In the audio titled "For the Agenda", the core narrative is an engaging tale that is centered around planning for future events or circumstances. The story, which is primarily in Urdu, is brimming with profound life lessons and traces a journey that metaphorically represents the idea of preparing oneself for what's yet to come. The audio features a person named 'A' who is engaged in a series of conversations, discussions, and contemplations. The narrative takes a twist as 'A' finds himself/herself caught in the whirlwind of life's unpredictable situations, symbolically represented as 'miny'. 'Aeinda', a term frequently used in the audio, translates to 'future' in Urdu. It becomes a recurrent theme throughout the narrative, highlighting the importance of planning and preparing for the future. The story also emphasizes the idea of 'liay', which means 'for' in Urdu, suggesting the necessity of having a purpose or a goal to work towards. The conversations and interactions in the audio