Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
TRAITORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR First, we have Haley Glasby. Hi. And then we have Mackenzie Villareal. Hello. We are talking about how social media is affecting children and what is happening in the long-term effects for the older generations. So, I mean, I didn't really grow up with, like, iPads and, like, I mean, we had, like, a gaming system, but we were limited to it. So, like, we, my parents were like, go outside. It was a rainy day, and they were like, go outside. Love that. Um, I, when I have kids someday, they are not going to have an iPad because so many people, like, even, like, in college will literally be playing, like, video games and stuff until, like, 3am. And then they have to wake up for their 8am class, which is just insane. Yeah, like, making the right decisions for yourself, I feel like is very, very hard to do when you have technology around you because it's addicting format. Yeah, that's something I'm trying to get better at, like, putting my phone down instead of actively being like, oh, well, I'll wake up in the morning when I won't. Yeah, like, even in this generation, I still feel like we struggle, but I feel like we struggle for, like, different reasons. But, like, the younger generations right now, child development is delayed by an average of 15 hours at 24 months, 23 hours at 36 months, and 10 and a half hours at 60 months. So, they're already being delayed just because they have an iPad or because their parents are on their technology and not spending more time with them. Oh, that's so sad. That's awful. Literally, I didn't get my first phone until seventh grade, and even then it was a track phone. It wasn't an iPhone at all. Yeah, I didn't get an iPhone until high school. Yeah, mine was the little flip, like, it went, the slider. The flip iPhone? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I honestly would still go back to that. And, like, even now, like, I don't like social media that much, but it is, like, very addicting. And just trying to connect with people, I think, is a good thing, but, like, it does have its, like, it has its benefits and its downfalls. Yeah, I've met more friends not looking at my phone, because I am addicted to social media. I'll be the first two minutes, but I have not met a single friend off social media. All my friends are from face-to-face interactions. See, I've only met one, and literally only one. But, like, I've met so many more people just being on the lawn outside than I have, like, in a classroom, because in a classroom, like, mostly everybody's just on their computers doing their schoolwork. Or if you do meet a friend in the classroom, it's only a classroom friend. You don't hang out a lot of, no, but I get it. Like, I don't know what generation I am. Jin? Gen Z. Gen Z, yeah. My brothers are probably still Gen Z. Yeah, but there are a few years, like, my youngest, or the oldest of my youngest brothers is 16, and I'm 20. And it's crazy looking at, he luckily got the end of, like, we were still outside till the lights came on, and then we came inside. Or we drank the water out of the hose because we weren't allowed back in the house. We didn't have any. So, like, even he is less addicted to his stuff than, like, actually, that's so false, because he watches his phone in the shower. But, like, my youngest brothers grew up with my parents having iPhones, watching TV. Like, I didn't watch TV as a child. Like, I watched DVDs whenever we had our DVD player, but we never watched. Like, they were watching kids, TV for kids. And they've had a phone since, like, elementary school. And it's crazy seeing. I also, I just realized, like, the younger generations, like, nowadays, like, teenage, like, 10-year-old girls, doing, like, self-makeup routines and everything. And I'm like, and they're doing skin routines. And I'm like, your skin, you haven't even hit puberty yet. Like, you don't have anything wrong with your skin. Like, you're literally just essentially damaging your skin. It's honestly sad because they're, like, they're seeing these people on social media, and it's making them feel like they have to do it. And I feel like it's, I wouldn't say that they're, like, insecure, but it's just trying to, like, fit into, like, that, like, norm. Yeah. Really, really irks me is when you go into a restaurant, and there's a table of, like, a big group of people, and there's a child with an iPad. No. Yes. Like, why does your kid have an iPad, sticky iPad? Believe me, I get it. Sometimes, like, you just need a break. But, like, also, if you give them the iPad every single time you go out, then- They're gonna expect it. Well, they're gonna expect it, one. And two, they're not gonna have, like, the social, like, capacity. Like, they're not gonna want, they're not gonna be able to have a conversation with people and know how to talk to waiters and waitresses. We have- Well, actually, I found out here that children are developing less emotions and attachment to, like, mental-simulating