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cover of Various Light Switch Clicking On and Off Sounds from 2011
Various Light Switch Clicking On and Off Sounds from 2011

Various Light Switch Clicking On and Off Sounds from 2011




In this audio, you are taken on a journey through the different sounds of light switch clicking from the year 2011. It begins with a variety of distinct clicking sounds, each unique in its own way, representing the flipping of various light switches on and off. The sounds vary from the soft, almost silent clicks, mimicking the touch of a button, to the loud, pronounced clicks that reverberate through the room. Some clicks are swift and crisp, like a quick flick of a switch, while others are slower, with a distinct dragging sound, reminiscent of an older, well-used switch. The audio paints a vivid picture, each click telling its own tale, some whispering stories of dimly lit, cosy rooms, others speaking loudly of bright, lively spaces. Each switch, each button, each click adds to the symphony, creating a unique soundscape that transports you back to 2011. The audio is not just about the sounds, but also about the

Sound Effectsbuttonlight-switchclick

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