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iPhonatics - Unleashing the Awesome

iPhonatics - Unleashing the Awesome




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Two friends discuss the history of Apple and the evolution of iPhone cameras. They talk about the iPhone 6S being the first with 4K and Force Touch, and how camera quality hasn't changed much since then. They mention the new cinema mode and ProRes capability of the iPhone 13 Pro. They also discuss Dolby Vision and its use in iPhone commercials. They touch on the rivalry between Apple and Android and the advancements in smartphone technology over the years. They briefly mention the original iPhone's price and features. Hello guys, my name's Ethan, and uh, I'm Hugh. I'm Jagger. Yeah. Um, today we're just gonna talk about, um, Apple's, um, history, and how, like, they went from, like, a very small business to, like, blowing up, and now everyone has iPhones in their pockets. You know what I'm saying? Dude, can I please just get this going? Alright. Yeah. iPhones are, like, iPhones are insane, like, now. Like, pretty much smart fo- like, smartphones from, let's say, 2015. What was that? Six years ago, right? I don't remember when that came out, 2015. What was that, like, the iPhone 6S or something? 5-7? I don't know. Something like that. Hold on. iPhone 6, release date. But, like, the iPhone 6S was the first iPhone with pretty much the camera quality started to really, really increase. Like, I know it was, uh, iPhone 6S was when they first came out with 4K, which, at that time, a lot of people still, I mean, a lot of people still don't today, but had, like, 4K monitors in their house. Wait, I thought because- I thought the iPhone 6 was, uh, the one that came out with 4K. No, it wasn't. It was the iPhone 6S, I'm pretty sure. Oh, I remember that. I got it. I was freaking out because it had that cool, uh, had that cool, like, push-taptic-sense thing, like, on the screen where you could push harder. Oh, are you talking about Force Touch? Force Touch, yeah. That stuff was- that was really cool. They don't even have it anymore, but back in the- or at that time, it was crazy. I wonder why they even got rid of it. Do you think maybe not a lot of people use it? I don't think so. I mean, if you think about it, it was literally just a- it was just a screen, and you could just- it was just pressure-sensitive or touch-sensitive. So, if you pressed kinda hard, it would just make up a command, like, press it on the app or something. I don't even know what. It's just- I don't- there was no, like, real purpose, I guess. I think it didn't make really any sense. I think it's more, like, innovation, I guess. So, it was just kinda something cool, I guess. You were- Yeah, just like you said, you know, be like, hey guys, look at what- look at what we can do. Yeah, it was like, yeah, get on with the battle of Apple versus Android. Guys, if you use Android, it'd be like, Android, if you drop your phone, your battery is flying across the floor. Yeah, it's like, set off a bomb. That's what Samsung is, though. Like, they're just literal bombs. Yeah, that's funny. But, uh, I don't know. But, basically, the camera quality- but, like, now, if you look at a camera right now, it is 2021, almost 2022. I have an iPhone 12- I think it's an iPhone 12 Pro, what I have. And it has three cameras. It has three. Right. And, like, I'm- and every time I look at it, I'm just like, which camera do I look at? Because I can't tell which is the one that, like, the main one, right? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know which one it is, but I know that they haven't really changed the camera since, or, like, the actual pixel quality since the iPhone 6s, because, you know, that was what- was that, like, 12? Yeah. Yeah, it's been, like, it's been 12 megapixels for, like, a long time. Yeah. It hasn't changed since, because I think that's- I think- I think 12 megapixels is, like- I think it's definitely plenty. I think it's good enough for, um, who it's for, right? Yeah. Like, enough for who it's for. It produces good enough images. Yeah. But, uh- But, like, we're to the point now where, uh, you can just straight up create movies. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Really. Yeah, like, they, they, like, have, like, this new feature of, uh, uh, what was it called? Cinema mode, right? Yes. Right, on the new iPhone. Yeah. And, like, it's- it's so interesting. And it was kind of expected, because a lot, like, a lot of people, like, especially in, like, uh, MediaCom class, where, like, they- they, like, use, um, the, uh- you know what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah, pretty- it's, like, like, I can speak for me and you. I mean, me and you have both made projects, and we use our iPhones. Right. Because it is such- it's such good, like, quality. Because it's good enough. It's good enough. Like, they even- it's, like, these new iPhone, like, these new cameras, they almost surpass DSLRs and even some camcorders. They- they can produce pretty okay sound. Obviously, if you're getting pretty far away, you're going to need some sort of external microphone. But, like, for what we're trying to do, and, like, now I know that Apple- I don't know if you've seen it. They have a- they have, you know, the new commercial. It's- and it's- it always says, shot with iPhone. Right. Just- yeah, and it just shows, like, some cinematic- I know there's one. It was, like, a snow- it rained over Christmas. It's, like, a snow- it's, like, a snowman being run over or something, but it says in the beginning, you know, shot with iPhone. Oh, yeah. If it didn't say that, it's the point where, like, you wouldn't even- like, you couldn't even believe that it was shot with an iPhone. Right. And, like- like, you know what ProRes is, right? It's, like- it's, like, Apple's, like- I don't know. I- I- who am I answering? I have no idea. Okay. So, I think ProRes is basically Apple's, like- it's- I think it's their own file- like, file type of, like, super high quality video. And, it's, like- and it's actually- it actually looks incredible if you've ever seen, like, ProRes footage, but- and iPhones at the time were not capable of shooting in ProRes, but if you get, like, the- the iPhone 13 Pro, they're- they're able to shoot in ProRes, and it also has, like, um, Dolby Vision inside of it, which is absolutely wild. Wow. Like, um, you know what Dolby Vision is, right? Yeah, yeah. Actually, speaking of Dolby, I think- I've heard of, like- I heard they have, like, movie theaters of, like- I think it's, like, Dolby Atmos, uh, theaters. Uh, yeah, yeah. I heard it was crazy. Yeah. I heard it was, like, super- super wild how they were able to, like, you know, mix all the sounds, stuff like that. Yeah. And that's- it's real- like, it's really just, um, just a technological feat, because the iPhone 6S, I know that had an 8 megapixel camera, you know, it was all right. Yeah. You know, up until- up until about the 6S, I don't- I can't really- I know that Samsung, like, the, uh, Galaxy S5, I think, is when it had a really, really good camera at the time. I remember everybody was blowing up about it. I remember that was actually my- I remember having that as my phone. Oh, the S5? Yeah. It was- it was- it was all right. I mean, the back- the back of it, straight up, just looks like- it just looks like, um, it- it just kind of reminds me of, like, a golf ball. A golf ball? Yeah, it, like, it's so weird looking. And it was also, like, classic, you know, like, that was also the time when, like, they had, like, removable backs, you know, and they were able to- yeah, they were able to just, like, take the battery out. Yeah, wild. I know that some- I know that a lot of them actually don't do that anymore, but I know that some- I don't know, I'm sure that, like, just some cheaper ones do that, you know, you don't really see. Not, like, they're top-of-the-line branded phones, but I know that some of them do, because it's still a- it's still- it's still a constant running joke in the, uh, Apple versus Android families, you know? Yeah. You know, because- I'm telling you, you drop it, it's a bomb. There's, like, eight things that go off, right? What was it? The first iPhone was announced in 2007 by C- yes, Steve Jobs. He was the CEO, and I remember reading- because I know that they've made some, uh, like, some, like, movies, just stuff about them, and I remember in the movie- I'm pretty sure it's true, I remember looking it up, but I remember when- because, you know, there was nothing like it. There was nothing like the iPhone when he announced it. It was just a complete and total, I guess, just shot in the dark. He was- they were like, all right, let's just make it a screen, right? And at the time, not- people are going- people were losing their minds because there's nothing like it, you know? Like, back then, a smart- like, the definition of a smartphone was just something that could, you know, connect to the internet, but not- it's not like what we know it today. You know, a smartphone is like, today, iPhones, and Samsung is just straight up just smartphones. Back then, you know, you had the old keyboards or the slide- the flip-up phones, or I guess, technically, uh, smartphones. I don't know, just- it had a complete different meaning, right? But it was a total shot in the dark with the iPhone because it was all brand new, and it worked. I mean, look at it. It reshaped the entire industry completely, right? And- and, like, I actually- I actually found the original price for the iPhone when it was on sale. Really? Yeah. And apparently, it was, like, $499. $499? Or- or- or $599. And its weight was 4.8 ounces. But, uh, but, uh, does it say the, uh- does it say the, uh, the storage on it at all? No. It just- it's, um- it's also, like, um, showing other phones from different companies on the side. It's showing the Samsung Blackjack. Blackjack. Huh. And the iPhone screen size was- was 3.5 inches. It is so small! Dude, that's my- that's my whole hand. It's literally my- that is my whole hand. And it had- and it had 2G wireless. 