toys when they're younger. Because, like, when parents and themselves are looking at an iPhone or an iPad- They're not paying attention to it. Yeah. So, because, like, the parents aren't showing them, like, emotional attachment other than to their iPads, other than to their phones- That's crazy. They're not developing emotional, like, stimulation to anything else, like their toys or whatever. Yeah, because all they see is, like, phone in front of face. And believe me, like, not everything is bad about, like, social media and, like, a phone. Like, there are good things that can come from it. Like, children can, like, look at these things and learn. Like, I mean, I remember watching PBS Kids and that was some stuff right there. I love that. Yeah, also, there is a lot of apps on, that are learning apps. Yeah. And even for, like, toddlers, like, put this shape in here. It's just not, I just don't feel like it's as interactive and, like, brain stimulating for them. Yeah. When it's on, because I feel like it's easier to see on an iPad than it is to, like, actually do it with your hands. Like, it's not like a, holding your- Yeah. Like, holding it in your hands. It's just sensitive. It's kind of like taking notes on an iPad versus taking notes on pen- Pencil and paper. Pencil and paper, yeah. I'm a, I'm an iPad note taker and a pencil and paper taker when I don't touch my iPad, which is very frequently. And I don't comprehend as much as writing it on the iPad as writing it on paper. And I- I also feel like with the technology, kids aren't getting settled into a routine. No. Either. Because, like, when, I know I was a kid, like, I had to be in for dinner by, like, 5.30 in the afternoon. That's after I was outside all day. That's, yeah, when the streetlights came on. Yeah, when the streetlights came on, I had to be inside. And I had dinner, and then it was shower time, and then go to bed. Go to bed. Like you said, my, it got so much, it's so much of a thing now is, like, my mom has to take, like, physically take my brother's phones from them before they go to bed. She has, we had to get new internet so that way she could turn it off in specific rooms because they would sit in there and game all night. Even me, like, I catch myself brushing my teeth with my phone in my hand, watching videos, and I'm like, dang. What is wrong with me? One of my downfalls, I put music on in the morning whenever I'm getting ready, but I try to, but that's after I've already been in my bed for 30 minutes on my phone. I mean, I laid in my bed for an hour this morning. Like you said, there are the, not the downfalls, upsides to technology. Like, if you look at our generation, like in college, I couldn't imagine writing a 3,500 word essay to the paper like I just did. Oh, absolutely not. I could not do that. I just think it's crazy how fast technology has like became what it is because you came up with this huge computer database and then all of a sudden you have a little iPhone in your hand. And I think that it's crazy how easy it is to like get a hold of and how addictive it is. Like, I think one thing is like, I swear my phone buzzes sometimes and then I don't have a notification and I'm like being phantom buzzes. Like they're wanting you to pick up your phone. Yeah, it's like a phantom leg. I just want to look at my phone and then I'm like, oh, well, it's in my hand. Might as well just like check something. You know, I just wish parents realized, like nowaday parents realized. Cause I feel like, like sit down with them, play a board game, read a book. Yeah. I'm getting them all technology. I love tea parties. I just feel, I just feel if I understand parents nowadays are under so much pressure to do like finances and whatever. Yeah. But I just feel, I just think if they gave their child more attention, I feel like A, it would help them because like seeing what parent doesn't want to see their child happy. And then like, it also helps the child be stimulated. And the phone is raising them. Like you can't do that. Like it's literally your phone raising your child. And I think it's technology. I don't think that all technology is bad, but like a Kindle, like I don't, not many kids are going to get like addicted to a Kindle. And if they are, they're reading. Yeah. It's stimulating. It's something else. I also think like whenever they're on tech, like if, especially if they're on social media at a young age, they're also just witnessing fake emotions. Yes. They're not realizing how to express them in real life. Yeah. And I feel like if parent, like if y'all like actually like sit down with your child and like play with them, they're going to witness like real emotions and help them out more. A bill now that's like kids under the age of 16, I believe, can't get on social media without parent consent. Wow. That's another thing is like your kids, you don't know what they're watching when you're like not there. Like. The internet's a scary place. It is, yeah. Thank you for listening. And we will tune in with you again. Traitor. Yeah, you are still a traitor.