The audio titled "Copy of Duffle Smack" commences with the unmistakable sounds of hustle and bustle typically associated with a busy street or public place. A slight rustling becomes apparent, gradually increasing in volume until it becomes clear that the sound is created by someone handling a bag. Seemingly out of nowhere, a resonant smack sound slices through the ambient noise. It's audibly clear that this is the sound of a duffle bag making contact with a hard surface. The smack sound echoes briefly before it fades, leaving the listener with a vivid mental image of a heavy, possibly overstuffed duffle bag being dropped or smacked onto the ground. The audio then transitions into a series of smaller, softer smacking sounds. These are reminiscent of someone rummaging through the contents of the duffle bag, their hands making light smacking noises as they touch and move various objects within the bag. The audio ends with one final, definitive smack of the duffle bag,