This audio piece, titled "Small Waterfall with Pre and Post Effects," begins with the immersive, organic sounds of a miniature waterfall captured through field-recording. The raw audio captured by the Tascam DR-07 MK2, a renowned portable audio recorder known for its exceptional sound quality, is presented with pre-effects, allowing listeners to experience the waterfall in its most natural and unaltered state. As the recording progresses, post-effects are carefully layered onto the audio, subtly enhancing the waterfall's sonic details without distorting its essence. These post-effects add depth and dimension, creating a captivating soundscape that transports listeners straight to the heart of a serene, bubbling brook. The balance between the untouched, pre-effect sounds and the enriched, post-effect audio results in a harmonious blend that amplifies the beauty and tranquility of the small waterfall. The audio delivers the soothing, mesmerizing quality of water cascading down rocks,