The audio titled "Cosmic Interference" commences with an eerie silence, abruptly punctured by a chilling, resonant sound that echoes through the void. This resounding noise is reminiscent of an alien signal, bizarre and otherworldly, making one's skin crawl with unease. The sound is uncannily similar to a radio frequency interrupted by strange, uninvited static, lending a sense of disturbing mystery to the atmosphere. As the audio progresses, the static evolves into what seems like a series of cryptic revolutions, forming an intricate pattern of sound waves that send chills down the spine. The chilling sequence of sounds induces a sense of dread, like a foreboding message from an unknown cosmic entity. The audio ends with the same eerie silence it began with, but the lingering echo of the alien interference persists, leaving an unsettling aftertaste of the encounter with the unknown. Overall, "Cosmic Interference" is a haunting audio experience that sends listeners on a