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Nothing to say, yet
That's bad news for you. I can't let you live, I'm afraid. Tidehaven has grim beauty, then? I must note that down in my logbook. It's a godforsaken place, but that's exactly its allure. I warn you, flattery will get you everywhere with me. That's bad news for you. I can't let you live, I'm afraid. Tidehaven has grim beauty, then? I must note that down in my logbook. It's a godforsaken place, but that's exactly its allure. I warn you, flattery will get you everywhere with me. That's bad news for you. I can't let you live, I'm afraid. Tidehaven has grim beauty, then? I must note that down in my logbook. It's a godforsaken place, but that's exactly its allure. I warn you, flattery will get you everywhere with me.