a lot of you about having hard conversations so if you need help contact me I'm here well hey hit me up hey girl how do I tell him this hey girl how do I talk to him about this that yeah I'm here for that yeah and fellas you know same on the same you know on the same front you know I've had I've had questions like that a few times like I was at my um my sister-in-law's wedding this summer oh yeah um shout out to precious and david my little sister my new brother-in-law it was a beautiful beautiful experience I'm happy for their very beautiful I mean it was it was the most beautifulest wedding I ever been to it was full of love it was full of laughter just pure happiness no matter what goes on on the outside you know that wedding was everything and we were moved and we talked about it for months yeah yeah it was it was beautiful and you know while we were there um you know after the the official ceremony uh took place it was it was done you know we you know we started with the fun festivities and everything dance and dj drinks flooring everybody having a good time and I bumped into a brother there a young brother you know and he um you know he's grinding he's trying to make it he was making it um uh married five kids and he asked me you know uh he was like we just sparked the conversation and then he he found out through conversation that we had been married for 20 years and been together for you know a very long time and happily married he's like what is it what's the recipe like what do you how did you do it how do you do it because you know I feel like it's challenging you know so those type of questions that ain't the first time I've had that question either but um I'm open I gotta listen in here for for you brothers out there that you know want to talk about relationships and mental health because as men well as a society one is finally it's just now coming around it's just now becoming acceptable as men it's trending as men it's it's it's it's it's it's more difficult and then as black men it's even more difficult because you know coming up in our our families you don't talk about mental mental health wasn't a thing it's you know oh he just you know he's just different you guys have to be very very strong you couldn't be vulnerable or you know in your feelings and I I just that's why I advocate for men so much right now today so that's what I you know and that's that's that's what I want to be thanks baby I appreciate that that's that's what I want to be to you know our community our listeners our followers you know um because we need it just as much as anybody else does you know and we're not always open to asking for help you know you can reach out anonymously shit however you want to do it yeah you know we here um I just helped out one of my good brothers on you know on um you know the holiday this this holiday was going through some stuff you know I won't say no names and everything but I was going through some stuff and uh I was able to be there for him so um he reached out you know we chopped it up we connected and that was that so that those are some of the things that we do to help our people our community um and I want to do the same thing for you for for the brothers out there you know just as Letitia said for the women it's not just about the women it's about our males too that's what you get over here we do not discriminate with genders we help everybody and we treat everybody the same and if you don't know this about Marlon and I we do not take sides we help if we have to take a side we move back because we're not helping you or the family so keep that in mind okay but this was good this was good and I hope you guys follow us to see you know we're going to find our angle we're going to find our direction and what topics are hitting more um which way we're going so just just follow us yeah yeah you know with anything with any new journey you know it's a process you know this is our first this is our first episode 2024 changing lives podcast COP and um we're open to you guys's feedback as well you know with any with any operation with any business you know with any venture we have to be open to feedback you know and we want to we want to carry this out you know as a collective as a community we want to know what y'all like what y'all don't like we want to know what y'all want to hear what y'all don't want to hear we'll take it all into consideration not saying that we're going to follow it to the T or anything exactly this is our our movement this COP yeah but but we are open you know and Letitia tell you she has a saying where uh what's that saying you say you don't have uh soft ears or what's that I don't have sensitive ears yes you don't have sensitive ears we don't I don't have sensitive ears at all so no topic is you know too much for me um I do want to point out too I think we forgot to mention we don't do gossip over here I know a lot of podcasts do a lot of gossip and um you know famous um fake shit we don't do that over here we are we we do some trending topics we'll talk about some trending topics but we don't get too wrapped up in that fake life that Hollywood fake shit that all this celebrity shit that goes on you get real over here yeah for sure and but you know that's not to say like Letitia said it's not to say that we won't have you know sets where we're talking about you know trending topics and giving our feedback our yeah you know that's cool constructive constructive feedback you know what I mean and we'll bring our son on like he's in tune you know with with the culture and you know he's young he's he's popular he's social he's active you know me like that so that you know bringing him on at times is gonna you know we'll tap into that side of the side of the coin you know so um but yeah like all of the all the you know the the topics and the conversations to get likes and to get to no we don't do that trend we don't do that um that's not our goal our goal is to affect lives in a positive fashion that's it you know and have fun with it and to grow you know grow collectively that's the mission of CLP we don't care about being liked we don't care about none of the social media drama we just want you guys to follow here follow us here you know to learn something to teach others with that's not who CLP is so that's another thing if you're looking for that the gossip the drama um you know we're not we're not here for that yeah oh and one thing I left out I'm a sports girl it's crazy like like my wife she can she can she can talk