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cover of Sound 12 from June 21, 2015
Sound 12 from June 21, 2015

Sound 12 from June 21, 2015


This is an audio recording titled "Sound 12 from June 21, 2015". The audio encapsulates the soothing ambiance of a shower scene. The primary element audible in this recording is the sound of water cascading, characteristic of a shower in use. The water's rhythmical patter creates a serene atmosphere, similar to nature's own soundtrack during a gentle rain shower. Intermittently, there are subtle yet distinct foley sounds that supplement the primary water sound effect. These additional sounds are reminiscent of typical bathroom activities, such as the rustling of a shower curtain or the faint clink of toiletries. Overall, this audio paints a vivid picture of a peaceful shower scene, making use of effective sound effects for a touch of realism.

Sound Effectsshowerwaterfoleysfx

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