The audio begins with the resonating echo of wooden drawers being slid open, each one varying in size and tone, creating a rich tapestry of sounds. The distinct creaks and groans of the wood are heard as each drawer is pulled, revealing the stories of years of use and the secrets they hold. This is followed by the subtle, yet noticeable, sound of cupboards being accessed. The heavier, deeper resonance of wooden doors swinging open fills the audio. The noise of their sturdy hinges and the soft rustling of items stored within create an atmosphere of curiosity and exploration. Interspersed with these, the sound of doors and drawers being closed brings a sense of closure and completion. Each shut is defined, the impact of wood against wood creating a satisfying finality to the action. The ambry, the wooden cabinet, and the storage closet each have their unique sounds, reflecting their design and function. The continuous opening and closing, the pushing and pulling, creates a