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cover of Incorrect Number on November 7, 2007
Incorrect Number on November 7, 2007

Incorrect Number on November 7, 2007


The audio begins with the distinctive, steady hum of a dial tone. A hand is heard punching in a series of numbers, creating a rhythmic pattern of beeps. There is a pause, then an automated female voice comes on, smooth and unemotional, stating: "The number you have dialed is incorrect." The statement hangs in the air for a moment, before the dial tone returns, echoing the emptiness of a call gone wrong. The date, November 7, 2007, is mentioned, adding a touch of nostalgia and historic context to the simple yet frustrating experience of dialing a wrong number. The audio ends with the dial tone fading out, leaving behind a sense of unresolved connection.

Sound Effectsdial-tonenumberwrong

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