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cover of VHS Anomalies
VHS Anomalies

VHS Anomalies


In "VHS Anomalies", a haunting yet captivating auditory experience awaits the listener. The piece begins with the unmistakable sound of a VHS tape being inserted and played. This nostalgic act triggers a journey back in time, accompanied by an array of sonic anomalies. Throughout the composition, you can hear a pulsating rhythm, akin to a heartbeat. This rhythm is looped, creating a minimalist pattern that serves as the backbone of the piece. It's as though the listener is being transported back to a time when VHS tapes were a household staple. As the piece progresses, the sound of compression becomes evident, suggesting the limitations of the original medium. The distortion is audible, adding a layer of intrigue and complexity to the overall soundscape. This distortion mirrors the visual distortion often seen in VHS tapes, providing an extra layer of immersion for the listener. Adding to this complex soundscape are synth elements, their pitch fluctuating throughout the piece. These

Sound Effectscompressiondistortionemulationloopminimalistpitchsynthtapevhswarble

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