The audio titled "Door at Toby Hill" begins with the distinct creaking sound of an old, sturdy door being shut. The sound is rich and resonant, creating an intimate atmosphere as if you are standing right next to the closing door. Following the closing of the door, there is a brief moment of silence, an anticipation that engulfs the listener before the gentle jingle of bells resounds. The bells chime softly, their notes floating in the air, creating a contrasting melody against the harsh sound of the door shutting. This sequence repeats, with another door closing, the sound louder and more pronounced than the first, followed by another round of the jingling bells. It's as though each door's closure is being marked, or celebrated, by the chiming of the bells. The audio fades out on the closing of the final door, the sound echoing in the silence, followed by the fading jingle of the bells, leaving the listener in a peaceful