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cover of Crowing of a Rooster (cock-a-doodle-doo)
Crowing of a Rooster (cock-a-doodle-doo)

Crowing of a Rooster (cock-a-doodle-doo)


The audio begins, immersing you in the heart of a bustling countryside scene. The star of the show is a robust and vibrant rooster, his call piercing the tranquil dawn air with energy. His cry, a distinctive and resonant "cock-a-doodle-doo", is a symphonic blend of power and pride, a natural reminder of the dawning day. The rooster's call isn't a simple squawk. It is a rich, layered sound, reminiscent of a seasoned opera singer. It's an expressive cry, carrying the unmistakable character of his species, echoing the essence of all poultry. It is a sound that rouses the world, a clarion call that signals the break of day, and it reverberates across the vast expanses of the countryside. This audio encapsulates the spirit of the rooster, the quintessential representative of the chicken family, whose voice is a timeless symbol of awakening and renewal. The crowing of the rooster

Sound Effectssoundpoultrycryroostercallcock-a-doodle-doochickencock

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