2G wireless. I'm pretty sure that when they, uh- like, when they first came out, I know the price was different because of- I'm pretty sure it's storage. Like, it's, like, the same thing today. You know, if you get more- you get more storage, it's going to be more expensive. But I'm pretty sure that it was, like, 4 gigabytes. And then if you wanted to upgrade $599 version, it was, like, 8. Something like that. That's, like- that's, like- that's sad. Think about that. From- in a span of- what is it? 10, 11, 12, 1. About crazy. Well, even- no, even back in 2015, just from about 8 year span from the iPhone to- well, the first iPhone to the- I guess not current iPhone, but let's just say 2015. Let's- or no, let's actually say 2017. So, 2007 to 2017. It's 10 years. So, let's say, for example, the storage- the highest storage was 8 gigabytes for the first iPhone. Right. 2017, fast forward 10 years, and it's almost 200. Well, now it's just, like, 1 terabyte. You can get 1 terabyte now. Yeah. You can get the- the iPhone- the iPhone 13 Pro, you could actually get, like, a- like a 1 terabyte option. I don't know why you would- I don't know why you would need that much storage in a phone, but honestly, it's- it's honestly just overkill. I mean, people might need it, just like we were talking about, about the- about the filming. Filming with a lot of- you know, they might because I know now they have 4K at 60 frames. And, yeah, my phone's also capable of that, too. I haven't- I haven't really used it, but- But- but with the new cinema mode and with 4K at 60, I mean, that's going to take up storage pretty quick. So, I mean, I can understand why you would want 1,000 gigabytes, but, I mean, well- But for, like, the basic human? No, you're not going to need that. Yeah, like if- Like me? No. Like for, uh, like if a person was a troglodyte? Yeah, no. They won't need that. No. No, that's- that's just insane of where our technology- for example, I know this isn't really an iPhone deal, but, uh, if you just kind of, like, look back with- with early cameras, like 2005, 2006, before the iPhone, obviously, um, you look at some of their, like, micro SD cards or even SD cards, and you know, like, the highest that you could get was, like, a 8, 6, or, like, even, like, a 16 gigabyte card. And that was- that was- I think I remember reading the pricing. It was, like, 40, 50 bucks. Now you can get a one terabyte micro SD card for- for, like, 50 bucks. Wait, really? Yeah. Let me see. Hold on. One terabyte. It was just the fact of where, basically, we are in the- we are just expanding our technological achievements so fast. Oh my god, you're right. Yo, Santa has one for, like, a micro sim- or Samsung. SamDisk has a, um, like, a micro SD card of a one terabyte, and it's $245. $245 for one terabyte micro SD. That is- I know that's a lot more than what I said. I only said 50, but still, for 250 bucks, you get a terabyte in the palm of your hand. Even smaller. It's even smaller. It's like your- it's like the size of one of your fingers. That's a thousand gigabytes. Right. I'm- I actually remember, like, I actually remember a couple years ago, I was curious. I went on to Amazon and looked up, like, one terabyte SD cards, and, like, a lot of them were just Chinese knockouts, and they actually weren't real. Oh, yeah? Yeah. At the time, there was no such thing, and, like, and it was all just, like, um, not real, and they were just- they were just fake and sketchy. Wow. Yeah, but- yeah, but now that they- now that they have it, it's like, wow. That's wild. In my personal- in, like, in my personal view, looking at the first iPhone, which- what we have now, and it's less than 20 years, you know, it's only a- gosh, it's- it's crazy how much it's come. Right, and then who knows what- what it's going to be like 10 years from now. 10 years from now. Even five years from now, it's going to be- It could literally- it could literally be anything. And then another thing- another thing I think is just, you know, it's crazy. Just- just one more thing to add on. Wireless charging is mind-boggling. You know, we understand it, but just the fact that we were able and are able to harness and understand that, you know, that's just- you just have- you know, you can just set your phone down on a little pad, and it can completely charge the battery with no- no cords or nothing connected to the phone, and you can just pick it up. That's crazy. Yeah, but here's the thing with wireless charging, though. For