she could talk you want to talk sports she could talk to me on the table when it comes to sports we've been in a game for 20 years she didn't know nothing about sports when we started out she knew a little well you knew a little bit about the bulls and the bears yeah I was small time yeah I was small time back then uh but now holler at your girl yeah hit me up CLP hit me up let's talk some sports we told you got in the Super Bowl I mean how are you bringing up sports okay yeah so what I say about the Super Bowl is it's really really hard to tell because I think all the all the teams NFL teams they're on the same wavelength nobody's doing better than the other everybody is questionable I'm not putting my money on anybody right now but since you asked me who do I see I think like give me like give me two on the AFC and two on the NFC like who you think you know like just or just give me your top top teams okay top teams is I think I can see um I think it's Baltimore Lamar um I can see Cowboys which I hate the fucking Cowboys don't even don't call up here talking about no no cowgirls I'm gonna tell you right now because you're not you're really not gonna like me policy though we do but that's where I draw the damn line honey that's where I draw the line so we're gonna get mad Cowboys don't call up here talk about no damn Cowboys let me tell you I can see um um the Eagles yeah I do think uh Jalen is injured he's playing injured right now yeah um he's not at his best I would say the Chiefs but they're questionable I don't I have no confidence in them right now um the little boy Mahomes the Swifties I don't know if the Swifties yeah they yeah they need to just learn how to play football they didn't even need all that extra drama with that with that girl what's her name Taylor Swift I do think it was a brilliant business business move on behalf of her camp in the NFL you know what I'm saying uh you know but it's it's odd to see that now they're you know imploding Kelsey going off throwing his helmet uh you know at the games and um they're dramatic he's going in and dramatic play ball it's just interesting how that lined up but my last team 49ers yeah so so so you have it what what what what you know it's gonna lay out the top five teams in the league and I'm gonna be real about it I'm gonna be real about these things I'm gonna be real about it that's why I love her hey I love you too babe so I'm gonna be real about it um um I think those are like the top four or five teams what you gave also I really I want to throw I want to throw in Miami they're not proven yet and the majority of the yeah I know I just I feel like they got a they got a fighter's chance but I think their schedule this year was really weak the majority of their wins came from below 500 teams uh the only team they beat or one of the few uh you know you can fact check me one of the few above 500 teams they beat was the Cowboys this past this past weekend so um they have they have a lot to prove still but they're I mean record wise they're up there but I don't think they're battle tested and I'm just gonna throw this out out out there it's just my theory uh a lot of commentators I think are scared to say it I think the reason why they're winning so much is because people don't want to you know the players don't want to hurt tour you think so yeah I know so like I mean they could play a part in it I mean they do got some ballers they got some dogs over there though they do you know they got the cheetah cheetah out there getting it they got waddle I mean they got they got some dogs over there but you know we'll see we'll see you know that's the that's the NFL though you know you know you got the NBA too that's that's um you know that's transition that's in a new light this year and over these last few years man LeBron he's a he's a he's the last of a dying breed Katie right behind him you know CP3 but um you know we have you on the on the NBA we have you on all sports all sports we're just like I said we're never in a box we color outside the lines bears are the bears but man we gotta get together we do we do we do and at the Chicagoans that's that's one thing about Chicagoans we know our teams we gonna let their ass have it we gonna let them know what they doing wrong that does not mean we're not going to support them we're going to always be Chicago Bears fans Chicago Bulls fans and uh there you have it that's us and like my husband said we like all sports tennis yeah you're going to the to the was it yes I'm a big BNP Paribas yeah this uh this summer I cannot wait yeah so that's I've been the one but I'm taking Letitia for the first time this year so it's going to be super dope that that sport is is crazy you know what I mean shout out shout out to the queen the queen Serena you know her her journey her grind you know what I mean like and then you got mad vets in the game right now with um Djokovic he he's he's still at the top of his game Nadal uh Federer beast shout out to them on sneakers I got a pair of those congratulations to Coco Golf oh I love that little girl doing her 10 yes yes the the tennis yeah the tennis world is in such good hands man it's so much we love the sport we love the sport golf you know what I mean like man tiger shot the tiger oh yeah you know he went through some things you know I mean but we all go through things at times and it's really good to see though like his connection and bond oh you know for the greens with his kids I don't know if you guys have seen it lately it's been it's been trending lately but you know his is um his daughter he had his daughter on this line I don't know if it was a major but it was a tournament he was in yeah she was his caddy you know his son he's out there you know stroking it doing his thing and he's good and just tigers out there glowing glowing biggest smile you know you can ever see with tiger like so it's really cool to see that he's he's found some peace and some happiness throughout all of his trials and tribulations you know yeah yep and we're looking for I'm looking forward to seeing him this year so hey guys that's gonna do it for us yeah today our first podcast show yeah 2024 happy new year change your lives yes CLP we're here to stay and also we just we just what we just did right now is go over many different topics that we will be addressing throughout the podcast yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the show and we look forward to talking to you again that's a wrap happy new year happy new year peace thank you