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cover of Stripes

The audio opens with the soft, rhythmic sound of something being drawn or scratched across a surface. The sound is reminiscent of a piece of chalk on a blackboard or a pencil on a canvas. As the audio progresses, you can discern a pattern, a repeated sequence of sounds that suggests a continuous action being performed. Midway through, the rhythm changes slightly, and you can imagine the creator adjusting their grip, altering their technique as they continue their work. The sounds are deliberate and consistent, evoking an image of a hand moving back and forth, creating a series of lines or 'stripes'. The audio ends with a final, definitive scratch, as if the creator has finished their work and is pulling away. The soundscape leaves you with an image of a series of 'stripes', created through careful, considered gestures, etched onto a surface with a sense of purpose and intent. The audio is a journey through the process of creation, of bringing something simple yet meaningful to life

Sound Effectssamplegesturescratches

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