me, it- it's very much slower, right? It's, um, it's actually much slower than if you were to just plug in a cable, and it also makes your phone super hot, actually. Yeah, yeah. Whenever- whenever I tried it with my phone, it was like, it works, but it was way too slow for me, and yeah, and it also made my phone hot, so I wasn't really comfortable really doing it, but then they have, like- then they have, like, those, uh, MagSafe, um, you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. I wonder why they even did that. That's so odd. It's, like, kind of like they ran out of ideas, though. It's, like, I don't know. Like, I know that, like, a lot of things are just, like, a big trend. Like- like, MagSafe was pretty crazy, you know, wireless charging, like, when it first came out. Even, like- like, uh, what- what's it called? Tap- or Taptic Touch? Force Touch. Force Touch, sorry. But, like, when that came out, you know, everybody was, like, oh my god, it's- that's so crazy, that's so cool, and then it's kind of, like- like, now, we look back at it, and we're, like, what was the point? There's no real point to it. They were just kind of showing it off, just like you said, right? It's just a trend. And then, now, they literally just completely took it away. I mean, probably- it's probably for the best, honestly. I mean, probably. Even I was always scared I was going to crack my screen if I pressed too hard. Yeah, that's what I was- that's what I was worried about, too. I was like, hmm, am I going to break this screen by just pressing much harder than usual? Yeah. Anyway, that's pretty much- I mean, I could go on. I'm sure you can, too. We can probably go on for, like, hours, actually. I mean, I know I can. Actually, I want to- actually, I want to say one more thing, actually. It'll be- it'll be real quick. So, I remember, like, when the iPhone XR came out, and, like, many people thought it was, like, one of the worst iPhones that Apple has ever made, actually. They- like, the screen was- the screen was, like, not even- not even 720p. The- the way it looked, the- there was a lot of complaints, let's just say that. There was a lot of complaints about it. But then- but then, after a while, the iPhone XR became one of the most popular iPhones that Apple has ever sold, just because of- I had one. Yeah, like, I still have one, but hopefully gonna upgrade soon. But- but, yeah, I- I was- I thought that was so funny, because it was, like, everyone hated it, but now it became, like, one of the most best-selling iPhones ever. And- and, actually, when the iPhone 13 came out, they- they finally got rid of it off their store. Like, you could still buy one if- if it was, like, last year. And- and, like- and I think the- here, let me see. And I think the iPhone XR came out in, uh, September 12th, uh, 2018. It's been around for- it's been around for a while, but then they- they just got rid of it after the iPhone 13. But it just goes to show, dude. It- like, it really just goes to show that it doesn't, you know, people say, oh, it's gonna- it's the worst rated iPhone. Well, look at it. It sold for- it sold for years, and it was one of the best- wait, did you say it is, or was, or- It was one of the best selling. It was one of the best selling. They- they sold millions and millions of units of, uh- Yeah. Of, um, the- Millions. iPhone XR. Yeah. Even though- even though a lot of people gave it- gave it some crap, but, yeah. It's honestly kind of funny, though. Yeah, it just goes to show that, just, you know, you- you can say whatever you want, but if it turns out to be a good product, because it also- I don't- it was- was it- I know they had the XR, uh, what was the Pro? They had a Pro. Was it just the X Pro? iPhone X Pro, then they had the XR? Can't- I can't remember. They- I think you're talking about the XS. The XS Mac. Right. I think that's what you mean. That's Max. Yeah, that's what I meant. But yeah, it's just- it just goes to show. And actually, in this Wikipedia article, it says it was discon- discontinued three months ago, like I said. It's been around- it's been around for, like, what? Three years? I think, like, four. Four? Yeah, I think that's, like- I think that's also, like, one of the longest iPhones that's been on sale since its release date, I think. I don't know, it's just wild. It's, like- it's, like, one of the most popular iPhones. I- like, millions of people have this phone. They probably still do, including me, but- Yeah, because as long as it's a good running phone, I mean, as long as it's working. Well, I mean, the battery sucks now, but- Oh, well, that's- well, I mean, that's with everything. Right. But- Alrighty, well, I'm Ethan. I'm Jagger. And that's the end of our, uh, little podcast thing. Martin, I hope you enjoy this. Yeah, Martin, enjoy it. And see ya!

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